From Everywhere to Everywhere

The monthly newsletter of Global Lutheran Outreach

June 2023 | No. 4

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Heart-Attack Churches

Dear James,

    We all know that the church is the "body of Christ". And, we know that every body has a heart. For the Body of Christ to be healthy, its heart needs to beat with the heartbeat of God. And what is God's heart? His Word tells us His inmost desire: God "desires all to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth" (I Tim 2:4). Even as the heart circulates blood through the body by drawing it in and sending it out, God's heart beats with mission: "I will draw all people to me" (Jn. 12:32); "As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you" (Jn. 20:21), and "you will be my witnesses... to the ends of the earth" (Acts 1:8).

     When the heart only draws in and nothing goes out, we call that a "heart attack" - too many of our churches are heart attack churches! GLO mission conferences help church leaders to discover how to get the blood flowing again! Read more about it in this issue!

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Director's Corner

Rev. Dr. James Tino

A special shout-out to all of our new newsletter subscribers from the "Lutheran Women in Mission" (LWML) convention! Welcome to the GLO family! Lutheran Women in Mission was organized in 1942 under the name, "Lutheran Women's Missionary League" (LWML). Since 1942, the LWML has focused on affirming each woman’s relationship with Christ, encouraging and equipping women to live out their Christian lives in active mission ministries and to support global missions (from the LWML website).

      Their 40th biennial convention was celebrated in Milwaukee on June 22-25 under the theme, "Celebrate the Lord of the Nations". Global Lutheran Outreach had a table in the convention exhibition hall, and we were delighted to meet and speak with so many mission-minded people of God! You can learn more about the Lutheran Women in Mission here.

This newsletter focuses on God's work through the missionaries of Global Lutheran Outreach in order to build a supportive community of prayer and praise.Together, we rise up. Rise with us!


Mission Conferences are Transformational!

(above: Packed conference in Kenya!)

When the heart only draws in and nothing goes out, we call that a "heart attack" - too many of our churches are heart attack churches because nothing is going out! GLO mission conferences help church leaders to discover the Biblical basis for God’s mission and to learn effective models of how every church can be a missionary-sending church. Conferences generate high levels of enthusiasm for mission - to "get the blood circulating" in the church. Once this concept is understood, participants begin to see "mission" not as another problem to solve, but as the solution to their problems.

     We were blessed to lead two mission conferences so far this year. The first one was held in Kisumu, Kenya for the Lake Diocese of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Kenya (ELCK).

(above: packed conference in Argentina!)

Our second conference so far this year was held in Paraná, Argentina for the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Argentina (IELA). Both conferences were at maximum capacity - many people who wanted to attend were not able to, due to insufficient space! Conference participants learned from the Word how to get their church's heart to beat with the heartbeat of God.

      Here are a few of the one-word evaluations from conference participants: "Challenging." "Transformational." "Blessed." "Eye-opening." "Shaken." "Revived." "Energized."

      Global Lutheran Outreach will be pleased to discuss with you the possibility of having a mission conference in your church! 

Missionaries gathering support

   Rev. Etubom (Samuel) Udofia and his wife Mfon (Grace) have the passion to take the Good News of Jesus outside of their nation of Nigeria. Pastor Samuel was the former president of the Lutheran Church of Nigeria. He has received an invitation to serve as a missionary/teacher at the Bible College school in Mwanza, Tanzania. Grace, who is also a deaconess, is enthusiastic about working with women and youth alongside her husband in a new country. As they raise support in their home country of Nigeria, would you consider joining them through a Mission Circle? Click here to learn more about "Mission Circles" and how you can start one and adopt a GLO missionary!

You can find the Udofia's web page here.

(above: Deaconess Mfon (Grace) Udofia, center with green skirt)

Good News from Missionaries Ben and Scarlett!

Ben and Scarlett Tino are missionaries in Zacapa, Guatemala. Ben is a musician and Scarlett is a deaconess. (Click here if you would like to read their full newsletter online with all photos and videos.)

(above: children doing the Passion Play)

As you might have already known, there is more than a turkey in the oven for this thanksgiving... Yes, Scarlett and I are expecting our first child come November! We thank God for this blessing.

     April began with Holy week, a week of vacations for every Guatemalan but a busy time for us at the church. Scarlett was in charge of putting together the first ever re-enactment of the Passion of Christ, done by the Sunday School kids on Good Friday. Easter was celebrated at 6am with singing by the women's choir, and a breakfast afterwards.

