Board of Directors
John Beitzel, PhD
Denise Brown
Vivian Brown
Jennifer Burkhardt
Lili Dodd, MD
Eric Lewis
Pam Scott
Lorraine Wall
Carl Weber, MD
Medical Director
Rose Gibbs, RN
Clinic Director
Sara Nicholls
Executive Director
Kathi Gunn, ARNP
Chronic Healthcare Clinic
Marian Needham
Administrative Assistant
Pennie Robinson
Wellness Program
In nearly 22 years Dungeness Valley Health & Wellness Clinic had 24,469
Patient Visits.
The value of health services to the
community was $6,012,585.
Partnering with Walmart
On January 14th, Sequim Free Clinic was asked to participate in the Sequim Walmart’s Health Fair. We provided a table with information about the clinic and some great giveaways.
Walmart has also just announced it’s $1M March Round Up Campaign which runs March 1st through March 31st. This campaign gives customers the opportunity to round up their purchases and donate to the Sequim Free Clinic while shopping on and the Walmart app and have those donations matched 2:1, so every donation goes further. To easily access this campaign, please use this link:
Thank you to our
Health Care Partners
A very special “THANK YOU” to the following dentists who support our clients who are experiencing a dental emergency. We would also like to acknowledge the great support from the Sequim Vision Clinic which provides regular eye exams or special diabetic eye exams for our uninsured clients. This Clinic would not be the rich community resource it is without the enhanced services provided by other specialists in our area. As it is said, “it takes a village”. Our clients are extremely grateful for this additional support.
Advanta Dental
Cedar Creek Dental
Olympic Smile Care
Sequim Family Dentistry
Steim Family Dentistry
Zbaraschuk Dental Care
Oral Surgeons:
Alan Peet, DDS
Stephen Turella, DMD
Sequim Vision Clinic
Thanks So Much to our 2022 Clinic Volunteers
in recognition of the service of our 2022 volunteers:
Caroline DeSalvo, MD
Risa Denenberg, ARNP
Gary Henriksen, MD
John Joseph, ARNP
Steven Moll, DO
Diana Schott, MD
Carl Weber, MD
Nurse Managers
Suzanne Anaya
Mary Aulet
Maureen Byrne
Donna Cameron
Linda Fortney
Lyell Fox
Mary M. Fryer
Deborah Golwas
Mary Hendricksen
Ann Marie Henninger
Julie Ann Koehlinger
Christine Lanphear
Shelley Stratton
Janel Wiley
Kitty Dissing, CDE
Sandra Boudrou
Jeremy Buggy
Tim Guan
John Hammond
Sharon Hammond
Tim Kurtz
JoAnn Munroe
Barbara Parse
Jean Pratschner
Dottie Robertson
Nancy Talbot
Randi Cooper
Irene Greene
Susie Herrick
Bev Horan
Laurie Lightfoot
Sally Rodgers
Kristine Whitman
Jolie Will
Lilia Dodd
Carmen Pitkin
Data Entry/
Clerical Support
Hazel Blake
Eva Lundstrom
Jan Stewart
Save the Date – Fun Walk & Health Fair is coming BACK!
Mark your calendars for the 2023 Fun Walk and Health Fair. It is scheduled for Saturday, August 12, 2023. This year is going to be a little different than previous years. The Health Fair will be held in the parking lot in front of the Clinic and the walk will be utilizing the Discovery Trail along Hendrickson Road. More details will be coming soon. We are currently looking for Sponsors of this wonderful event. Did you know if you sponsor at the $1,000 or higher level, not only do you to have a table and recognition in fun walk advertising, but you also get to have your name and logo added to our monthly Working On
Wellness (WOW!) advertising as a clinic supporter. What a great way to advertise your business!
Donations were given in memory of…
John Baritelle
by Lynn Baritelle
Sandy Jones
by Rita and Vince Adragna
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We will never share or sell our email list. We also promise not to fill your inboxes with spam like emails.
If you would be interested in helping us reduce costs but still keep you informed, please respond to this email. Thank you
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Clinic Director’s Report
By Rose Gibbs, RN, MHA/MPA
The last year has been challenging and a little unpredictable. The Pandemic was declared as “over”; however, the same precautions remain. We have adjusted fairly well to the new COVID normal and look forward to the day when we can once again see the expressions on the faces of our clients. Fortunately, we have been able to provide uninterrupted health services to our community and believe we will continue to thrive in the future years. Service with safety is our daily mission.
The cleaning of the clinic, physical distancing, screening of all clients and volunteer staff and so forth have complied with Public Health guidelines. This clinic was not designated as a testing or treatment area for COVID-19 and remains as such. We have been fortunate to receive funding to support our programs, including the vaccine program for those without insurance. Through this voucher program with Walgreens, clients without coverage are able to receive vaccines for influenza, TDAP and Pneumonia at no personal cost. Also, there is no charge for COVID vaccines and/or testing at this time for those uninsured. Our voucher program for dental emergencies has also continued. Dental care remains a top medical priority and need in most communities.
As per regulations, we continue to screen anyone who comes into the clinic for COVID symptoms or other upper respiratory issues. People remain cautious about coming to health clinics of any kind. The number of our patient visits has been fairly stable with an increase on evenings of 11% for this last year. Forty per cent have been new clients. The volume has been lower than pre-COVID-19, but it is growing.
