Royal Pride Foundation
Spring/Summer Newsletter
Royal Pride Foundation's Benefit on the Bayou - SUCCESS!
Oh what a night! The 9th Annual Royal Pride Foundation fundraiser, Benefit on the Bayou, supporting San Marcos High School, was held at the Hilton Santa Barbara Beachfront Resort underneath the stars in their outdoor venue, Plaza del Sol. The Royals Community came out strong that night, dressed to impress and to show their Royal Pride! Teachers, administrators, coaches, current and former SMHS parents, Royal fans and alumni – all attended to support education and San Marcos High School and collectively raised $122,000!!
Those attending enjoyed a live performance by the talented SMHS Jazz Band, directed by Michael Kiyoi, a special Louisiana inspired meal, an exciting and fun Live Auction lead by our spirited and engaging Master of Ceremonies, Andrew Firestone, and dancing into the night with the amazing local cover band, The Academy!
The Benefit also gave RPF the opportunity to recognize our incredible honorees! This year we introduced, for the first time, our Forever Royal Award! The Forever Royal Award is awarded to an individual or couple who consistently show their dedication, support and “royal pride” for San Marcos High School and RPF’s mission to provide an exceptional learning environment for all students. This year’s recipients are Karen and Paul Menzel! The Menzels are 1970 San Marcos High graduates and have been supporting the Royals (and the Santa Barbara community) ever since. Thank you, Karen and Paul!
The second honor presented was the Royal Pride Community Award. This recognition is given to an organization that demonstrates a philanthropic investment in their community; with pride in the success, betterment and future growth of the community. This year’s Royal Pride Community Award went to Deckers Brands and accepting the award was Michele Apodaca, Director of Deckers Gives and SMHS class of 1988! Deckers gave RPF a $50K grant at the end of 2022, in fact, they gave that same amount to the other two high schools in our district! Thank you, Deckers Brands!
We can’t do any of this without your support! Thank you to all the volunteers, sponsors, donors and attendees who contributed to the success of our largest fundraiser of the year –
we are stronger together!
Save-the-date! Our 2024 Benefit will be Friday, May 3!!!
Interested in being involved or possibly co-chairing this event?
Contact Karen Callanan at
RPF Board of Directors for 2023-2024
Royal Pride Foundation would like to give a heart-felt thank you to our outgoing board members: Isabelle Meyer-Staph and Debbie Stevenson. We are grateful for their dedication and service to helping us fulfill our mission. Thank you for making an impact on San Marcos High School and sharing your Royal Pride!
It gives us great pleasure to welcome our new board members for the 2023-2024 school year!
- Mark Gonzales
- Betsy Meagher
- Lara Simpson-Jones
- Frann Wageneck
These amazingly talented, involved and driven new members will join our incredible returning members:
- Stacey Fell
- Emily Garcia
- Teri Green
- Garrett Headley - Past President
- Kristi Newton
- Sarah Mills
- Peggy Reagan
- Julie Strand – Julie will be taking on the role of Board President!
Karen Callanan will continue as the executive manager. Contact her at
We are looking forward to working with the greater Royals Community to continue to make San Marcos High School an exceptional learning environment for all!
The RPF Board of Directors agreed to begin to invest the generous $50K grant from Deckers Brands into the school, starting with a round of grant requests. Approximately $30K will be invested back into the following programs and projects: Video Production/Royal Report, Theater, Vocal Music, Band and Guard, Girls Lacrosse, The King’s Page and campus beautification!
We are thrilled to be able to support these programs as they prepare for the 2023-2024 school year. Thank you DECKERS BRANDS and LET’S GO ROYALS!
Upcoming Fall Campaign
Our mission and vision is simple:
“Royal Pride Foundation raises money through community engagement and support to provide an exceptional learning environment for all San Marcos students. We envision a school where all students feel supported and inspired to reach their highest potential.”
To fulfill our mission, Royal Pride Foundation holds two major fundraisers each school year – a “Year End Appeal” and the Benefit (Gala) Fundraiser. These two campaigns are the main sources of income to help fund grant requests from teachers and staff, as well as fund campus beautification projects, classroom and sports equipment, technology enhancements and more.
This year our goal is to kick off our Year End Appeal in the fall, so be on the lookout for opportunities to donate!
