
Yogic Living Newsletter

January 2023 - Volume 2

Is my life a creative flow from my Soul’s purpose? Do I come from the heart? 

In Kundalini Yoga, another way of understanding subtle anatomy is through the Ten Bodies. As awareness develops around each of the Ten Bodies, we are able to harness and direct their capacities. We come to appreciate the intelligence of our design and to live with elevated consciousness and self-awareness. 

In this week’s Yogic Living, we continue our exploration into the first light body – The Soul Body. Remember, the Soul Body is the essence of you! It travels with you throughout multiple lifetimes, containing the basic nuclear energy of you. Your Soul is your individual expression of spirit. We could even say the Soul Body is you. 

So why take the time to explore it? When this light body is balanced, we feel connected to our purpose and destiny. Our lives become a creative flow of the spirit. A strong connection to the Soul Body motivates our path of awareness and personal growth. Juicy, right? Let’s journey further into the seat of the soul. 

The Soul Body - Heart Over Head

The first of the Ten Bodies is your best friend for life – your Soul – your flow of spirit. It exemplifies courage, creativity, humility, and vision. The key phrase for the Soul body is “Heart over Head.” When you come from the head instead of the heart, you become overly reliant on intellect alone. When you come from your heart, you can tap into the inner guidance and wisdom of your heart and mind.

Read More Here

Spotify Playlist for the Soul Body

The Soul Body reflects the essence of your spirit and purpose. The Soul connects you to your vastness, your creativity, and the source of Life itself. Tune into these mantras and connect to The Soul Body.

Listen and Chant Here

Guidance of the Soul

This meditation, Guidance of the Soul, is also known as Giaan Sudhaa Simran Kriya. Practice it and observe what experience arises from the depths of your Self. This exercise may become painful. While it is important to follow your own body’s wisdom if you need to take a break, in general for this kriya, the exercise is an opportunity to learn to confront your pain, your calamity, and overcome it. Give power to yourself through this practice.

Find the Full Practice Here

The Healing Vibration of Sat Nam

Five years ago, I established a daily Kundalini Yoga practice and planted the seed of Sat Nam - truth - breathing in Sat and exhaling Nam. I tenderly cared for it and watered it with purifying tears. I didn’t know what would sprout from its seed, but somehow knew it had to be a priority over everything else in my life.

Truth slowly grew until it couldn’t be ignored. Sat Nam—a powerful seed of truth—a seed that when cultivated, slowly pushes its way through the sidewalk of denial and fear. Sat Nam vibrates and elevates me above a painful past, clearing the pathway forward. Sat Nam pulsates in my energy field. As the delicate seedling emerges, it shakes off false beliefs, negative thought patterns, and limitations that have weighed it down since the beginning. As it matures, it offers fruits of clarity, flowers of self-love, berries of freedom, and seeds of inspired creativity. Its delicate fragrance is trust.

Read the Full Blog Post Here

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