The Companions of Mary the Apostle

Eastertide 2024

Alleluia! Christ is risen. Still and always. Alleluia!

But where is Mary, his mother?

Today, May 1, is Mary’s day.  Around the world, statues of the Blessed Mother, Mary the mother of God, are adorned with crowns of flowers. People make offerings of bouquets, and May Poles are part of the celebration, too. It has me thinking of the connection of Mary the Mother of God—Jesus’ mother—with Eastertide.

Where was this Mary when all those resurrection appearances happened? We do not hear from her or about her directly; she is strangely absent until the very last day of Easter, the day of Pentecost. Was she among the women to whom “two men in dazzling clothes” appeared in the Gospel of Luke? We have Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James, but the others are unnamed. Matthew only names “Mary Magdalene and the other Mary.” Surely, he wouldn’t talk about Jesus’ mother this way.

What were those days like for the missing Mary? She must have been in the Upper Room. Indeed, in Acts (1:14) she is present with those who returned there after Jesus’ Ascension.

My sense is that she was there the whole time, with Jesus' followers, first in their horror and grief. She may well have been there, too, when the first news of the resurrection was proclaimed to the women who went to the tomb to complete the anointing of Jesus’ body.

I wonder: would she have recognized her son right off, or did the tears of grief blind her initially? Or perhaps the resurrected Christ, singing with his full glory, was so changed in her eyes that he was truly hidden from her. In any case, I imagine a certain “too good to be true” confusion and joy, like some of the others who were blessed with an appearance.

The answer is that we just don’t know—at least not through the text. There is much written about her, perhaps more than enough doctrine. Immense devotion to her arose and remains in some parts of the Christian family.

Beyond that, there is a teaching that she was a leader in the emerging church. Check out the 7th century Life of the Virgin by Maximus (or pseudo-Maximus) the Confessor. He claims to gather the stories from the Life from many ancient sources.

It is inconceivable to me that she simply faded into the background and lived a quiet life. Her devotion to her son and her presence with the community he gathered is clear. It is well-documented now that women were leaders in the early church before their ministries were suppressed—or went underground. Mary was one of these women.

I could go on and on. But here: who is she to you, this remarkable woman who mothered Jesus the Christ—crucified and risen. What do you think happened to her? And what does she contribute to your life of faith?

I pray to know more of her significance then and now as I explore these questions. I’d love to hear from you! You can respond to this email, and I’ll get it, or write to me at

What we are reading...

Sister E(lizabeth):

Dorothy Allison,


Lawrence Edwards, Ph.D,

Gently Falls Her Rain of Light

Christiana Figueras and Tom River-Carnac,

The Future We Choose: Surviving the Climate Crisis

Rebecca Solnit,

Hope in the Dark: Untold Histories, Wild Possibilities

Brother David Steindl-Rast

i am through you so i

Sister Shane:

Katherine Marie Dyckman and L. Patrick Carroll,

Inviting the Mystic, Supporting the Prophet

Sarafina El-Badry Nance,


Carmel Posa,

A Not-So-Unexciting Life

Please pray with us thanksgiving for the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, and the promise of resurrection here, now and in the world to come.

for peace with justice throughout the world, especially in Israel and Palestine, between Ukraine and Russia, in Sudan, and Myanmar.

for the United States and this presidential election year. For the candidates and all voters. For just voting practices.

for people living in poverty around the globe, those suffering famine and without housing.

For those who work and advocate for human rights to be extended to all people in this country and around the world.

in thanksgiving for Spring! the beauty of creation

for all who work to address the Climate Crisis, and the will and ability to do our part.

and for the secret and silent prayers of all our hearts.

Join the Companions for

Coffee Table Communion:

Communing with the Scriptures and Each Other

Come for rousing conversation about the coming Sunday's Readings and for prayers

Fridays at 9:00 a.m. online

Write us for the link at

The Japanese Maple is leafing and outshining the glorious daffodils at the Companionary. Oh well. She is magnificent!

Community News

We have been greatly blessed this Eastertide, first through worshipping and serving during the Triduum with the people of Ascension Holy Trinity Church and Brother Aidan Owen, their Priest-in-Charge. We've also been enjoying engaging in some webinars through Spiritual Directors International. Shane and E are participating in a lively and informative 10 week program on the Enneagram for our Times. And we're working up to gardening...very slowly!

Sister Shane:

April has been full! I loved sharing the Triduum with the people of Ascension Holy Trinity Church, our landlords and neighbors here. The next week I preached and presided at St. James' in Hyde Park. I gave a talk about the memoir to the staff at the Educational Testing Service, and this weekend I'm preaching and talking at Bushwick Abbey, an Episcopal church in Brooklyn. Thank you to all of you who have invited me this month!

I am also preparing to co-lead the Making A Difference workshop in July, so this month I participated in an introductory zoom session. If you're curious about the program, the next intro session will be at 7 p.m. EDT on May 30. I'll be happy to share the link with you.

The big news, though, is spring. The redbud is flowering, the new lilac is leafing, the goldfinches have regained their summer coats. The daffodils have come, and some have gone, but the iris are on their way. Bunnies have emerged from their dens, and the heron has resumed its flights. God is good.

Sister E:

Easter is truly bringing new life, and lots of it. The first is a literal brand new human being: my family is celebrating the birth of Lucy Kimberly, my great niece. Many thanks for this fourth child of our next generation, and blessings on Jim and Rachel as they leap into parenthood--again! As I write this I am preparing to go to visit my family, and hope to meet Lucy.

I am participating in a training in Spiritual Direction Supervision through Spiritual Directors International and loving the stretch of the learning. It is a great experience and is feeding me deeply both as a director and as someone who may supervise in the future. I'm not quiet at all about the truth that I love this ministry!

I, too, am thrilled that it is SPRING! I love this season's vibrant greens and the flowering trees and flowers that are showing up. And I deeply appreciate being warmer!

Have you moved?

Send us your new address!

Just respond to this email. Thank you!

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  • Pray for us, as we pray for you and the world.
  • Keep your eyes open for retreat offerings and join us--or invite us to lead one.
  • Make a donation to support our ministry--one time or as a monthly, sustaining donor. 
  • Remember us in your estate planning and will.

Donations are tax deductible, can be made to The Companions of Mary the Apostle and sent to us at the address at the bottom of this newsletter, or online at our website.


Heartfelt thanks to all of you who support us in so many ways!

Blessings on you, your community, your ministry!

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