REU Professional Development Series
Thank you to the many professionals who have given their time to present to our Research Experiences for Undergraduate students for our professional development series this spring so far. Our REU students have learned about careers in academia, medicine, early intervention, education, public policy, and more! A special thank you to United Way of Metropolitan Dallas for sponsoring lunches for the series. Applications for the 2023-24 REU experience are due April 1st! See here for more details.
15th Annual Spring Lecture Series
Join us for our 15th Annual Spring Lectures Series. Talks will be held virtually via Microsoft Teams and in person at UT Dallas. Lectures are free and open to the public! Register to attend using the links on our website.
Friday, April 7th, 11am-12pm, "Playful STEM Learning in the School Yard and Community Spaces" with Dr. Andres Bustamante
Friday, April 21st, 9:30am-10:30am, TBD with Dr. Alva Tang
Friday, April 28th, 9:30am-10:30am, "Navigating a New Normal: How Newly Resettled Refugee Children and Adolescents Adjust to Life in the United States" with Dr. Diane Mitschke
Recruiting Children Ages 4 - 8 Years Old for Research Study
The Language in Motion Lab at The University of Texas at Dallas is recruiting children ages 4 - 8 years old. English-speaking children with speech and/or language difficulties and those with typical speech and language skills are invited to attend. The goal is to better understand motor and language learning. The study has from 1 to 10 sessions, each lasting about one hour. Children will receive a free speech, language, and hearing evaluation. Children will also receive a toy and parents will be paid $20 for each session. See here for more information.
Founders and Sustainers Societies Updated
CCF's donor societies recognize and celebrate those who give to CCF to support our research, outreach, and educational programs, impacting children, parents, and professionals. Founders Society members donate at least $1,000 annually, leading the way in the Center's efforts to promote and support strong foundations for developmentally at-risk children. Sustainers Society members contribute year after year, lending steadfast support for our programs. See our updated donor society lists for 2022 here.
Love on the Brain with Dr. Heidi Kane
In a recent episode of the School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences' student-led podcast, "BBS Mindful Minutes," CCF faculty affiliate and associate professor Dr. Heidi Kane discussed the building blocks of relationships, the types of relationships that exist, and how these relationships affect our emotional and physiological well-being. Listen to the podcast here.
Spring break is here but we are still busy working on our many research projects, preparing for a Play With Me playdate event this Friday the 17th, and prepping for a Screening Fair next weekend in collaboration with Bachman Lake Together. Many of our faculty and students have been enjoying connecting with peers and diving into science at research conferences this spring. Two of our REU student alums will be presenting their work at the Association for Psychological Science convention in May. We are proud to be promoting and disseminating developmental science with real-world impacts.