In Guatemala, Mother's Day always falls on May 10th, not the 2nd Sunday of May. This year the youth of the church organized a Mother's Day activity one night at the church, where we did a devotion, sang a song, ate a light snack and did many games and prizes! 

     Something new I started with my students in May is to have my brass musicians (trumpets) play one Sunday a month, and the woodwinds (flutes) play another. With this change my students will get plenty of practice performing in church, allowing them to grow in confidence and become better musicians. 

(below: Ben's view of the congregation on Mother's Day worship!

(Left: VBS in La Trementina)

On Saturday mornings we teach Sunday School out in the village of La Trementina. After Scarlett teaches the kids the Bible lesson and leads the crafts, I take them outside to burn off some energy. The group in La Trementina has grown to about ten. I have been teaching them the books of the Old Testament through song, and even down to 'lil Matthias (4yrs) has got most of them memorized!

     May ended with helping two teams from the Lutheran organization, CALMS. The teams were from the same congregation in Indiana, teaching English, doing VBS, and conducting a basketball clinic in the villages. Scarlett and I both helped out with translating for them while they were down here.

How do I become a missionary?

Global Lutheran Outreach works in partnership with cooperating churches and institutions. This means that sending a missionary is a cooperative effort! The church that receives a missionary puts some "skin in the game", lowering the cost for the missionary. In most cases mentioned, the church will provide housing for the missionary.

Under the coaching of GLO, the missionary then develops a network of "mission partners" who provide support: emotional, spiritual, prayer, and finances.

GLO missionaries typically make a minimum 2-year commitment to serve in-country.

How do I get started?

Email GLO director Dr. James Tino at:!

Together before the Throne

* Praise God for the wildly successful mission conference held in Argentina at the beginning of June! Thank you for your prayers for this event. Pray that the Lutheran Church of Argentina may soon become a missionary-sending church!

*We pray for a healthy pregnancy for Scarlett Tino. We also pray that the visa situations for both her and Ben to be resolved, allowing them to travel together and visit family, friends, and supporters!

* We pray also for Ben Tino's health and safety. Just in the first half of this year he has had several colds and physical injuries.

* Pray that the Lord would raise up supporters for missionaries Samuel and Grace Udofia so that they may deploy this year to Tanzania. They are almost 50% supported!

*We thank our Divine Physician for restoring the health of the Rivas family- Guatemalan GLO missionaries serving in Guyana. Specifically, we praise God for the capable doctors who attended to Sofía – their 5 year old daughter who had dengue.

* We hold up in prayer Tim & Beth Heiney, GLO missionaries serving in Guinea, West Africa. Recently they have requested prayers for their daughter Katie, with unexplained heart abnormalities, and for her sons Judson and Liam.

* We praise God for the return of Joe Stoltenow and family to the USA. We pray for a healthy transition for Viya and the children who have never lived in Colorado. We also pray for the new leadership who continue to direct “Ray of Hope” ministry for street children in Cambodia. 

* We thank the Lord of life for the birth of Lucia, grand daughter of GLO missionaries Pastor Adrian & Cruz Maria Ventura. We also pray for the several babies born into the congregation where they serve in Santiago, Chile. Bless him and his wife as they teach and guide these young families in raising Christian children.

* Bless the efforts of GLO missionary Rev. Steve Massey as he teaches English in the public schools of Santiago Zamora and Porvenir, Guatemala. Give him opportunities to share the Gospel!

* We thank God for the opportunity for Dale & Cheri Talsma to attend a family wedding in the USA. Refresh them and prepare them for their return to Jos, Nigeria. Specifically, we ask the Lord to bless Cheri in her new position of leadership at Hillcrest School and we pray for willing teacher missionaries to join this vibrant ministry in Nigeria.

* Pray to the Lord of the Harvest to raise up teachers, DCEs, intern students to answer the call to be a missionary teacher in other parts of the world. Specifically, pray for Hillcrest School in Jos, Nigeria, Concordia School in Chile, Divine Savior School in Guatemala, and Theological Educators for South Sudan.

*We earnestly pray for a Mission Awakening in Kenya.They have identified Rev. Amos and Evelyn Otula to be their missionaries to serve in Uganda and are needing the financial support to be deployed. Pray for the Holy Spirit to descend with power and move the church to become a missionary-sending church!

Rise above!

Through your prayers and your gifts, you are a key part of the Global Lutheran Outreach family! Your gift to the General Fund supports all GLO missionaries. Or, designate your gift to the missionary of your choice. Click here.