Religious Education Newsletter

April 2024

Message from the Director

Jessie Adrians, Director of Religious Education

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

Hebrews 10:24-25

Happy Easter, families!   It is hard to believe that it is already the first week of May and that we are a little over two weeks away from Pentecost, which marks the end of the Easter season.  

The month of April sped by for our family.  April is usually a very busy one for me, due to the fact that I coordinate First Eucharist Celebrations and they typically take place during the month of April.  This year April was particularly hectic because my son Andrew received his First Eucharist on April 20th.  

In the weeks leading up to Andrew’s First Euchrist, my days were filled with attending to various details that I have never had to worry about as the DRE.  These details included ordering a cake, making a First Eucharist banner,  keeping track of RSVPs to his party, and making sure his First Communion suit actually fit.  

In addition to getting our “outsides” ready, Andrew and I focused on making sure our hearts were ready by going to Confession and praying a First Eucharist novena together.  With such a flurry of activity, I have to admit that when we arrived at the day of his First Eucharist, I was not feeling as peaceful as I would have liked.  Andrew, for his part, was, as expected, excited but also a little nervous.

As we lined up to process in with the rest of the First Communion families, my mind was flooded with a thousand different thoughts and feelings.  It wasn’t until we actually started following the Cross Bearer that I suddenly became aware of the fact that on every side of the aisle we were surrounded by people who had loved and supported Andrew and our family over the past 7 years. 

When I looked to my left, I saw the smiling faces of my two sisters.  When I looked to the right, there were Marlin, Linda, Rick, Diane, Kathy and other honorary grandparents who had taken Andrew under their wing.  In the choir area were Kim and Karen, who are never too busy to hear Andrew’s stories about his Legos.  In the back were Penny, who allows Andrew to train as a sacristan, and Jim and Peter, ushers who let Andrew stand next to them during Mass when he was 4 so mom could do her part to keep church running during the “COVID adventure.”  Last but not least, following us in the procession were Fr. Tom and Deacon John who have shown Andrew that to be a leader is to be the servant of all.  

The list of people who have supported us goes on and on, and I simply cannot name everyone.  But long story short, by the time we got to our home pew my eyes were full of happy tears and my heart was overflowing with gratefulness.  That feeling of gratitude continued well into the night as family and friends gathered with us at Fr. Carr’s for Andrew’s party.  

Later, as I reflected on the day, I realized that Andrew’s preparation for receiving Jesus in the Eucharist began well before his second grade year.  In fact, it has its roots in his baptism.  It was at his baptism that Josh and I, his Godparents, and the community promised to help bring up Andrew in the faith and love of Jesus.  And while I have done my best as Andrew’s parent to do this, I realize that there were many times I fell short, and that is where the community stepped in as the hands and feet of Jesus and filled in the gaps.  Andrew has absolutely no doubt that he is loved, both by God and his church family.  Receiving Jesus in the Eucharist is a key element of his greater life of faith, a life that began in the waters of baptism and does not end with First Eucharist or Confirmation.  Our life of faith continues on into eternity and as the Body of Christ, we were made to love and support one another. There are no outcasts.  We all belong. 

That feeling of belonging is something we all long for and it doesn’t end just because classes are not longer in session.  Jesus calls us each and every day to follow Him and care for each other.  Here are some ways to stay connected as a church family as we head into the summer months.  Click on the links to find out more about each option: 

I want to say thank you to each one of you for the many you ministered to our families (including mine) during the 2023/2024 RE school year.  Registration for the 2024/2025 RE school year began on May 1st.  Click here to learn how to register. Josh, Andrew and I are looking forward to another year of journeying with your family as we grow in the love and faith of Jesus together.  

Jessie Adrians 

Director of Religious Education

Family Outreach

Kathy Baehman, Youth Ministry Assistant & Family Outreach Coordinator

Summer break will be here soon!  Children are looking forward to lazy summer days and endless hours of playing outside in the sunshine!

