April 28, 2024

Looking Toward Sunday

April 26, 2024

Dear Rumple Family,

This is the last of these articles I will write for a few months. That feels quite strange. But, I will try to contribute to my blog on a regular basis. I know that will help to fill in the void I will feel since I will not be writing articles and sermons each week. 

A reminder that the link to that blog is here:

Kathy's sabbatical blog 2024

This Sunday promises to be a special one in our life together at Rumple. We will welcome three of our active senior high youth into full membership at Rumple as they make their professions of faith. They have been in a confirmation class, coordinated by Lindsey, for over two months. They meet with the session early Sunday morning and will make their professions of faith (and one will be baptized) in worship with all of us supporting them.

My sermon will be directed towards our confirmands, but I trust there will be a message in it for all of us. Our text, from the letter of 1 John, chapter 4, will focus on love and our common calling to show and to share the love of God we have come to know in Jesus Christ.

One of our choral scholars and children’s choir director, Cara Lipson, will offer a special solo on Sunday which will bless all of us, I am certain.  And, the handball choir will play the prelude- their final time in worship until next fall. 

There will also be a short liturgy in the service for the beginning of my sabbatical. We will all have a part in that liturgy as well. I think it is good, for all of us, to mark the beginning and the end of my sabbatical with a common liturgy in worship as we promise to pray for and support one another during this time.  

And, if that was not enough for one worship service, it’s also the final Sunday of the month so we will receive the Pennies for Hunger offering.  

After worship the Fellowship Committee invites you to join in a reception in honor of our three confirmation class members, Ellee, Sheridan, and Kate, down in the fellowship hall.  

I look forward to seeing you in the sanctuary or online this Sunday as we continue to celebrate this Easter season of new life and great joy!

As a final note:

While I am away on Sabbatical, this introductory article will look different many weeks. On the weeks when Rumple staff are preaching (Dave Henry and Stephanie will be preaching a total of 4 times while I am away) there will likely be a column like this in the Slate and Stone. When we have guest preachers, this introductory column will include a bio and picture about the guest preacher. There may also be a block each week encouraging you, the regular attendees to Rumple each Sunday, to consider attending the 8:45 worship service. With all the construction on Main St. and on the Rumple campus, we expect parking to be an even bigger issue this summer than in the past. Dave is working hard to have special music at every early service this summer. The children’s committee is planning special child friendly worship for the four 8:45 services outdoors (June 2, July 7, August 4, and September 1.) There are lots of reasons that will be a service you will want to attend this summer! 

I will be praying for you throughout my sabbatical. I am so incredibly grateful for the gift of this time away and look forward to my return in late July.

Easter blessings.


Pastor Kathy Beach will begin a three month sabbatical on Monday, April 29. She will return to Rumple on Monday, July 29. The congregation is invited to share in a sending liturgy in worship this Sunday, April 28.

Please keep in your prayers:  Family of Ruth George on her death on 4/20; Deatra Sellers on the death of her mother, Lucy on 4/16; Kathy Earley, recovering from hand surgery; Jim Ruff; Rene Cuthill, recovering after a hospital stay; Sam Reep; Molly Bowden; Christopher, son of Joan Chater; Megan, niece of Bob and Janet Stout; Confirmation class: Ellee Bishop, Sheridan Brasier, and Kate Rex; Lou, friend of Debra and David Brenner; Celeste, friend of Bill and Janet Goodman; Mary Ann Baggstrom’s sister, Connie; Leslie Novilla’s brother, Denny; Sarah Settlemyer’s friend, Theresa; Bill Hall; Barbara Leon’s former pastor, Jackie; Linda Steen; Jean, Sherry Wilson’s mom; Cullie Tarleton; Walt Baggstrom’s brother, Bob; Linda Steen's sister in law, Dot; Charles Coley; Betty Coffey; Patti Curtis' mom, Sally; Marion Stadler; Sylvia Kiker; Lynn Henderson’s mother, Frances; Lucy Aldridge; Linda Jerger. Condolences to Ruth George's family can be sent to her daughters:    Debbie Stamper

   390 Promenade Crt SW

   Marietta, GA 30064

   Julia Holderfield

   3155 Seven Lakes West

   West End, NC 27376

Congrats to Martha Jayne and Johnathan Rhyne on the birth of their granddaughter Josephine Everest “Jeannie” Torell, daughter of John and Crawford and little sister to Marian.

Click here to view the church calendar.  

JOIN RUMPLE FOR Sunday morning worship April 28th at 11 a.m. in the sanctuary or live on our webpage or YouTube channel. Bulletins are available on the church website.

Know that each Sunday our worship service is livestreamed. If you are feeling under the weather, you are encouraged to stay home and worship online for the health and safety of others.

Cara Lipson, soloist, will be singing the Offertory piece Sunday,  I Stood on the River of Jordan (Colin Lett, Marques L.A. Garrett).

All previous online worship services can be found on YouTube.

Confirmation Sunday On Sunday, April 28th, we will confirm three of our youth during the service. There will be a small reception after the service to welcome the new confirmands as members of the church.

Youth Sunday

Rumple Youth will be leading the service on May 5th. They've worked diligently to prepare for this, so please come show your support! We will also recognize our only senior youth, Wyn Vickrey. This is a special day for our youth, so come join in the fun!

The annual Mother's Day Breakfast at Rumple is on Sunday, May 12th. Come enjoy a light breakfast and some wonderful fellowship from 10:00-10:45 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. You do not have to be a mother to attend. Everyone is welcome to come enjoy food, fellowship, and to give thanks for all mothers.

Bair's Recital

Solo Piano Recital - Bair Shagdaron will play a solo piano recital featuring music of Bach and Liszt on Sunday, April 28th at 8:00 pm in Rosen Hall, Hayes School of Music, Appalachian State University. No admission charged.

