Your monthly update for February 2023

Dear Pirate Crew,

Wow, it has been a busy 6 weeks since the spring semester began. I know we all feel the fast pace of our roles and responsibilities. It is important to take care of yourself and connect with joy and your personal “Why.” I am finding joy in teaching a class at CLU and appreciate the enthusiasm of my students wanting to learn about community colleges and organizational structures. We discussed how positional authority (titles) in our organization is not what is important. It is all about the relationships you build! I truly value you and the relationships that we have built. I know that we are not always in agreement which keeps our work challenging and exciting as we work toward consensus and serving our students.

In this newsletter, I wanted to demonstrate the capabilities of ChatGPT. Perhaps you have heard of this AI platform that is able to craft responses to questions you pose. There is a lot of discussion in our field regarding the use of it, so I wanted to test just how advanced this platform is. I asked it two questions:

1) What is the importance of relationship building versus position power?

ChatGPT response:

The importance of relationship building versus position power is a matter of balancing the advantages and disadvantages of both approaches to leadership and influence.

Position power refers to the power and authority that one holds due to their role or title within an organization. This type of power can be effective in getting things done quickly, as those with position power have the ability to make decisions and enforce rules. However, it can also lead to resistance and resentment if people feel that their opinions or perspectives are not being heard or respected.

On the other hand, relationship building is about creating connections with others and establishing trust and mutual respect. This approach can help to foster collaboration and teamwork, as people are more likely to work together and support one another when they have strong relationships. It can also help to build commitment and buy-in, as people are more likely to be invested in a shared goal when they feel connected to those they are working with.

Both relationship building and position power have their strengths and weaknesses, and the most effective leaders often use a combination of both approaches to achieve their goals. By using position power when necessary to make decisions and enforce rules, while also building relationships and fostering collaboration, leaders can create a work environment that is both productive and supportive.

Ultimately, the importance of relationship building versus position power will depend on the context and the situation, as well as the goals and values of the individuals involved. In most cases, a balanced approach that combines both relationship building and position power is likely to be the most effective.


2) Explain the significance of Black History Month

ChatGPT response:

Black History Month, also known as African American History Month, is an annual observance in the United States and Canada that recognizes and celebrates the contributions and achievements of African Americans throughout history. It is observed in the United States during the month of February and in Canada during the month of February or October.

The significance of Black History Month lies in its purpose to educate people about the important role that African Americans have played in shaping the history and culture of the United States and to acknowledge the struggles and obstacles they have faced and overcome. Through events, exhibits, and other activities, people can learn about the historical and cultural heritage of African Americans and gain a deeper understanding of the challenges and triumphs of this community.

Black History Month is also significant because it serves as a reminder that African American history is an integral part of American history and should be recognized and celebrated throughout the year, not just in the month of February. It provides an opportunity for communities to come together to acknowledge the importance of diversity and to work towards greater racial understanding and equality.

Overall, Black History Month is an important observance that helps to raise awareness of the contributions and achievements of African Americans and to promote a greater understanding and appreciation of the diversity of cultures and perspectives that make up our society.


I will let you judge for yourself, but I was fascinated at the speed, organization, and overall content of the response. This certainly has an impact for education and how this tool is utilized by students, further reimaging technology like Turnitin to detect its usage. See the The Chronicle of Higher Education article, “ChatGPT Has Everyone Freaking out About Cheating. It’s Not the First Time.”

Finally, at the VCCCD Board of Trustee meeting on February 14, the following faculty were granted tenureCongratulations!!!!!

  • Luis Ayala Garcia - EOPS Counselor
  • Sheehan Casey - Athletic Counselor
  • Vanessa Chacon - Veteran’s Counselor
  • Daniel Gonzalez-Albor - EOPS Counselor
  • Daniella Graves - Sociology
  • Nick Norris - Business
  • Kafui Okosun - Nursing
  • Lynnette Taylor - Nursing
  • Jimmy Walker - Athletic Director

Best wishes and Happy Valentine’s month,


President Hoffmans and Academic Senate President Dan Clark congratulate newly tenured faculty at the February Board of Trustees meeting. 