I have seen some great “Summer Bucket Lists” online full of fun ideas for making the most of summer break and the warm weather.  You can print a list adding some of your own ideas, and then spend the summer checking off the boxes–make s’mores, visit a museum, catch fireflies, read in a hammock…these lists can be quite comprehensive!

But beyond the normal fun in the sun activities, your family can prioritize living your faith as a family this summer.  We know first hand how easy it is to have good intentions and little follow-through, so putting prayer and service into your bucket list will remind you of your goals and help keep you accountable.  If, at the end of summer, you’ve been to the pool every week, but the Adoration Chapel only a few times, the list will tell you.  It will help you make prayer and service a high priority and also get you excited to do these things together.

If you’re making a Summer Bucket List for your family, here are some ideas to help you live your Catholic faith together this summer!

  • Visit the Adoration Chapel
  • Do yard work for an elderly neighbor
  • Make a pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Champion
  • Pick wildflowers, make a card, and take them to a homebound parishioner
  • Make a meal for someone in your parish who is sick or just had a baby
  • Invite friends over for a barbeque and family rosary
  • Pray the stations of the Cross outside
  • Make dinner for your parish priests or invite them to your house
  • Host a lemonade stand on behalf of your local pregnancy resource center
  • Have a movie night and watch the Chosen
  • Go on a hike and pray the Rosary

I pray that you all have a safe and fun summer filled with the Joy of the Lord!

Kathy Baehman

Family Outreach Coordinator/Youth Ministry Assistant

Sunday School

Gwendolyn Noto, Sunday School Coordinator PK/K

Hello Families,

What a wonderful year of Sunday school! This last month we learned about Easter and talked about what Jesus did for us on the cross. We also talked about the story of the Loaves and Fishes and how Jesus was able to feed the 5000 with only 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread. The kids had a blast playing the loaves and fishes game. 

For our final Sunday school class we had an end of the year celebration where we played Bingo, did lots of crafts, talked about David and Goliath and the importance of being brave and believing that anything is possible if you have faith in the Lord. 

Thank you to all the Sunday school families for bringing your children and allowing them to learn about our faith. Please know that I will continue to pray for all of you! 

What are ways you can continue to live out a Christ centered life everyday? How can you be brave like David this summer?

Have a wonderful summer,

Gwendolyn Noto

Sunday School Coordinator PK/K

Elementary School

Jenifer Jensen, Elementary School Coordinator

Our classes wrapped up last month! We had so many wonderful things that happened during April.  The first grade learned about the risen Lord and created thank you cards for our priests and Bishop Ricken.  Our second graders made empty donut tombs and celebrated their first eucharist.  Third graders crafted Jesus’ Ascension and the Coming of the Holy Spirit while the fourth grade began to understand the Sermon on the Mount & the 8 Beatitudes. Amazing answers came forth like peacemakers = bring others to be holy. They got it♥ Lastly our leaders in elementary, the fifth graders, had a vocation visit from Fr Quinn and reviewed, with prizes, the 7 Sacraments. The best part was they made cards to give others celebrating one of the 7 Sacraments; so thoughtful and creative. I cannot wait to pass these on in the coming days. 

It has been so great to see the growth in these beautiful children of God and the friendship they are finding in Jesus. They bring such joy and liveliness to our Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. I really do miss them when they are not around.  May your summer months ahead bring much SONshine to your families and those you connect with each day!

Middle & High School Youth Ministry

Michael Wilms, Youth Ministry & MS/HS RE

Praise God for another year of Religious Education together.  This year really flew by! There have been many blessings, lessons and challenges that have provided each of us with the chance to draw closer to the Lord. Thank you parents, families and parishioners for your continued support of our youth. This would not be possible without your prayers, your rooted faith and your assistance.  For all of these intentions, we take a moment to thank God for His goodness and offer Him our praise:

“All glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen!”

