Upcoming Events!

Teen Advisory Group will meet Feb. 23 at 7pm.  Come and help Amy plan for some fun activities and programs at the library.
Nevins Winter Hours 
Mon. - Thurs. 9am-9pm
Fri. - 9am-5pm
Sat. - 9am-5pm  
We're just as excited as you are to hear what Punxatawney Phil says about our winter forecast....but is he a real climate scientist? Nope, he's a ground hog.  But we've been listening to him for years...Maybe it's time for some real science to back him up.  We'll be holding some science programs this month and for the next few months to celebrate ScienceQuest - Earth Sea and Sky.  Our fist program is this month, and we'll be setting them up during the rest of the year as well.  Hope to see you at one or all of our ScienceQuest Programs.  And be assured, we haven't forgotten all the rest of our favorite programs, author talks, book groups and those fantastic children's programs as well.

See you soon,   

Welcome Back Hank Phillipi Ryan
Saturday February 11 1pm

The Nevins Library is thrilled to welcome once again mystery author and television investigative journalist Hank Phillippi Ryan on Saturday, February 11th at 1pm.  She will be discussing her latest book, SAY NO MORE.  In this book, Boston reporter Jane Ryland reports a hit and run, which turns out to be more than just a car crash.  She's also working on a story about date rape on college campuses, but when she receives the anonymous message "Say No More", she is truly scared for her life.  Copies of the book will be available for purchase and signing, and refreshments will be available.

Oscar Movie Series 2017 - They are all contenders in one category or another

Our always popular Oscar Movie series is back this year with four movie contenders.  This year the titles are:

Tuesday Jan. 31 - Hell or Highwater (rated R)
Wednesday February 8 - Florence Foster Jenkins (rated PG-13)
Thursday  February 16 - Arrival (rated pg-13)  NEW DATE!!
Thursday February 23 - Hacksaw Ridge (rated R)

All movies start at 6:30 pm

Can you pick a winner? 

Children's Happenings this month 
Take Your Child to the Library Day -February 4, 2017

Take Your Child to the Library Day is an international initiative that encourages families everywhere to take their children to their local library. This event raises community awareness about the importance of the library in the life of a child and their family. Get started by making sure your family has library cards.  Please stop by a service desk and apply for one. Have you lost your library card? No worries, lost card replacements will be free of charge on 2/4/17! You can view the monthly program schedule and register online here:
Be sure to stop by on Saturday, February 4th to participate in some of these events:
  • Winter Model Train Program (K to 4th grade) from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm
  • Minecraft Free Play Time (2nd to 6th grade) from 2:30 pm to 3:15 pm
  • Scavenger Hunt (all day)
Anti-Valentine's Party for Teens!
Saturday, February 18, 3pm

Valentine's Day is a time of romantic love and all things pink and red. If you're tired of the same old holiday, then join us for our TEEN ANTI-VALENTINE'S DAY PARTY! We'll be celebrating our friends and having a blast with snacks, games and prizes. Whether you have a valentine for the big day or not, come and shake things up with us.

Register here

The Friends of Nevins are Busy this month!

Details will follow in the next edition of Constant Contact. Also, mark your calendar for the Spring Book Sale the weekend of March 17th through March 20th. In addition, the Friends are holding a drawing for a beautiful oil painting of the Nevins Library that will take place on March 6th. The painting was donated to the group and is currently on exhibit in the glass case on the Main floor. Lastly, the Friends have introduced their signature umbrella and tote bag for sale. You can purchase either of these or your drawing tickets at the Main Desk.


Your Library, open 24/7 to serve you....

Here at the Nevins Library our door is always open...figuratively at least. We are available to you online 24/7 with such things as ebooks, audiobooks, music downloads, electronic magazines and research databases for a multitude of subjects.

eBooks and audiobooks - Use Overdrive, or Axis 360
Music Downloads (5/week/card) - Freegal
E Magazines - Flipster
Online Research -  Online Research

Check your account online to reserve or renew books.  or do use any of these services just by using your library card.  And the price.....$0
Please be sure to check our website -  for many more exciting programs and services for all ages.  We're here for you!