July 2023 Newsletter
*Sent on July 7, 2023*
Established in 2007 as a public, non-profit organization, the Latino Leadership Council seeks to advance cultural strength, leadership and well-being within the Latino Community.
Join Us!
Hear from Wonder Program Manager, Beatriz Lodia with Stanford Sierra Youth & Families and learn about their program, how to become a mentor, youth referrals, and the populations they serve.

If you have resources to share, please share at the meeting or email to Programs Coordinator, Marina Beas at marinab@latinoleadershipcouncil.org for inclusion in the next newsletter or to be shared on our social media pages.
Save the Date! 9th Annual Forum on the Latino Community
Client Impact
A Parent Project teens class graduate, Ivette made great progress and showed great promise during her time in our program. Teens class instructor and Co-Director of YEAGA, Margaret Bravo gifted Ivette a scholarship of $800 and a laptop with all the programs she will need for school to help her get a good start at Sierra College in the fall.

“Parent Project has helped me view myself in a more positive manner by teaching us that we are smart, capable humans just trying to understand and grow in the world like everyone else. Parent Project also helped me to build a better, more understanding relationship with my parents, taught me to be grateful for what I have and lastly, to always be aware of the consequences of my actions. I'm so thankful for what I have learned through this program and am looking forward to taking this experience with me into the next chapter of my life.”
Parent Project is coming to Roseville in August!
Golden State Social Opportunities Scholarship Program
The Golden State Social Opportunities Program (GSSOP) is a *NEW* scholarship opportunity for youth with lived experience in foster care, homelessness, or those who currently work for a community-based organization to enter the behavioral health workforce. Applicants must be accepted or enrolled in an accredited graduate program that prepares them to become one of the following professions: Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor, or Licensed Clinical Psychology (PhD or PsyD). 

The award amount for the GSSOP is up to $25,000 per year for up to two years for a maximum award of $50,000 total. 

Applications close on August 15, 2023 at 3:00pm.  
Mami y Yo Calendar
Father's Day with Mami y Yo
Our Mami's, their little ones and a dad got together to celebrate Father's Day with breakfast, arts and crafts and some relaxation time while the kiddos played. Our little ones had so much fun making their handmade t-shirts for their dads.
Entre Amigos Calendar
Visit https://bit.ly/entreamigosevents to register for upcoming events.
Entre Amigos goes to Camp!
10 youth from Entre Amigos attended Sierra Native Alliance camp in June. For some, this was their first camping experience and first time being away from home for almost a week. Youth were separated into 4 different clans and learned more about this year's camp themes: Belonging, Mastery, Interdependence, and Generosity. Almost all our youth did the polar bear challenge every morning: youth jump into the lake right after the Sunrise Ceremony. They also learned about the skills and time it takes to make traditional Native crafts. Youth were sad to leave camp but are looking forward to more events together this summer!
Community Resources and Events
Below are some links from our partners and community members. If you have any resources for the Latino community you'd like for us to share, please email us.
To see a full list of all Latino Leadership Council general program flyers and resources, visit https://www.latinoleadershipcouncil.org/program-information-pdfs.
You Can Support Us in Various Ways
Shop or donate through our partners:
Support the Latino Leadership Council by donating a vehicle through CARS. Your car will be picked up and towed away at no charge to you. 
Support the LLC by purchasing items from our First 5, Youth and General client Wishlist's on Amazon.