Summer Salt Shakers and Lunch Bunch "Salt Shakers” is a dinner group that meets monthly, June thru October, to enjoy a meal and fellowship at a member’s home. Other members will bring a side dish to share. "Lunch Bunch" is a group that joins for lunch one time a month at a local restaurant. This gathering will be very informal but a wonderful way to greet old friends and to make new ones and best of all, nothing is required of you but to show up. More information will follow once we receive the sign-up sheets. Sign up through May 12th. Participants will be assigned to a group and will be contacted by your group leader in late May. Click here to sign up.

Women Together, May 6

Join us for the next gathering of Women Together, Rumple's young(ish) women's group (ages 20s through 50s). We will meet at Sunset & Vine from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. on Monday, May 6. RSVP to Hope Squires. You may also reach out to Hope or the church office if you would like to be added to the group's email list.

Men's Group Our new Men's Group will have an initial gathering for fellowship and food at Town Tavern on Thursday, May 9 at 12:00 n. All men are invited. Make your reservations by calling the Church Office by Tuesday, May 7 or by contacting Dave Henry.

Thank you! from Lindsey Eaton Brandon and I are extremely blessed to have such a caring and generous church family. We appreciate everyone showering us with love and support on Sunday at our shower, and we are so excited for our baby boy to make his arrival in June! Thank you for all the gifts and words of encouragement. Rumple is truly a special place! 

Bluegrass Musicians on the Lawn

If you enjoyed the bluegrass music Sunday come out to the Rumple lawn, Saturdays from 10-12, weather permitting, and enjoy the music.

Creation Care Sunday List In worship on April 21 Kathy asked everyone to list what they were thankful for or amazed by in God's good creation.  Please click here to see the incredible list of what folks contributed."

Thank you to Joe Carr for this beautiful picture that he submitted as his contribution. Kathy thought it was an appropriate picture to accompany this list.

Blowing Rock Cares Food Pantry

To assist the construction crews getting in and out of the building, we have eliminated the two shopping carts by the back door. We are now using a large tub with a lid for all food donations. The tub is marked Blowing Rock Cares and is located at the top of the ramp near the rear door. If you are leaving a food donation, please make sure the lid is secured to the tub. Also, as we look forward to summer and students being out of school all day, we are trying to add easy to microwave breakfast and lunches for kids at home all day. The following is a list of items that would work for that purpose:

Instant Oatmeal


Peanut Butter and Jelly

Chef Boyardee, Hormel, or Dinty Moore Microwavable bowls

Microwavable Mac and Cheese

Canned Beanee Weenee

Microwavable Popcorn


Fruit cups

The missions committee wants to thank the ten Rumple volunteers who helped us serve lunch at FARM Cafe. Volunteers washed dishes, prepped food, served, cleaned tables and welcomed lunch guests. We hope you can join us next time we buy Boone lunch! 

Hospitality House Meals Each month, the Rumple's Missions Committee coordinates a meal for Hospitality House. The cost of that meal is around $400, and they are seeking donations to help cover the cost. If you'd like to cover dinner for one month, or pay for part of that meal, please designate "Hospitality House Meal" in the memo line of a check, online donation, or envelope in the pew.

VBS REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN Rumple Memorial Presbyterian Church and St. Mary

of the Hills have partnered once again to offer Vacation Bible School to rising Kindergarteners thru 5th grade. This year, our VBS theme is “Hometown Nazareth,” where kids explore Jesus’ hometown and get a taste of what life was like in Nazareth in Biblical times. They’ll also be fascinated and engaged by stories of Mary. There’ll be fun and games, Nazareth market shops, and more.

VBS will be held at St. Mary of the Hills Monday through Thursday, June 17-20. It’ll begin at 9 am and end at noon Monday through Wednesday and will be held from 9 am to 1 pm on Thursday. Transportation assistance will be available for children who might need to go to daycare or somewhere similar after VBS each day. Just let us know what you need, and we’ll do our best to help make VBS an option for your child.  

Fill out the form here to register your child(ren). If you have any questions, reach out to Lindsey Eaton, Rumple’s Director of Children, Youth and Family Ministries or Lindsey Herring, St. Mary’s Director of Christian Formation. 

Please join us in celebrating our only Senior Youth, Wyn Vickrey! We will recognize Wyn during Youth Sunday on May 5th, and we invite you to help us celebrate him with special gifts from the congregation! We have a laundry basket at Rumple House for you to drop off cards, gift cards, dorm supplies, or anything you want to share with Wyn. We will also bring the basket into the sanctuary on Sundays to make it easier to drop off gifts. We will present it to him on May 5th. Thank you for helping us congratulate Wyn and make him feel loved by his Rumple Church family.

Visiting Scholar, Brennan Breed Rumple’s Visiting Scholar committee is pleased to welcome back, our 6th

annual scholar, Dr. Brennan Breed. On May 5 from 9;30 - 10:45 Dr. Breed will join us by Zoom. You may join others in the Sunday school room on the 3rd floor or check the Slate and Stone next week for signing in to Zoom. The topic of Dr. Breed’s talk will be:: “ Our Biblical Covenant: How do we fulfill our obligations and connections to others in international communities

experiencing agony and misery? Dr. Breed is an Associate Professor of Old Testament at Columbia Theological Seminary and Theologian in Residence at First Presbyterian Church in Marietta, Georgia.

Discoverers Class will be starting a new study as soon as the materials arrive. We are continuing with Adam Hamilton and starting a challenging study called: Making Sense of the Bible: Rediscovering the Power of Scripture today. This study will start May 5th. All are welcome!