With the Vermont housing world in crisis, our most vulnerable neighbors and their families are feeling the pinch of high costs, low availability, and poor conditions.
In the face of these challenges, CVOEO’s statewide Housing Advocacy Programs (HAP) team strives every day to support all Vermonters, and especially renters, mobile home residents, and people experiencing housing discrimination. HAP staff help build individual and community knowledge, confidence, and agency in rental housing and mobile home law, fair housing protections, strategies for finding and maintaining rental housing, and community engagement.
In the past year, with the support of local and statewide partners, the HAP team:
- assisted 848 individuals with information, referrals, and navigation of emergency habitability situations through the Vermont Tenants hotline
- guided 347 people through Tenant Skills and Finding Housing classes
- supported 272 households (338 adults and 317 children) in finding homes through the HAP CARES Housing Voucher Program
- served 220 mobile home households via the Hotline and connected 68 mobile home communities to information and resources
- provided 163 housing and service providers and municipal officials with essential training in fair housing rights and responsibilities
We have accomplished so much over the past year, and yet there are still too many people who don’t have access to safe, accessible, and stable homes. Housing is a basic human right and everyone deserves equitable access to securing and maintaining a home, free from discrimination.
Together, we can make a difference. Join us today to sustain and grow our programs, and to ensure that all Vermonters have a place to call home.