Keith Ahlstrom
American Riviera Bank
Julie Anderson
Sarai Anderson
Marco Andrade
Michelle & Austin Apodaca
Paloma Arnold
Nicole Ashamalla-Bates
Jeffrey Azain
Romina & Ardy Banan
Sonia Battaille
Kyle & Devany Bechler
Kara Bellamy
Below Magid Construction
Rhonda Bernstein
Kit & David Boone
Theresa Borgatello &
Derek Carlson
Lisa Bougie
Janice Bowie
Chrystee & Scott Bradley
Bryan Brown
Whitney Bruice
Dave & Karen Callanan
Rebecca & John Cantrell
Sara Caputo
Christy & Tom Condon
Barbara Conviser
William Conway
Helen Cooper
Katie Cooper
Misha & Kit Cooper
Brenda Coronel
Mara Cotich
Megan Cotich
Jill Crang
Renee Crawford
Creekside Restaurant & Bar
Caylee Daniel
Jenny & Tim Deakyne
Emily Dietz
Jody Dolan Holehouse
Nancy Downing & Bryan Kerr
Winnie Dunbar
Jamie Duncan
Daniel & Paige Dupont
Darryl Eaton
Chris Errea
Julie Estabrook
Ronda Fallon
Stacey & Ryan Fell
Cami Ferris-Wong &
Derrick Wong
Elizabeth & Matthew Fineberg
Ivana & Andrew Firestone
Jessica Foley
Laura & Jeff Forster
Melissa Franzen
Brandon Friesen
Bethany & Johan Frisell
Krista Frohling
Jenna Galkin
Jacque Gamberdella
Emily & Tom Garcia
Gina Genova
Tammy & Mike Gerenser
Jennifer Gibbs
Tina Gislimberti
Robert Goettler
Sharon Goldberg
Melissa Gough
Geoff Green
Teri & Donovan Green
Nikki & Larame Greene
Keely Gregorio
Emily Greig
Mackenzie Griffin
Diane L Gulotti
Lori Haden
Angie & Chris Hahs
Robert Hamm
Brianna & Troy Hammond
Julie Harris
Jules Hastings
Jeanette Hatfield
Garrett & Mari Headley
Judy & Jerry Headley
Scott Hennessee
Lesley & Matthew Hetrick
Mr Paul Hiracheta
James & Sandra Hirsch
Andrew Hoffman
Dare Holdren
Tim & Kelly Hoover
Jason & Sharon Hughes
Graham Richard Hurvitz
Victoria Hyland
Marietta Jablonka
Kelly Jensen-Dell
Courtney Jerge
Shirley Ann Kadlec
Mike & Kerry Kelly
Jessica Kinnahan
Nicole & Jay Klanfer
Sven & Jenny Klein
Jennifer Kosek
Ria & Tom Kostrzewa
Jenny & Zack Kramer
Stina Hans & Joel Kreiner
Ellie Krenz
Erica Lambert
Amy & Charlie Langella
Leah Larson & David Burkholder
Holly Leck
Mark & Tiffany Lemons
Jaylon & Jason Letendre
Rebecca & Alan Licha
Josh Macaluso
Adeline MacGregor
Hilda Maldonado &
Kamran Niknia
Felisa Manion
Gerard & Carolyn Marceda
Sheri & John Mardiat, MD
Kelly & Jon Martin
Sarah K Matheson
Anne-Marie Matthews
James Matthews
Jazmin LeBlanc &
Matthew McClain
Megan McClintock
Hava & Tadd McKenzie
Christine A McLain
Barbara McWhirter
Betsy & Brian Meagher
The Menzel Family Foundation
Linda Meyer
Angela Miller-Bevan
Sarah & Ryan Mills
Shereef Moharram
Roya Mokhtari
Rafael Molina
Kimberly Monda
Jenifer Moore
Marcia & Michael Moore
Tino Munoz
Yesenia Lisette Munoz
Jody & Guillermina Neal
Kristi Newton & Joseph Beban
Kim & Paul Nielsen
Michelle Niemela
Roxanna & Nicolas Nocker
Athena Ontiveros
Ali Oshinsky
Paix Alia Foundation
Paul & Dana Panossian
The Paskin Family Foundation
Miguel & Lizette Pedroza
Heather Peterson
Kit Peterson
Mara Piasecki
Anne Pigeon
Kenneth Preston
Alix & Josh Rabinowitz
Peggy & Zed Reagan
Sandy & Matt Reid
Bettie Richards
Kathryn & Jeremy Roberts
Sharon Rollman
Natalie & Matt Rowe
Melinda A Russell
Dawn Sanchez
Korlynne & Tony Sandoval
Robertson & Patricia Scott
Lacy Selby
Kamala Shalhoub
Jill Sharkey
Katrina Shupe
Rachel Simons
Lara Simpson-Jones &
Orlo Jones
Darius R Smith
Natalie Smith
Rachael Sparks
Isabelle Meyer Stapf
Maria Stegner
Debbie & Craig Stevenson
Devon & Troy Stewart
Susie Stone
Jack Strand
Julie & Pete Strand
Lisa Streett
Chrystal & Kevin Sturm
Diana Svete & Scot Alderete
Julie & Rob Teel
Cari & Sam Thomas
Kimberly & Mick Thomas
Holly Thompson
George Thurlow
Rosalyn & Tyler Tomblin
Smiley Toral
Amy & Art Tracewell
Genevieve Taft Vazquez &
Carlos Vazquez
Lewis Venegas
Uriah & Jeff Venegas
Becky & Jeff Villarreal
Scott Vincent
Tara & Justin Vowels
Frann Wageneck
Amy & Travis Weber
Julie Weiner
Tiffany Corby &
Luke A Werkhoven
Jonathan & Marcy Wimbish
Alison Wolf
Sora & Peter Young
Maria Zate
Patrice & Vince Zubas
Liz Zuniga
Our students deserve the best educational experience possible. Every dollar donated to RPF ensures that we can make that happen - from funding technology and programmatic support, to campus safety, improvements and beautification, to athletics and arts, RPF improves the high school experience for every single SMHS student.
We make a difference, and you can help.
Thank you for considering a financial contribution to the Royal Pride Foundation!
4750 Hollister Ave
Santa Barbara, CA 93117