
We do have some NEW CLASSES and class schedule adjustments for the month. Enjoy this monthly fitness-only news.

Be sure to register for your classes to guarantee your spot in class! To do that, please either call the front desk, or book your place by using the HP app (see instructions in this newsletter). We are now limiting class size to 16 participants.

Chris is out of town, this week only. There will be no streamed Yoga at 8:30 am, Sat, 2/4. Megan will be teaching Yoga LIVE upstairs at 10:00 am, this Saturday and Sunday.

The current, up-to-date class schedule (including subs), is always online. The password is hpfit.

Harbor Point Class Calendar

2023: Stay hydrated, keep your exercise routines and get plenty of rest!

During Classes, we are keeping our Air Purifiers on, Windows open and Fans turning for everyones' safety.

We ask that everyone be mindful and please stay home (with our virtual class options), if you are feeling at all unwell.

We have 4 LIVE and Streamed Classes at the Club:

Pilates Strength and Sculpt (and Zoom) M/W at 11:00 am with Moana

Pilates Rollout LIVE (and Zoom) T/Th at 9:45 am with Leigh

Take with you as you travel, aren't feeling 100%, or just prefer to stay home.

LIVE Only (no Zoom) Classes At Harbor Point:

Cardio Dance with Moana is Back!! Mondays at 12:00 pm NEW!!

Power Vinyasa is back on the schedule T/Th at 8:30 am NEW!!

Yoga Flow LIVE M/W/F at 9:30 am * See feature below

Egoscue Class, Thursday at 11:00 am

LIVE Gentle Flow Yoga Fri at 2:00 pm  

YOGA LIVE M/W evening at 6:00 pm; Sat and Sun at 10:00 am

Swim Clinic, Monday 7:00 pm

* these classes are not streamed 

Virtual Only Classes (Zoom)

 Egoscue (MWF 8:00 am) with Jen

 Yoga (Sat 8:30 am) with Chris (no class 2/4)

The Tuesday 11:15 am Yoga class has been cancelled

*Teacher Feature:

Hillary teaches Fridays at 9:30 am.

This yoga class is designed to meet the student where they are and gently guide them through a progressive series of standing, seated, kneeling, supine, and prone stationary positions. Hillary will instruct students on the use of useful props such as blocks, straps, blankets, and even the window bench to provide ease and understanding of each posture. She provides clear instruction to help students understand the fundamentals of each pose as well as the incorporation of the breath and meditation techniques. The students will progress from lower-intensity stretching and breathing postures to the stronger standing and balancing poses, and ultimately concluding with everyone’s favorite—savasana.  All levels are welcome.

Here is what one regular student has to say about her class:

"Hillary’s class is what I would call fundamental yoga. She helps participants focus on technique and alignment, along with balance. She really pays attention to everyone’s stance and provides personal guidance. I learn something about my technique every single class, and I’ve been practicing yoga for more than 30 years!" Carolyn Kohler

You can book swim lessons with most of our trainers!

Hannah is our new instructor for

weekend children's swim lessons (even in the rain)!  

Please reach out directly to Hannah to schedule lessons. 415-726-1694.

Don't forget we have a library of recorded classes as well on the calendar page of the website, listed under the Sunday tab each week. 

Always check the HP Calendar for current updates.

Go to the HP web page, click on "Calendar"; 

the password for the calendar is: hpfit

Thank you all for making such an effort to register for classes before you arrive. it has helped expedite the sign-in process and allows the desk to be able to check in non-members without you having to wait! 

If you are attending LIVE classes at the Club:

The easiest way is to download the Harbor Point App on your tablet or smart phone (the app is the HP logo)

Register with your HP account information

Click on classes

Find the date/class you want (up to 48 hours in advance)

Click "book". You will receive an email confirmation.

There is a color-coded Schedule sheet at the front desk. 

They are placed around the Club as well. Feel free to snap a photo so you have the schedule with you as it changes monthly.


If you would like information on, or to contact any of our trainers, their Bios are in the upstairs hallway. New members, you may reach out to our trainers for your intro workout, or contact me and I can help you find the best trainer for your needs.

Yours in Health, Leigh

Questions, or to reach Leigh

The Club at Harbor Point

475 E. Strawberry Drive

Mill Valley, CA 94941


Contact Us