Spring 2022 Tenant Newsletter
Spring 2022 Tenant Newsletter
4120 Atlantic Ave.
Long Beach, CA 90807
(562) 989-9835

DRE License #01251870
Office Hours
At this time, due to COVID-19, our office will remain closed on Saturdays until further notice. We sincerely apologize for this inconvenience.

Monday-Friday from 8:30am - 5:00pm

In observance of Memorial Day, our office will be closed on
Monday, May 30th
Reminder: Rent is due the 1st of every month



The Long Beach Emergency Rental Assistance Program (LB-ERAP) is designed to assist landlords and income-eligible tenants (renters) who have experienced financial loss or hardship due to COVID-19 through rental assistance. LB-ERAP is part of the Long Beach Recovery Act. The federal Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 provides the funding to support the program, which is designed to implement the tenant protection laws enacted by the State of California (SB 91). The program is established to provide assistance exclusively to landlords and tenants in Long Beach and is separate from the State’s rental assistance program. Applicants should not apply to the State program if the unit for which they are seeking assistance is located in the City.

  • LB-ERAP will help income-eligible tenants pay rent and utilities, both for past due bills and future payments. The program will prioritize assisting lower-income tenants who have been unemployed for 90 days or more and who are at risk of housing instability.


Eligible landlords who participate in LB-ERAP can get reimbursed for 100% of an eligible tenant’s unpaid rent from April 1, 2020, to present for a total of 15 months.

Eligible tenants can apply for 100% of the past due rent from April 1, 2020, to present for a total of 15 months, which will be paid by the City directly to their landlord. Eligible tenants whose landlords choose not to participate in the program may apply on their own and receive 100% of unpaid rent from April 1, 2020, to present for a total of 15 months. 

Detailed information about eligibility requirements can be found in the "Information for Landlords" and "Information for Tenants" sections below.

Eligible tenants can receive prospective (future) rental assistance equal to 100% of their monthly rent for up to three months.

Eligible tenants may also receive assistance for unpaid utility bills accumulated from April 1, 2020, to the present. LB-ERAP will pay the full unpaid amount, limited to a total of 12 months. The tenant must provide documentation that the utility bills are in their name or attest that the bills are directly related to the unit in which they live. Unpaid utility bills will be paid directly to the utility company.

Landlords who own or manage at least one residential rental unit in the City of Long Beach. Tenants (renters) who rent a residential unit or a room in the City of Long Beach.
This program only serves tenants and landlords in the City of Long Beach. If you need assistance and are not sure if your unit or property is eligible for LB-ERAP, you may be eligible for the State program.

For questions or updates about applications, please visit the application portal or call the LB-ERAP Information & Support Line, hosted by Yardi Systems, the City's program partner, from Mon. – Fri., 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. at 833.358.5372.

Rental Assistance Resources

Any questions or concerns about paying rent due to COVID-19, please send an email to our Accounting Department with your property address and unit number (if applicable) at The normal response time is within 24 hours.
Tenants Can Now Provide Proof of Insurance in the Online Portal
By Appfolio

If you already have renters insurance, you can upload your insurance details along with a copy of your declaration/certificate of insurance.

1.     Click on the Insurance tab.
2.     In the Upload Other Renters Insurance Policy block, you will enter the following details:

  • Insurance Company Name
  • Policy Number
  • Policy Expiration Date

3.     Then you will click Add Proof of Insurance (Declaration or Certificate) to upload a copy of your insurance.
4.     You will then click Submit Policy Information. Your policy information will populate in the Tenant Provided Insurance block of your tenant page and the proof of insurance file will be saved to the Attachments block.

Tenants Can Also Purchase the Online Portal Roost Renters Insurance

 You can now purchase a policy from Roost Renters Insurance through your Online Portal.

1.     On the Online Portal, you can see the Renters Insurance section on the home page as well as the Insurance tab on the left.

  • Clicking Learn More takes you to an overview of Roost policy features and information.     
  • Clicking Purchase Renters Insurance begins the buying flow.

2.     On step one, your contact information will be automatically populated using information from your Online Portal. 
3.     On step two, your property information will be automatically populated using information from your portal.
4.     On step four, you will receive a final quote and can review your chosen policy. If desired, you can go back to change your coverage options. When ready to proceed, you may enter your credit card information and billing address (if different from the property address) and click Next to continue.
5.     On step five, you review your payment information and agree to the Roost Terms and Conditions. Clicking Purchase will finalize the purchase of your policy.
6.     The confirmation page confirms coverage has been purchased and displays the policy details. You will receive a confirmation email providing links to your policy documents.
7.     The Roost Renters Insurance box on the homepage in your Online Portal will now display a link to your self-service portal at
Need to Give Your Notice to Vacate?
By Appofolio

Tenants can give their notice to move out at any time on the Contact Us tab of the Online Portal. Below are the steps one can take to give notice from the Contact Us tab.

1.     Once you log into the Online Portal you will click on Contact Us from the navigation bar on the left.
2.     In the Contact Options block, you will then click on Give Notice to Vacate. You will be taken to a Move Out Notice form where you can provide details.
3.     Enter your Desired Move Out Date.
4.     Then enter your Reason For Leaving.
5.     You can select whether or not you already know their forwarding address. If
you select Yes, you can provide your forwarding address in the fields that follow.
6.     When complete, click Submit.