Pictured left to right are Kim Hoffmans, Jimmy Walker, Dan Clark, Sheehan Casey, Vanessa Chacon, and Daniella Graves. Photo by Alexander Rock Fredell

There was a great turn out at the Ventura vs. Oxnard basketball games on January 28. VC President Kim Hoffmans and OC President Oscar Cobian are keeping the rivalry friendly as they pose for a photo together. Not that anyone is keeping track, but the Pirates did win both games that night. 

Koffee with Kim 

  • Tuesday, March 21 at 3 p.m. 
  • Thursday, April 20 at 9 a.m. 

Captain’s Chat

  • Wednesday, March 8 at 2 p.m. 
  • Tuesday, April 18 at 2 p.m.

Open Executive Team Meeting

  • Monday, March 13 at 2:30 p.m.

Celebration of Successes

  • End of Year Celebration & Retiree Recognition – Thursday, May 4 at 11:30 a.m.

Highlighting the amazing Administration, Faculty, Classified Professionals, and Students that make up our Pirate family. This month's highlights include: Christian Johns (Bursar), Alex Kolesnik (Math Faculty), Maria Magaña (Administrative Assistant), Isabella Coronado (ASVC Director of Equity & Inclusion).

Read their stories here!

Christian Johns - VC Administrator

Alex Kolesnik - VC Faculty

Maria Magaña - VCEC Classified

Isabella Coronado - VC Student

Michelle Arias, Administrative Assistant (Student Services)

William Slason, Alternate Media Specialist

ASVC Black History Month Event

Our Associated Students teamed up with the Anthropology Club to host events at VC and VCEC to celebrate and bring awareness to Black authors, media, and businesses.

Black History Month zoom background and email signature graphics can be downloaded from Widen! All logos and event photos can be found at the link below.

Widen Photo Gallery

Veterinarian Technician Graduation Ceremony

Last month, Ventura College celebrated the graduation ceremony for the first cohort of our new Veterinary Technology Program.

Our program is the first Veterinary Technology program in Ventura County. It was originally scheduled to launch in the fall of 2020, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the program launch was delayed. As such, the first year of the program was offered at an accelerated pace so students could complete the program by December 2022 as originally planned.

The 16 students who completed their Associate of Science in Veterinary Technology degrees are now preparing to take the Veterinary Technician National Exam to become Registered Veterinary Technicians. Congratulations to the graduates: Jasmin Bedolla, Andres Bonilla, Skyler Castaneda, Dominique Delgadillo, Carissa Flinn, Maria Gabriela Garcia Contreras, Sara Gutierrez, Cassandra Haas, Stephanie Hernandez, Samantha Medrano Rivera, Gina Mendez, Cynthia Meyers, Montserrate Pachur, Jacqueline Patt, Andrew Quezada, and Kristin Thow.

Applications for the fall 2023 Veterinary Technology cohort are due April 10, 2023. There will be a

Vet Tech Information Session on February 15 at VC East Campus.

VC Foundation Holds a President’s Circle Event with VC Athletics

The VC Foundation hosted a President’s Circle Basketball Reception in collaboration with VC Athletics last month. More than 25 guests attended the VC Women’s and Men’s Basketball games against Oxnard College, and enjoyed food, drinks, and mingling. 

The reception was an opportunity to honor the partnership between the VC Athletics and the VC Foundation, as well as express gratitude for the donors that were present during the event and games. VC President, Dr. Kim Hoffmans, and VC Women’s Water Polo Head Coach, Linda Wright, spoke to event attendees along with VC Men’s Basketball Head Coach, Jimmy Ramirez, and Track & Field student-athlete, Xavier Terminello. Special guests included Ventura County Community College District Chancellor, Dr. Rick MacLennan and his wife, and Oxnard College’s Acting President, Dr. Oscar Cobian. 