Now instead of looking back, I wanted to wrap up the final newsletter of the year by offering adventures for you and your family to enjoy this summer together. Oftentimes we hear of people traveling to other countries to visit great Holy sites such as Our Lady of Guadalupe, Lourdes France, or Rome and the Holy Land. Did you know that Wisconsin is actually home to some of the most well known, and most spiritually enriching Holy sites in the Country!  We are truly blessed to live in the area we are located. We have several beautiful locations all within a 2 hour drive from our parish. Here I will list a few suggestions for your family to check out this summer if you’re looking for something new to do together. Make a fun day of it and be sure to stop for ice cream along the way.

  • National Shrine Our Lady of Champion- just north of Green Bay- 65 min drive (Come see the approved location where The Blessed Mother appeared!)

One local opportunity we will be offering for our Middle Schoolers this summer is something called: “Come to the Waters.” This will be a casual gathering for teens to continue growing in fellowship and community throughout the Summer at an off-site water front property. Myself and a few of our Middle School Catechists will be gathering the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month (May-Aug) to host an outdoor night filled with outdoor activities, time on the water, campfires and more!

To find out more information, or to fill out a parish waiver, please visit our parish website: or contact Michael Wilms


God Bless!

Save the Date!

  • Love Begins Here: Saint Raphael will be bringing a group of middle school students (currently in 5-8th grade) on mission June 10-13, 2024. This year’s location will be in Appleton, spots will be reserved on a first come first serve basis. Reserve your spot and check out last year’s video here: St Raphael youth events-LBH 

Upcoming Events and Retreats

  • Sunday May 12 - Second Sunday Holy Hour (SSHH!) Our monthly time for prayer and worship, held the 2nd Sunday of every month, at 4pm, followed by Sunday Mass at 5pm. This is the last one until we resume in September!

  • NEW!! “Come to the Waters”- Middle School Summer Outings - 2nd + 4th Wednesday of the month, May-August, 6-7:30pm. 
  • Join us throughout the summer for nights of faith, fun and fellowship. Nights will consist of outdoor activities, yard games, water time, snacks, fires and a faith theme based on Isaiah 55. Open to all teens (incoming 6th grade to outgoing 8th grade).

  • Catholic Youth Expeditions (CYE): Summer dates out now! Retreats for middle, high school and families! Located in beautiful Door County WI, CYE offers retreats that combine nature, community, prayer and fun for all ages. Visit to find out more.

  • Carlo Acutis Youth Day- High School Youth Conference- Save the Date: Saturday, October 12th, 2024!

Follow us on instagram (aftershock_ym_straph) for updates, inspirations and to stay connected.

Blessed Carlo Acutis…Pray for us!

Michael Wilms (

Youth Minister/Faith Formation

Grades 6-12

inFORMED Highlights

Some content in this section may be from FORMED, a Catholic content digital platform that provides 24/7 access to video-based study programs, feature films, audio presentations, and eBooks. St. Raphael has a parish-wide subscription, so sign up for your FREE account by visiting and searching for St. Raphael the Archangel in Oshkosh, WI.

Brother Francis Joy Toons


Join the ever-joyful Brother Francis as he teaches children about the blessings that come when heart and mind are filled with praise for God and thoughts of his love for us.

A Catholic Guide to Summer Break


Summer break is a time for rest, recreation, and renewal. But what do we do with that space?  Fr. Mark-Mary suggests that your day "off" might be the day you need to turn your willpower "on", and he gives us some concrete advice on how to make sure we're doing that.

Avoid Summer Vacation Mistakes: Catholic Family Life


Avoid these summer vacation mistakes and learn how to have great Catholic family holidays.

Upcoming Events
Check the youth page on the St. Raphael website for calendar updates. 
Religious Education
920 233 8044

Director: Jessie Adrians
RE Secretary: Anne Glowcheski
Sunday School: Gwendolyn Larsen
Elementary School: Jenifer Jensen
Youth Ministry, Middle/HS RE: Michael Wilms
Youth Ministry, Families of Faith: Kathy Baehman