
Join Pathways To Peace at UNCSW66!

Pathways To Peace (PTP) is honored to be presenting eleven parallel events at CSW66! Several of our events are youth designed and led, we have partnered with the Rotary EClub of World Peace for two of those events, and the diversity of topics and dynamic presenters are bound to be informative and inspiring!

This is the 50th Anniversary of CSW/NGO. For the past decade, PTP, as an ECOSOC-accredited organization, has been selected to present at CSW. The need to meet virtually has provided additional access for both presenters and participants around the world.

The priority theme for CSW66 is, “Achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls in the context of climate change, environmental and disaster risk reduction policies and programs. PTP’s events will prompt additional thinking and action toward that theme.

We encourage you to register for CSW66 by clicking here: https://ngocsw.configio.com/pd/6/

We are also providing direct zoom links for our events listed below.

We hope you’ll join us!


Pathways To Peace CSW66 Parallel Events


Education of Women and Girls on Climate Change

Mater Dei Prep/Global Leaders Institute, Emma DeBiase

Wednesday, March 16, 6:00 pm ET

Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/6091308836

Description: It is established that in low and middle-income countries gender inequality means girls are often the most impacted by climate change. We must ensure girls receive a quality education that can become a powerful climate solution in the future. Droughts are significant contributors to women’s lack of education as they spend copious time obtaining water. Educating women about irrigation systems will allow them to focus on cultivating their minds rather than solely performing household maintenance. The barriers against females receiving education on these vital topics must be amended. Youth Peace leaders will lead this event on solutions to climate change.

Nuclear Disarmament and Disaster Risk Reduction: Women and Girls in the Lead

Rinor Jani

Thursday, March 17, 11:00 am ET

Zoom link: bit.ly/17March2022


Kimberly Webber

Friday, March 18, 6:00 pm ET

Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/6091308836

Description: Remembering and recognizing our planet's inherent rights as a highly intelligent, living being and protecting those rights through international law that makes ecocide a crime. By following the wisdom of Indigenous peoples and empowering women and girls who live in the ecosystems that support the endangered species, we will explore solutions to climate change and environmental destruction - through art, beauty, and creativity while amplifying the voices of women and girls. Together, we shall discover how to collectively transform and dream the New Earth into reality. Join Contemporary Symbolist painter Kimberly Webber, Tribal Elders, and Youth for this event.

Rotary on Climate Change and Gender Equality

Rotary EClub of World Peace: David Wick

Saturday, March 19, 12:00 pm ET

Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/6091308836

Description: Peace and peacebuilding have become a primary mission of Rotary worldwide and the Rotary EClub of World Peace is a recognized leader. Of additional significance is Rotary International’s 7th Area of Focus on The Environment and its leadership in the empowerment of women and girls in the context of climate change. More than $18 million in Rotary Foundation global grant funding has been allocated to environment-related projects thus far. This parallel event will identify and build upon Rotary’s Environmentally Sustainable initiatives for sustainable living, food systems, climate solutions, and circular economy.


The Domestic Burden on Girls and its Impact on Education

Saturday, Mater Dei Prep/Global Leaders Institute, Cathrine Volk

March 19, 4:00 pm ET

Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/6091308836

Description: This event focuses on the burden of girls in lower-income families and how that affects their education. The pandemic and natural disasters, which have increased due to climate change, have forced older children, especially daughters to take on the domestic and/or financial labor of their families. This is forcing many girls to prioritize family or work instead of school. They may have to neglect their grades or drop out of school to support their families. This leads to long-term social and economic deficits in gender equality. This youth-led event will discuss what can be done to provide support.


Advocacy in Action

Katie Karr

Saturday, March 19, 6:00 pm ET

Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/6091308836

Description: Over the past few years we have seen how important a tool advocacy can be in fighting for climate change policies. This session will focus on teaching participants how to become an advocate not only for climate change and disaster risk reduction legislation but also within your own personal life. We will focus on empowering women to speak directly with elected officials as well as recruiting and teaching others to become an advocate. Part of our program will focus on the place for social media within the advocacy world.


She Speaks: Women, Words, Arts & Equality

Deborah Greene

Monday, March 21, 4:00 pm ET

Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/6091308836

Description: Throughout history, women have held a unique place in most societies. They’re at once essential, revered and held, while at the same time disregarded, feared, and suppressed. In this performance piece and interactive panel discussion, we’ll examine the current climate of women’s equality and economic empowerment, and their ability to spearhead environmental policy and disaster risk reduction. Through stats that demonstrate the shifting power structure of women-centric leadership, and the voices/performance of an international collective of women who’ve advanced the progression of women’s roles from diverse fields, including government and legislation, theatre and Fine Art, filmmaking, music, academia, and activism.


Blue Carbon Initiatives: Advancing Women’s Empowerment to Protect Coastal Ecosystems

Rotary EClub of World Peace: Mary Jo Larson

Monday, March 21, 6:00 pm ET

Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/6091308836


Description: This interactive session explores women and girls’ economic, technical and diplomatic opportunities to mitigate and adapt to the climate crisis.  In particular, it supports UNEP’s Blue Carbon Initiative, a crucial effort to sequester carbon and protect our planet’s ocean and coastal ecosystems (SDG14).  “Blue carbon” habitats absorb about 40% of carbon dioxide produced by humans, plus they provide vital buffers against the destructive impacts of climate change.  Case examples and discussions will examine the benefits and the challenges of gender equality in support of multi-track “blue carbon” initiatives.

Shifting the Nuclear Narrative: Emerging Voices Against Nuclear Weapon Testing

Rinor Jani

Tuesday, March 22, 2:00 pm ET

Zoom link:  bit.ly/3t6r9os

Description: The environmental impact of nuclear weapon testing spans across several generations. It has severely impacted victim-survivors and their home environment. Many of these areas such as Fukushima, Japan, and Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands are uninhabitable for humans due to very high levels of radiation. This conference will provide a platform for global female leaders to express how their communities and environment have been affected. Best practices will be shared in how others can help combat climate change and the important role of empowering women to partake in policy and programmes on environmental disaster risk reduction processes.



Tami Briggs

Wednesday, March 23, 4:00 pm ET

Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/6091308836

Description: This experiential session will share ideas about music’s powerful role to help bring in the New Earth. Tami Briggs, therapeutic harpist and founder of “Healing Harps for Global Peace and Unity,” will facilitate her healing, artful, relaxing program (harp) to connect you with your own inner peace. As you radiate this peace and calm out to the world, you help amplify the frequencies and vibrations of Mother Earth and the planet, bringing in the New Earth. Your healing energy contributes to the grassroots movement of positively impacting climate change, creating gender equality, and empowering environmental policies and programs.

Child Sexual Abuse-Enough is Enough

Marlenis Rosa

Thursday, March 24, 6:00 pm ET

Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/6091308836

Description: Join us to discuss the importance of creating awareness around child sexual abuse. During our parallel event, we will begin with an overview of what child sexual abuse entails and what you can do to educate others on the topic. We will then discuss the medical perspective of abuse-physical and psychological in nature and how participating in a multi-disciplinary team can benefit child survivors in the future. In closing, we hope to better equip attendees with the tools necessary to create awareness in their communities and stand up to this form of abuse.