The President’s Circle offers an opportunity to join a select group of prominent alumni and friends whose unrestricted annual support of $1,000 or more makes a crucial difference to our students and provides the VC Foundation maximum flexibility to respond to current needs.

For more info visit our website or contact Gerry Pantoja or 805-289-6158.

President's Circle Website

Upcoming Art Show

"Pertenencia: Belonging" - an exhibition that will showcase Chicano/a artists who visually narrate their stories of identity, cultural navigation, heritage as well as the expression of ongoing socio-political struggles all through the power of art. Featured artists include Margaret Garcia, Eloy Torrez, Eric Almanza, and Stephanie Godoy. The exhibition will be on display at the New Media Gallery, from February 23 - March 23.

The opening reception will be Thursday, February 23 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Don't Forget to Update Your Emergency Contact Info!

  1. Visit your MyVCCCD portal
  2. Click the MY INFORMATION tab in the upper right corner
  3. Click the CONTACT INFORMATION section
  4. Scroll down to find your Emergency Contact Information

And... while you're there, review your employee information and make any necessary updates!

Update your Contact Info!

Favorite Teacher Night With the Women's Basketball Team

Six VC instructors were honored as favorites by the Women's Basketball Team. Congratulations to the instructors who were selected. What a great tradition!

  • Erin Broker - Chemistry
  • Fernando Hernadez - Spanish
  • Corrina McKoy - Politcal Science
  • Joey Ramirez - Health
  • Steve Turner - EAC
  • Jaclyn Walker - English 

Ventura College 2023 Self-Evaluation Report

Read our Institutional Self-Evaluation Report (ISER) to learn more about our strengths and opportunities for improvement and innovation.

View the Report Here

Need Help With Your Taxes? FREE Service Available!

Schedule an appointment at Ventura College East Campus for FREE tax preparation and filing through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program. Available at Ventura College East Campus in Santa Paula until April 30. To schedule your appointment call 2-1-1 or click on the link below to make an appointment.

Schedule Free Tax Appointment

Student Housing Update

Ventura College leadership has been working with the DAC Business and Administrative Services department to develop Requests for Qualifications/Proposals (RFQ/P) for project management, construction management and architectural services for Student Housing. After discussions with Vice Chancellor El Fattal, district attorney and consultants, it was decided that one firm should be hired for both the project management and construction management services. The project management/construction management RFQ/P was issued in mid February. Proposals will be received around March 8, interviews approximately the week of March 20 and awarding the contract at the April Board of Trustee meeting. As soon as the project/construction management firm is selected, the architect services RFP will be completed and issued. 

Ventura College’s Facilities Operation Group (FOG) is the advisory group designated with making recommendations related to the student housing project construction and operation. The group includes faculty, classified professionals and management. Many of them have previous experience in student housing and bring a variety of experience to the process. This group will review the RFQ/P proposals and work closely with the selected project management firm to ensure campus and community involvement throughout the design and development of procedures. To date, there has not been much for this group to do. Once the project/construction management firm is onboard, we anticipate regular meetings will start happening and an updated timeline developed.

Kids Heart Challenge at Piru Elementary School

Ventura College has adopted Piru Elementary School to create community, heart health, and to inspire a college-going culture for young students.

Last month we visited Piru Elementary School with the American Heart Association to begin our partnership for the Kids Heart Challenge. This collaboration with VC Outreach, VC East Campus, Fillmore Unified School District and the American Heart Association will assist 500 students in understanding the importance of incorporating healthy habits into their daily routines. The Piru Elementary students will have the opportunity to take a field trip to Ventura College on March 15.

