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First Thursday Dinner - Taco Night!

Tonight is our monthly First Thursday Dinner - join us at 6pm for Taco Night!

UMC General Conference Information

The quadrennial gathering of the governing body of the United Methodist Church has almost completed its work for this session - they are scheduled to wrap up their work on Friday afternoon.

Several major pieces of legislation have been passed, some of which take effect upon the conclusion of the General Conference, and some of which will require ratification by members of the Annual Conference gatherings across the denomination, over the next 12-18 months.

We will talk more about these legislative changes in the weeks to come, and you'll hear more from me then (I am off this Sunday, Brian Maceyak will bring the message). I know that some will be relieved and joyful with the enacted/proposed changes, and others will be saddened or upset.

But in the words of the founder of Methodism, John Wesley:

"We believe the written word of God to be the only and sufficient rule both of Christian faith and practice...We believe Christ to be the eternal, supreme God...

But as to all opinions which do not strike at the root of Christianity,

we think and let think."

The Gospel and our declaration that Jesus is our Risen Lord and Savior, remain the core tenets of our faith and our shared life together. This is not the first, nor will it be the last time, that folks within our congregation disagree on issues. But it has not stopped us, and will not stop us, from continuing to faithfully live out our shared faith together.

Regardless of how you feel, know that nothing that was passed will change the ministry and work of the local church at Buckhall - we continue to be able to contextualize our work in/around our community and all will continue to be welcome to worship with us.

If you are inclined to follow or research the developments, PLEASE, follow the official UMC news outlets and resources. Mainstream media outlets will report on events, but no matter their own biases or intentions, they cannot tell the full story because they do not fully understand (or, in all honesty, care to understand) the ins and outs of how the denomination functions.

Please don't hesitate to let me know if you have any questions, or would like more information on what's going on.


"He Is Risen!"

This eternal truth that we proclaimed together on Easter Sunday doesn't end on Easter. As the Easter season continues, we are reminded that as disciples of Jesus Christ, we are empowered by and sent on mission by our RISEN Lord and Savior every single day of our lives, individually, and together as a church.

In our Easter sermon series, we're exploring what that requires, what it looks like, and how we can ensure we are always on the MOVE for Jesus as a church.

I would love to see everyone bring your Bible to church on Sundays (or have it with you if you're online) - and if you don't have one, pick one up from the table in the church lobby! If you're not local to the area, send me an email and I will be happy to get you a copy.

This Sunday's Message:

Every No Brings You Closer To Yes | Acts 24

Click the scripture reference above or on the image below for a link to the Bible passage



NEW - May Community Needs

Thank you for being the hands and feet of Jesus Christ through our monthly collections, you are making a difference in the lives of so many who are right here in our communities.


Both of our regular adult Bible studies are in progress -

and it's never too late to join in!

Our Sunday morning study meets at 8:45am in the Gathering Room and is led by Dave McPherson.

Our Monday study meets at 7:30pm in the Fellowship Hall and is available both in-person and via Zoom. It is led by Brian Maceyak.

Buckhall Prayer List Update

As always, this list is not just a reminder of those who've asked for prayer, but also to remind us of the promises we made when we became part of the church, to support it with our prayers.

Please note: We are moving towards a new policy, prayer requests will kept on the ongoing prayer list for approximately one month. If the prayer concern needs to be left longer, please let Kathy or Pastor Sean know, and we'll be happy to keep it on the list.

Please be in prayers for these individuals and their families, as well as for our church & community!

This week's prayer requests:

Linda Smith

Kathy & Gary

Storm victims from last week's tornadoes in the Midwest

Prayers for the work of the UMC General Conference meeting in Charlotte

Those recovering from surgery and medical procedures

Ongoing Prayer Requests:

Leora Wilson (Jeff Hanes' mother)

Joann & Ken Lafferty

Scott McDonell

Ann Crider

Jim Craun (Ann Crider's brother)

Prayers for Dewayne's recovery

Juan Ovalles (Seneida McPherson's brother)

Prayers for our unsheltered neighbors, who need the Hypothermia Shelter

For peace and the people of Israel & Gaza

Sylvia & Michael Strum (Cheryl Wedel's parents)

Kevin Clark

Mike Oliver (Sarah Maceyak's father)

If you have updates for the prayer list, or if you would like someone added to the list, please contact Pastor Sean or Kathy Clark.

Thank you for reading this weekly update, I look forward to seeing you this Sunday in-person or online.

He is risen, He is risen indeed!

Go and be the church - Be the light and love of Christ -

To all in our community and to the world.

Buckhall Church | 703.368.0276 |

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