Dear brothers and sisters in our Lord Jesus, part of the growing repentance remnant, cleansing as His Bride, getting ready for His soon return as our Bridegroom-----

As we watch chaos on US campuses, fools calling for death to Israel, massive tornadoes, a broken White House occupant, invasions across our border, crime in the streets, unstoppable inflation, abortion of infants in the womb constituting the 4th largest cause of death in this nation, all are signs of God's rightful, impending judgment. You and I know the answer: personal repentance by you and me and as many as possible so that the LORD "will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."

Please join us this coming April 30, 2024. In your prayer closet, in a prayer group, possibly even in a pastor's repentance service, many will honor that Day and humbly take time to repent. Additionally, we'll have a zoom meeting 12 Noon Eastern USA time to pray together and repent for 5 key national sins:1) failure to stand with Israel and our Covenant with the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, given our destiny as a nation to be "the light of the world, a city set upon a hill (Matthew 5:14); 2) the killing of innocents; 3) idolatry, including mammon; 4) the legalization of sexual perversions, and 5) among us His people, called by His Name, our failure to follow fully the Lord's directive to preach repentance to make disciples to advance His kingdom. (Luke 24:47). No longer playing church !

Please sign up on and join us !

This is a video on "Why April 30?" and Liberty's sacred fire: Pastor Jeff shares a Word for today.

A great example of humble devotion to God, and trust in Him through repentance, is President John Adams. This is from the book " Nation Imploding: God's Solution":

Just as one example of the power of repentance, in 1777, a year after the Declaration of Independence, at a time when the British were winning almost all battles, John Adams attended at great risk another gathering of the Founders in Philadelphia. John Adams’ boldness for Christ came from his love of the Bible and his understanding of spiritual warfare. Philadelphia was about to be invaded; Washington’s troops were losing battles; the far superior British troops seemed invincible. 

One local delegate, Dr. Benjamin Rush, asked John Adams: “Sir, how can we possibly defeat the British given their skill and their size? Adams replied: “We will defeat them if we fear God and repent of our sins."

During the Revolutionary War the Continental Congress declared eight days of "Humiliation, Fasting and Prayer." Upon that repentance, God's Miracles formed this nation!


A look at American Christian history and its connection to God's gift of repentance is the

theme of my latest book:"Nation Imploding: God's Solution." Make a contribution as the Lord leads; post a note in the donation that you wish the book and your address, and I'll be honored to send you a signed copy.

NDR counts on you to support us. We are two volunteers, forwarding funds you donate to NDR in turn to repentance-based ministries, now in 10 different nations. We are helping to increase the Flame of the Holy Spirit lit through His Gift of repentance, thereby bringing many into His Kingdom, and then advancing His Kingdom and Cleansing His Bride . In every case, food is an issue for these men and women of God and their families and neighbors. Thank you in advance for giving, in the sacrificial spirit of Luke 8:3, and 2 Corinthians chapters 8 and 9. As you give food to the hungry, you stand with the King as one of His sheep. (Matthew 25:35).

God bless you,

Pastor Jeff Daly

National Day of Repentance

This is the replay link for the "America Wake-Up Call" zoom on April 8, 2024.

And there will be a remarkable event, "Reopening the Wells of Revival" at the historic site of Moravian Falls, North Carolina May 3,4, 2024, hosted by Reverend Bill Cook, America's Black Robe Regiment. Join us; tickets are free.;


The Lord makes it clear: Luke 13:1-5, repent or perish. Here's a NDR video on this key scripture:

and this video on ETERNITY, 7 pounds of dust:

Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.

2 Corinthians 7:1

National Day of Repentance |