Prevention is Better Together
Evidence Based Practices: From Understanding Basics to Selecting the Right Fit with Fidelity and Sustainability.
This three-part series on working with evidence based practices in your community, is designed to ensure your understanding of the importance of EBP's, learn the selection process, and finally implement with fidelity and for sustainability. Whether you are new to the prevention field, or really seeking to build your knowledge, this series will help your community select effective interventions with conceptual and practical fit.
About these trainings: These two-hour segments will provide time during the events to process the material in small groups and digest your knowledge between sessions. Our trainers are Dave Closson from DJC Solutions and Nicole Luciani, who together bring a broad understanding of the subject and unique styles of training that are sure to help deepen your understanding. Select all three sessions or customize your learning to fit your knowledge and schedule.
Identify & Select EBP's:
An Overview

When it comes to Evidence Based Practices there are a lot of questions. What are EBP's? Why should we use them? When are they most effective? This introduction to our series will answer these questions and more; plus we'll start to learn how to find the best fit for a community's prevention efforts. 
EBP's for the Local Community:
A Closer Look

In our second segment on Evidence Based Practices we'll look at what must happen for intervention success and share how to select the best options, plus unpack the core elements of an intervention.
Implementation with Fidelity and Sustainability

In the capstone segment we'll bring all our learning from the previous sessions, with emphasis on fidelity (how to plan against pitfalls), sustainability, and learn how to monitor our EBP implementation for maximum impact on your identified ATOD prevention efforts.
The National Hispanic and Latino PTTC is here to assist our communities meet their diverse prevention needs. They have an ever-expanding catalogue of multi-lingual resources, including these Suicide Prevention products.

Download this document that includes Spanish translations of Alcohol Awareness tools.

Click the links below for even more resources:
Promoting Equity and Inclusion in the Workforce: Examining Bias in Hiring Practices

Mitigating bias in hiring and promoting practices in the behavioral health field is a priority. Behavioral health practitioners are required now more than ever to pay closer attention to these challenges in the workplace. Join us for a discussion around increasing awareness, effectively navigating challenges, and moving towards action.
Learning Objectives: 
  1. Define what professionalism means to your organization and the origins of that definition.
  2. Identify strategies to make hiring practices more inclusive.
Look for one more opportunity to our Leadership Institute Community of Practice.

·       Relationship Building (9/15)

These collaborative efforts between the Mid-America Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC), Mid-America Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (MHTTC), and Mid-America Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC) will hold space for current and emerging as leaders in these behavioral health disciplines who want to participate in dialogue and begin to create space for our industries leaders of tomorrow.
What is a Community of Practice (CoP)? It's a shared space where questions, challenges, and new ideas are exchanged and where participants walk away refocused. 
⏪Listen on Rewind⏪
The KPC Connecting Cultures Series are meaningful conversations to reduce and eliminate behavioral health disparities. Nicole Augustine from RIZE Consultants was invited by the Mid America PTTC to conduct a week long lunch-n-learn titled, Structural Inequities Affecting Prevention Practice. This multi-part series looked at why equity matters, and equity in data, building capacity, planning and action. We'd like to invite you to listen to this series hosted by the Kansas Prevention Collaborative.
The Mid-America PTTC Podcast: Listen, Subscribe, Share!
Understanding Harm Reduction as Prevention
Kim Nelson is the Region 7 Administrator for SAMHSA and stopped by the podcast to discuss recent data trends and how the future of harm reduction fits into the prevention of tomorrow. Episode 54
From Cinder Girl to Champion of Prevention
State Senator Holly Thompson-Rehder is known across Missouri as a voice in the fight against opioid addiction and the stigma of mental illness. Her memoir Cinder Girl, Growing Up on America’s Fringe illustrates here experience being raised on welfare, quitting school at fifteen, becoming a mother at sixteen, and ultimately, deciding to do things differently. Episode 5555
Coming Soon....
DEC Connect
As a follow-up to the All Hands on DEC events, these Community of Practice Sessions are designed to be an engaging and immersive learning experience.
These sessions will help answer your questions, and practice skill building for participant's to take back tools to their coalition.
Who should attend?
This CoP is for you if you are a DEC Alliance member in our region, or are considering participation in one of our up-coming DEC Academies in Nebraska or Missouri.
NPN Conference
Aug 23-25
The Power of Hope: Healthy Opportunities for Prevention to Empower Change

Hosted and Sponsored by:

The National Association of State Alcohol and Drug Abuse Directors, Inc. (NASADAD) is a private, not-for-profit, educational, scientific and informational organization. NASADAD’s basic purpose is to foster and support the development of effective alcohol and other drug abuse prevention and treatment programs throughout every state. 
Growing, nurturing, building, supporting, cultivating, and bolstering families with resources and tools to face today’s challenging times.

A four week series starting 9/7
At the Mid-America PTTC...
We believe prevention is better together

together we are stronger!