This 12- week challenge will be monitored by our VC Outreach team who will offer support, swag and Spanish translation during assemblies. The culmination of the challenge will be a graduation ceremony, tentatively planned at Ventura College with each student receiving a “Future Pirate” T-shirt and “diploma.” Piru Elementary School is home to one of Ventura College’s ESL classes to meet the need of the small community.

Education, community, and heart health! It’s a recipe for lifelong wellness!

Professional Development

Ventura College is happy to bring Professional Development opportunities to staff, faculty, and administration to help develop new skills and stay up to date on current trends that are always evolving within our campus community. Upcoming event information can be found in the Classified Professional Development Corner, SharePoint, and the Master Calendar. Please visit us at Professional Development | Ventura College for more information.  


Upcoming Events   

February 24 - New Faculty On-Boarding (Full Time)


  • State Vision Resource Center 
  • The Vision Resource Center is a portal for professional development and colleague connection throughout all of California’s Community Colleges.   
  • USC Race and Equity Center
  • The Alliance unites community colleges across the state of California for high-quality professional learning experiences on an array of topics pertaining to racial equity. 
  • Log In Portal 
  • Registration 

Cash for College

Our financial aid team has worked hard to prepare for our annual Cash for College events. Financial Aid Staff welcomes and assists returning VC students as well as seniors from our local high schools. Students receive help with FAFSA and California Dream Act Applications. The photo above was taken at our Feb. 11 event that was held at our main VC campus. Our final event of the semester will take place this Saturday, Feb. 25 at our VCEC campus.

Basic Needs Drive-Thru Food Pantries

In January, the Basic Needs Center partnered with Student Services for another set of successful drive-thru food pantry events. Students met with representatives from the many student services and received free groceries and a free lunch from L&T Catering. Drive-thru events will continue through May at each campus.

VC Foundation Staff Recognized

Congratulations to the Ventura College Foundation’s Executive Director Anne Paul King for being named as an honoree in the Pacific Coast Business Times’ Who’s Who in Nonprofits & Foundations and to Director of Philanthropy, Gerry Pantoja for being selected as the Young Professional of the Year during the Ventura Chamber of Commerce’s 2022 Poinsettia Awards in December. Additionally, Gerry was recently installed as an Executive Committee Member to the Ventura Chamber’s Board of Directors. Congratulations, Anne & Gerry! 

Read More Here!

VC Foundation Provides $776,264 in Direct Student Support

The Ventura College Foundation distributed $776,264 in direct student support ($756,908 was in the form of scholarships) during the 2021-22 academic year, and another $1.24 million to 68 Ventura College programs across 16 departments and divisions. "The student scholarship distribution is our largest ever," says Anne Paul King, VC Foundation executive director. “A growing community donor based helped us reach the $1.24 million mark to support Ventura College programs.”

Read More

Thank You VC Employees for Your Support! 

With gratitude we invite you to celebrate the philanthropic investment you and numerous donors made this past academic year by viewing our 2021-22 Impact Report below. 

2021-22 Impact Report

Join the VC Foundation Scholarship Review Committee 

This committee is a team of community members, alumni, friends, family, and/or Ventura College employees who review all applications received for the VCF Scholarship Program.  

  • Committee members can review as few as four applications or up to 10!
  • Reviews are done on your own schedule. You just need a computer and internet connection to score applications
  • Applications are randomly assigned to each reviewer and each application is read by a total of three readers

For more information, contact Miscin Martinez at or 805-289-6161.

Upcoming VC Foundation Events

VC East Campus and Santa Paula Chamber of Commerce Mixer

Thursday, March 2 | 5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. | Ventura College East Campus

VC Foundation’s 34th Annual Scholarship Awards Ceremony

Thursday, May 18

Check-In at 4 p.m., Program starts at 5 p.m. at the VC Sportsplex Field

RSVP for Chamber of Commerce Mixer

A Pirate Treasure is a way to recognize colleagues and say thank you for outstanding support to our college community.

Acknowledge your Peers
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