See what is happening at Grace Lutheran!

July 6, 2023

This is a quick weekly reminder of what is happening at Grace

in worship and in ways to connect and serve.

Pastor's Message

Summer Stretch

While in Seminary, I was the Children's Ministry Director at Christ Church in the Longfellow neighborhood of Minneapolis. This congregation was very traditional and would teach its children the circle of the church year. Check out the circle image for details. It really is a wonderful way of experiencing God's story. As you can see the Summer months are green and labeled as Ordinary Time. That isn't my favorite description. I like to call these days, the GREEN GROWING DAYS! Here in Minnesota in the summer months lots of growing is happening. Despite the drought, I am told corn was knee-high by the fourth of July! Our kids do a lot of growing in the summer too. Physically and spiritually! Here are Grace, we are fortunate to have inherited the Summer Stretch program for our middle schoolers. Summer Stretch is a dynamic ministry opportunity for our youth to stretch their faith, friendships, and call to serve in our community! So far, our youth have served in various ways at Rise Incorporated and Springbrook Nature Center. And they have learned new skills at Average Joe's Archery and enjoyed the art at the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden! There are many more service sites and adventures remaining for the rest of summer. They will serve at Feed My Starving Children, Second Harvest Heartland, Global Health Ministries, and Hope4Youth. They will go to CheapSkate, Urban Air, Bunker Beach, and Valley Fair. As well as participate in a Bible Study called Sent Together where we are looking to stories in the Bible where characters are sent to serve in God's name! Together we wonder if and how God is calling us to be Sent Together to serve. Dave Kolar is our head chaperone and each week returns after a day with our youth and says they are the best group of kids he has worked with! Check out some of the images from Summer Stretch so far! I am grateful for our high school junior leaders who are helping us this summer and those high schoolers who will join us for Christikon and Appalachia Service Project trips later in July! God is stretching us in these green growing days! Not just our youth either! How is God working, moving, and stretching you this summer?

Keep growing, 

Pastor Maria Markman


Summer Sunday Worship Times



Ministries News

A Note of Thank You

There are no words. We don’t know what to say. We are trying to put into words that which is beyond our language. Words of deep sorrow and words of deep gratitude always sound inadequate. For the past 3 weeks people have come before me with “I don’t know what to say.” And yet they did know what to feel. Again, only an attempt at putting words to the depth of feeling. Shock. Loss. Inner physical pain, especially around the heart and chest. Clearly shared feelings. Now, as we move through the aftershocks of Matthew’s passing, we read the cards, we recall the kindnesses and generosity, we have no words to express our deep gratitude. The Family of Grace stepped into our loss and has truly shared it. We acknowledge the work, the efforts of so many people, the pastors, the musicians, the amazing kitchen team, the church staff, those who set up the church building to receive and welcome those who were mourning with us, the ushers and sound people, and for anyone we are missing, we thank you. For the outpouring of love and comfort in the form of cards, food and hospitality for our family, and memorials for Matthew, we thank you. The day of the funeral had a profound feeling of flowing, palpable love. The source of that love is Jesus, God, and Holy Spirit. So we also acknowledge and give thanks to the Triune God who called into being the Family of Grace. Thank you.

Some people have asked where memorials are to be directed. We have decided on 3 places that seem to echo Matthew’s gifts. Haven for Heroes is a veteran support organization in Anoka. Matthew worked there for a summer. Not only did he learn work skills, but he also learned to walk alongside people who were going through a time of healing and recovery. The second is Center for Leadership and Engagement, an organization dedicated to helping people in Minneapolis who long for welcome, safety, and belonging. Finally, we will give a portion designated to the Children, Youth and Family Ministry here at Grace. The children’s programming that Matthew received laid the groundwork for a loving, generous, and bold life. We pray that children will continue to be blessed.


The Weikle's

Girls Night Out

July 11th at 6:00pm

The next Girls Night Out is scheduled for Tuesday, July 11th at 6:00pm at Acapulco Restaurant in Andover. Please RSVP by clicking the REALM link.

Click Here To Register

Family Table meal happens the 3rd Sunday of each month from about 11:30am 12:30pm. Help is needed monthly to provide and/or prepare food, pack meals or deliver to waiting vehicles. If you can help with either, please sign up on Sign Up Genius by clicking the link below or contact Lynda Wilde 612.418.644 This does not need to be a monthly commitment! The calendar is available through the end of the year.

Also, if you have a friend or neighbor who could use a meal, feel free to pick one up! Our July meal will be Stuffed Peppers.

Click Here to Volunteer

Food Shelf Needs

The following items are needed for Grace's Food Shelf. Please drop of non-expired, non-glass containers at the Church Office.

Peanut Butter

Hamburger/Tuna Helper

Canned Stews


Baked Beans

Boxed Dinners

Canned Fruit

Pancake Mix

Pancake Syrup


Cake & Brownie Mixes

Crackers or Snack Food

Grace's Opportunities for Giving
Noisy Offering

Noisy Offerings in July will be going to the Mattke Family House Fire and Seeds of Grace Scholarships

Go To GraceRealm Here
Give Electronically through GraceRealm

Consider electronic giving on GraceRealm. It’s a convenient way to give consistently throughout the year. If you have any questions, contact Tracie or Marie in the Church Office or Click on the GraceRealm link below.

If you are wondering where your giving is for the year, please log in to GraceRealm. Find "Giving" on the tool bar. Then select "My Giving History."  

Click Here for GraceRealm
Grace's Resources

Matching Donations for

Wells Fargo & Medtronic Employees

If you currently have a Wells Fargo or Medtronic matching donation to Grace going through your employers payroll, please contact Tracie Russell or Marie Kolar for updated banking information.

Prayers of the Church 

We pray for: Lydia Becker, Scott Plourde, Vicki Anderson, Ann Lange, Lois Hawkins, Cherry Rae Rueberg, Kenny Zupon, Rick Burnham, Jeff Burnham, Shirley Fystrom, Kristi Riley. And also those in need of long-term prayer: Leah Hadler, Rick & Linda Breyette, Kristi Riley, Marty Lukaszewski, Clint Trousil, Lois Vadner, Diane Rosky, Shannan Gautschi, Harland Johnson, Shirley Fystrom, Alison Husak, Juleen Klawiter, Stephanie and Samantha Fernandez, Linda Christiansen, Judi Wold, and Ralph & Colleen Wernimont.

We pray for those in the midst of heartache, grief, or pain, be with Pete, Anne & Will Weikle as the mourn the tragic death of their son and brother, Matthew Weikle.


Fall Preview Grace Notes

Due August 1st

Wait! Summer is just getting started?!? Yes, we understand and even if you do not have definite dates for your ministry or event, the fall preview of Grace Notes is a way to highlight a ministry/event's purpose, plans, and/or needs for the programming year. Grace Notes should be in homes in mid-August. Please have your articles in Word format to Marie Kolar ( by 5pm on August 1, 2023.


Pastors' Blog


Listen to the Sermon from Last Weekend

Grace Notes

Grace Calendar of Events
