~ the eSPIRE Newsletter ~
April 17, 2022
Easter Day
No inSPIRE or eSPIRE next week
Today: Holy Wednesday
The Rev. Andrew R. O'Dell, homilist
8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist: Rite I (in-person only, in the church)
Note: No Wednesdays Alive! service/supper/class tonight
Tomorrow: Maundy Thursday
The Rev. William K. Christian III, preacher
6:00 p.m. ~ Holy Eucharist: Rite I (in-person, online, with choir)
Note: No Rector’s Bible Study on Maundy Thursday.
Good Friday
The Rev. Justin C. Hare, preacher
12 noon ~ Good Friday Liturgy (in-person, online, with choir)
5:00 p.m. ~ Fellowship supper (with kid-friendly options)
6:00 p.m. ~ Stations of the Cross (in-person only, on the lawn or in the church if raining)
Note: The church office will be closed on Good Friday. No Youth Group.
The Rev. Jeffrey S. Miller, preacher
6:30 a.m. ~ Holy Eucharist: Rite II (in-person only, on the Parish House lawn, with praise band)
7:30 a.m. ~ Fellowship breakfast (Parish Hall)
9:00 a.m. ~ Festival Holy Eucharist: Rite I (in-person, online, with choir and orchestra, nursery available)
11:15 a.m. ~ Festival Holy Eucharist: Rite I (in-person, online, with choir and orchestra)
Note: No Sunday school, Rector’s Forum, Foundations, or Children’s Church on Easter. Nursery available during 9:00 a.m. service only. No Youth Group.
Note: The church office will be closed Easter Monday and Tuesday.
Kids, remember to bring your flower to add to the children's cross!
Annual Easter Egg Hunt:
Fun for the Whole Family!
by Dorothy Lancaster,
Director of Ministry to Children and Families
Fun for the whole family, that’s what the St. Philip’s annual Easter Egg Hunt was! We had approximately 70 children from both our church and preschool families, and everyone from newborns to grandparents joined in the fun we had in the courtyard on Saturday morning.
Early in the morning, before the sun was even up, members of our youth group––who had been specially approved by the Easter Bunny––put on a stealth mission to expertly hide eggs for our younger friends. Then parents, grandparents, and children filled the courtyard with anxious anticipation. Fr. Justin shared a poignant message about the Easter Egg as a symbol of our rebirth through Jesus’s resurrection, and then the egg hunters were off!
Ms. Dorothy was so proud of how well the children listened and waited patiently! She shared some fun family Holy Week resources with the parents and grandparents and then children collected over 1,000 eggs! It was a delightful morning to say the least!
Special thanks to Roberta O’Shea (our new part-time children’s ministry assistant), birthday boy David Gilbert and his youth team, and Fr. Justin for helping to make this event so wonderful!
Upcoming Schedule Changes
Wednesdays Alive!
April 20: no service, supper, or C.S. Lewis class (Easter recess)
April 27: no service, supper, or class (Adult Confirmation)
May 4: service and class only (Tea Room week; class time and location TBD)
Regular schedule of 5:30 p.m. worship, 6:15 p.m. fellowship supper, and 7:00 p.m. C.S. Lewis class resumes May 11 and continues through May 25.
The Rector’s Bible Study
Resumes Thursday, May 12, at noon in the Parish Hall and continues weekly through May 26.
The Rector’s Forum
April 17: Easter recess
April 24: Bishop’s address to Confirmands (all welcome)
May 1: In recess (Parish Hall set up for Tea Room)
Children’s Sunday School
Children’s Sunday School summer recess begins after May 15 class.
Children’s Church
Youth Group
- In recess Easter weekend.
Planning on Donating to the Gift Shop?
Let the Tea Room Committee Know!
St. Philip’s Tea Room: May 2-6, 11:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m. daily
The Tea Room is just around the corner, and those volunteer slots are filling up and the okra soup donations have started coming in––thank you!
