Rondout School
The Falcon Flyer - Website Edition 
 March 12, 2022

Dear Rondout Families and Faculty,

Spring is on its way and so are the second trimester report cards which were mailed on Friday March 11th. Fountas and Pinnell scores along with Star Math test results were in the packet. Please feel free to reach out to your child’s teacher if you have questions about your child’s report card.

 The Sunflower Project information and sunflower seeds were included in the mailing. The art classes are working on a project to create seed packets with positive messages to use to distribute sunflower seeds to the larger community.  Some grades began creating their sunflower art this past week. 

The tragic news from the Ukraine is heavy on our hearts. There are many efforts in the works throughout the world to provide support. We are planning a “Humanitarian Day of Service” for the families in our community on Saturday, April 9, 2022. There will be opportunities throughout the day to participate in making a difference. We are working through the details and will share more information in the weeks ahead. Please feel free to reach out if you would like to be a part of the planning efforts.

Let us keep the hope for peace alive.
Take care… Until next time…
Dr. Jenny Wojcik                           
Notes from Our Principal
Ms. Elizabeth Davis
Dear Families and Staff, 
Rondout students had another amazing week of learning and growing. With Spring upon us, there are a few important updates and reminders about important events at Rondout. After Spring Break, students in grades 3-8 will be participating in the Illinois Assessment of Readiness. This is a state mandated test that provides an opportunity for students to showcase their English Language Arts and Math skills. Upper school students will test April 7-11 and students in grades 3-5 will test April 11-13. Makeup sessions will be scheduled for students who are absent during testing days. The Illinois Assessment of Readiness consists of five sub tests. Sleep and a healthy breakfast are important for students during testing. Please help our students put their best foot forward for the Illinois Assessment of Readiness. In addition, students in grades 5 and 8 will participate in the Illinois Science Assessment during the week of April 18. Please reach out with any questions regarding the state assessments. 
One highlight over the past few weeks has been our March Madness Book Competition. Students are voting for their favorite picture book and have had some guest readers along the way! Ask your student what their favorite story has been and check out the Rondout Learning Center page on our website to follow along with the fun! I am looking forward to another fun filled week at Rondout. 

Elizabeth Davis 
Principal Rondout School 
Available to students in grades 5 - 8, please contact Mr. Williams if you have questions.
Notes from Nurse Kellie
REMINDER: Grades K,2 & 6 students need to have an updated Dental Form turned in to Nurse Kellie by May
Shield Testing is Tuesday mornings starting at 8:00 a.m.
  • Please remember you must refrain from eating or drinking or brushing your teeth 45 minutes prior to testing. Students must wear a mask when entering the testing area according to Shield testing protocols.
Find a free COVID Testing Site:
We have revised this information due to concerns regarding recent issues with pop-up fraudulent testing sites. Checking with your own medical provider and or use the testing locator on the Lake County Health Department Site will provide you with more reliable information. The link is provided here.
Lake County Health Department
Testing Locator
Student Lunch
Lunch+Milk $3.15
Milk Only $0.40
Lunch Menu
week of 3/14/2022
Milk is included with Hot Lunch
Vegetarian Option Available Daily
Menu Subject to Change without Notice
Order the Rondout 2022 Yearbook securely online via the link below!
The final date to order is April 8th
Wednesday Evenings
8:00-8:30 p.m.
Rondout PTSA
Capturing Learning
Looking Ahead
March 14 3-5 Falcons Elite Skills Camp
March 15 Board of Education Meeting 7:00 p.m.
March 16 3-5 Falcons Elite Skills Camp
March 25 Early Dismissal K-2 @ 2:00 p.m. & 3-8 2:30 p.m.
March 28 - April 1 No School - Spring Break
April 4 Classes Resume
April 4 Track & Field Practice
April 5 Early Dismissal K-2 @ 2:00 p.m. & 3-8 2:30 p.m.
April 6 Track & Field Practice
April 7 Track & Field Practice
April 7-11 Grades 6-8 IAR Testing
April 11 Track & Field Practice
April 11-13 Grades 3-5 IAR Testing
April 13 Track & Field Practice
April 14 Track & Field Practice
April 15 No School
April 18 Track & Field Practice
April 19 Board of Education Meeting 7:00 p.m.
April 20 Track & Field Practice
April 25 Track & Field Practice
April 26 Track Meet @ LHS
April 28 Track & Field Practice
April 29 Early Dismissal K-2 @ 11:00 a.m. & 3-8 11:30 a.m.
Happy Birthday to our students who are celebrating 
birthdays this month!

Coronavirus Resources
Community News
t: (847) 362-2021
f: (847) 816-2067