Kathi Gunn, ARNP continues as the Primary Care Provider for those in our Chronic Healthcare Clinic. We are fortunate to provide continuity of care for those with chronic conditions such as hypertension, thyroid disease, diabetes, respiratory disease and others. For new residents and even those with insurance, we serve as a safety net for health care while they wait for two to four months for an appointment in one of the local clinics.
In the Fall, we will celebrate our 22nd year of service to this community. At the end of 2022, the patient visits provided by this clinic totaled almost 25,000.
Some demographics that might be interesting: 53% are unemployed; 58% over the years have been return visits. The clinic provided services to 10% more women than men last year. While the majority (80%) are from the Sequim area, 7% are from out of state or country. No one is turned away.
Our food pantry has continued to be accessed with regularity by our clients. Due to the generosity of one of our volunteers and others, warm clothing has also been made available. During the colder months, the clothes have been sought by many and greatly appreciated.
I want to especially acknowledge the volunteers who have made themselves available during these odd times. Vaccine mandates have been met by all. Our volunteers are outstanding and make this clinic viable. We continue to survive and thrive and remain in demand. Without community and individual support, we would not be here. Thank you to everyone who continues to help during these trying times. Special acknowledgement must go to the Olympic Medical Center for their financial support of our physical plant and clinical programs. Hoping for better times to come.
Thank you to Dr. Gary Hendriksen
At the end of this last year, after serving this community as a volunteer medical provider for the last nine years, Doctor Gary Henriksen finally “retired”. His knowledge and years of experience have proven to be a great addition and asset to our Clinic. His flexibility and willingness to “step up” to help with projects, schedules and so forth have been very much appreciated. His image was used on one of our brochures, so in a sense he reflects the “face” of our Clinic.
Staff and clients appreciated his positive attitude and great stories. He has gone out of his way and beyond expectations with a few clients struggling with access to the medical system. His tenacity to plow through the bureaucracy made a great difference in the lives of those individuals.
I feel privileged to have known him and worked with him over the last nine years. We wish him a great retirement, although he has many projects in the community and a very wonderful family to keep him engaged.
Suzanne Anaya deMerci
Volunteer Registered Nurse
A real asset to our clinic for the last 6 years. She also is an extraordinary photographer and artist focusing on nature and animals. She donated a wonderful print of an American bald eagle in full flight which we are proud to display in our reception area. We wish her well on her full retirement the pursuit of wondrous nature and travel adventures.
Patient Demographics:
45% Male / 55% Female
77% Have no Local Doctor
51% Have no Insurance
33% Are Employed
61% Are Under the Age of 50
Services to Our Community
Since Dungeness Valley Health & Wellness Clinic opened its doors in October, 2001 we have provided over $6 million worth of services to our community in value of office visits; labs and xrays (thanks to Olympic Medical Center); prescriptions, both paid by the clinic and through our prescription assistance program; and dental services (thanks to the many community dentists participating in our voucher program).
Services Values since 2001 (Clinic Opening) $6,012,585
Believe It or Not...Your Neck is in a way “Connected” to your Feet!
by Barb Paschal, retired Physical Therapist, author, artist, veteran, tutor
Many aches and pains are caused by our own habits and can be cured with thorough stretching exercises several times a day and daily strengthening. Added to those key commitments is daily aerobic exercise and NO SITTING more than 30 minutes at one time before “up and about” X 3 minutes!
Case in point >> my wonderful husband came to me a year ago with a pain in his “hip” and said he needed to see a surgeon because he needed a Total Hip Replacement. I asked him where his pain was. When he pointed to a typically “ornery muscle” (the piriformis muscle) approximately to the right of the center of his buttock area; I felt sure he needed an easy exercise and change in his sitting positions! He quickly created a stretching program and within 2 weeks his pain was gone (without surgery!) and he continues his program to this day.
Every joint and nearly every muscle in your body matters to your balance and your well-being. Because we are so “connected” what your left side does affects your right side. What your posture/alignment is during every activity you do INCLUDING EVERY way you sit (driving, computer, reading, TV, conversation)
Our entire body matters for our entire health and reduction of potential falls and potential pain and potential joint destruction. It is never just one knee or one muscle that is causing our problems. Evaluating ALL your exercises and activities and habits is of immeasurable value and future health! AND!...If you have decided to go to a Physical Therapist and/or MD; they will be so much better able to help you if you have done this self-evaluation and attempted helpful changes on your own. Be detailed and Pro-active!
January 2023 –
Business of the Month
Dungeness Valley Health & Wellness Clinic, Sequim’s Free Clinic is proud to be named Business of the Month for January 2023 by the Sequim Chamber of Commerce.
Sequim's "Shining Star" Business of the Month Award was founded in 2016 to recognize local businesses and organizations that go above and beyond, collaborate with other businesses and organizations, and represent the spirit of community in the Sequim-Dungeness Valley.
Recipients are selected as candidates by Chamber Staff, Volunteers & Ambassadors who recognize something special and out of the ordinary that a local business has done. Their Board of Directors then votes on who will receive the award each month.
This award is designed to shine a light on everything from a 'pay it forward' act of generosity, to a major philanthropic contribution. These businesses and organizations play a critical role in our economy and contribute immensely to the quality of life for all our citizens.
On January 10th, members of the Chamber of Commerce came to the clinic to present the Business of the Month certificate to volunteers and staff.
Revenue for 2022 - $324,136
Cash Revenue $225,354 / Non-Cash Revenue $98,782
Expense for 2022 - $292,294
Cash Expense $193,512 / Non-Cash Expense $98,782