It’s also time to concentrate on lining the shelves, tables, and walls of the Tea Room gift shop! We are gratefully accepting your donations in the church office now through opening day!
We are particularly looking for:
• Non-perishable food items (securely closed and neatly labelled)
• Baked goods (individually wrapped and neatly labelled)
• Handmade jewelry, scarves
• Handmade soaps, candles
• Coffee table books, cookbooks (new)
• Original artwork, photography
• Notecards, stationery
Click the links below to sign up to volunteer, get the okra soup recipe, or let us know what you’re planning on donating to the gift shop and when. Questions? Contact Tea Room co-chair Amanda Ayers or gift shop chair Helen Ravenel Hammond.
House of Prayer: April Prayer Points
by Frenchie Richards, St. Philip’s Prayer Ministry
“My house shall be called a house of prayer
for all nations.” –Isaiah 56:7
“The effective fervent prayers of a righteous man avails much.” James 5:16a
Answered Prayers:
1. For our new assistant sexton, Loretta Williams.
2. For Archbishop Foley Beach’s visit and excellent message.
3. For good news from all of our mission and outreach, both at home and abroad.
4. For the increased participation in Water Mission’s Walk for Water.
5. For glorious music ministry.
Prayer Points for Local Needs
1. For our new Bishop, Chip Edgar, and his wife, Beth, and for their smooth transition into Charleston and this Diocese, and for renovations in the episcopal residence to be completed.
2. For good health and safety for our clergy and their families.
3. For Jeff’s sabbatical this summer to be a blessing to him and his family.
4. For safety for those going on the pilgrimage to Germany to see the Passion Play.
5. For the upcoming mission to England for our choir.
6. For continuing success for Theology on Tap, as well as the Foundations class.
Walking the Battlefields with the Rev. Jeffrey S. Miller
Antietam, Harpers Ferry, and Gettysburg––Limited Space Available!
September 12-16, 2022
Connoisseurs Tours invites you to enjoy a specially curated tour of Civil War battle sites with the Rev. Jeffrey S. Miller as your guide! The battles of Antietam, Harpers Ferry, and the three-day Battle of Gettysburg marked a turning point not only in the course of the American Civil War, but also for the future of the United States of America. This journey will deepen your understanding of this monumental conflict that left no American untouched. In the evenings, unwind in comfort at carefully selected accommodations in the heart of this historic region.
Ready to book or learn more? Contact Connoisseurs Tours Guest Service Coordinator Chandler Scott at (800) 856-1045, ext. 4, or chandler@connoisseurstours.com.
Upcoming Guest Preachers
St. Philip’s is pleased to welcome the following guest
preachers to the pulpit in the coming weeks!
The Rt. Rev. Chip Edgar III
Bishop of the
Anglican Diocese
of South Carolina
April 24
The Very Rev. Dr. Henry L. Thompson III (Laurie)
Dean of the
Trinity School
for Ministry
May 1
Rector of Holy Trinity
Anglican Church,
Madison, Mississippi
May 15
Register Now: Anglican Women's Gathering
Sunday Morning Rewind: Palm Sunday
Watch the clip of the Praise Parade at Children's Church (complete with Jesus and the donkey!)
Church Office Closed April 15-19
The church office will be closed Friday, April 15, through Tuesday, April 19. In the event of a pastoral emergency, please contact the Rev. Bill Christian at (843) 327-0791.
Would You Like Someone to Pray With You?
To pray WITH someone:
Prayer appointments are available with trained prayer ministers for personal needs related to healing for physical, emotional, or spiritual needs. All meetings are confidential and can be arranged by contacting Juanita Orvin ( juanitaorvin@gmail.com) or Frenchie Richards frichards7@aol.com.
To ask for prayer FOR someone:
Call Suzanne McCord, head of the prayer chain, and she will pass your request on to members of the chain:
Both options are always confidential.
Save the Date
Apr. 14 ~ Maundy Thursday (service at 6:00 p.m.)
Apr. 15 ~ Good Friday (Good Friday Liturgy at noon, supper at 5:00 p.m., Stations of the Cross at 6:00 p.m. on the Parish House lawn or sanctuary if raining)
Apr. 15–19 ~ Church office closed
Apr. 17 ~ Easter (services at 6:30, 9:00, and 11:15 a.m.; breakfast at 7:30 a.m.)
Apr. 23 ~ Star Gospel Mission Spring Cleanup
Apr. 24 ~ Youth Confirmation Sunday
Apr. 27 ~ Adult Confirmation (6:00 p.m.)
May 2-6 ~ St. Philip’s Tea Room
May 11 ~ Monthly Men’s Lunch
May 15 ~ Last Sunday School, Rector’s Forum
May 15 ~ Diaper Drive (Lowcountry Pregnancy Center)
May 15 ~ Choral Evensong (Canterbury Choir, 5:00 p.m.)
May 22 ~ Senior Recognition Sunday
May 25~ Last Wednesdays Alive! before summer recess
May 26~ Last Rector’s Bible Study before summer recess
June 5 ~ Choral Evensong (5:00 p.m.)
June 6-10 ~ Preschool Summer Camp session one
June 13-16 ~ Vacation Bible School (VBS)
July 18-22 ~ Preschool Summer Camp session two
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Membership Directory
Are you looking for a fellow parishioner's contact information? Our directory is online! Click the "My St. Philip's" button on our homepage, stphilipschurchsc.org, to log in or sign up for an account. And for easy access on your phone, download the Church Life app!
We pray for the sick: Arthur Applegate, Baby Avera, Jean Carlton, John Colwell, Banks Cummings, Linda Dennis, Maffett Dowd, Sally Fayard, Elizabeth Flowers, Mary Forbes, Debbie Foster, Pat Gould, George Gulyas, Mary Anne Hanckel, Dara Heikes, Susan Hemminger, Robert Johnson, Robert Kizer, Claudia Kolster, John Legare, Connor Lowndes, Molly Margaret O’Quinn, Beverly Melvin, Baby Zan Murphey, John Murray, Ulrika O’Neil, Valerie Rouillard, Fran Sanders, Jay Schrimpf, Lynne Scoville, Sydney Severance, Pete Sperr, Lindsey Wing, and Harrison Woods.
We grieve with and pray for: Amy Watson Smith and family on the death of her mother, Susan Massengill Watson Mood, on April 8.
We pray for our expectant parents: Ralph and Anna Gray Baker, Lauren and Allen Davis, Felicia and Tim Evans, Katie and Ruben Perez-Phillips, Lauren and Ashton Phillips.
We pray for protection for Becca Baird, Chris and Julia Beasley, Graham Blunt, Henry Clayton, Ben Colyer, David Daughtridge, Tripp Hathaway, Morgan and Mason Herring, Andrew Kane, Quin Kane, Horry Kerrison, Frazier Kulze, John Mason, Zach McFadden, Philip Middleton III, Jackson Miller, Edward Pritchard, Nathaniel Rollings, and David Scott serving in our Armed Forces.
We pray for our home and world missions: Star Gospel Mission, Lowcountry Pregnancy Center, Suzy McCall and LAMB, for the medical missions to Honduras, for ministry to victims of genocide and AIDS in Rwanda, for the Persecuted Church, for Anglican Frontier Missions, for Uganda Christian University Partners, for Water Mission and the Global Water Center, and for St. Jean Baptiste, our sister church, and the schools in Haiti.
Collect for Easter:
O God, who for our redemption didst give thine only begotten Son to the death of the cross, and by his glorious resurrection hast delivered us from the power of our enemy: Grant us so to die daily to sin, that we may evermore live with him in the joy of his resurrection; through the same thy Son Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
Readings for Sunday:
- 1 Corinthians 15:12-22
- Luke 24:1-12
142 Church Street | Charleston, SC 29401
Church Office Hours
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday
8:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Friday
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