Thursday, February 3, 2022
St. John's Mission Statement

St. John's is a Christian community that intentionally gathers 
to experience God's love through Episcopal worship, education,
fellowship, and ministry to the wider community.
The Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany
Sunday, February 6, 2022
9:00 am

Please join us for our celebration of Holy Eucharist at 9:00 am in the church.

Come, pray, sing, receive Holy Communion,
and join us for fellowship following our liturgy.

Collect for the Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany

Set us free, O God, from the bondage of our sins, and give us the liberty
of that abundant life which you have made known to us
in your Son our Savior Jesus Christ; who lives and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Readings for the Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany

Isaiah 6:1-8
Psalm 71:1-6
1 Corinthians 15:1-11
Luke 5:1-11

If you are not able to attend, please join our livestream services:
Facebook Link for Services: Saint John's Episcopal Church
St. John's website:
Reflection on Luke 5:1-11
In the Gospel, Jesus called his first disciples. Jesus was walking by the lake of Gennesaret. He was standing on the shore when he saw two boats that were close to the shore. The fisherman had just finished their fishing for the day. They had gotten out of their boats and they were washing their nets.

Jesus brazenly stepped into one of the boats, the one belonging to Simon. He said to Simon: “Put out into the deep and lower your nets. Simon replied, “Master, we have fished all night and we did not catch any fish. However, I will do as you ask.” As we know, Simon and the other fishermen caught so many fish that their nets began to tear. Everyone was astonished and amazed!

When Peter returned to the shore, he jumped out of the boat, went to Jesus and fell at his feet. Peter said to Jesus: “Depart from me, Lord, for I am sinful man.”  Clearly Peter and the other fishermen realized that this catch of fish was extraordinary. Peter knew that Jesus had done an amazing deed and he was in awe of Jesus and his power. Then Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching people.” When all of them returned to shore, the disciples left everything and followed Jesus.

Today Jesus also call all of us to be fishers of people. However, first we have to live Jesus’ message. If we are not living his message, no one will take the time to listen to us. The men and women who decided to follow Jesus were captured by Jesus’ love for the poor and the needy. Jesus was humble and he cared for the poor, the sick, and the least ones. Let us strive to imitate Jesus in his compassion for others this day.

In a year designated for Evangelism, how will we accept Jesus’ call to be fisher of people?
Altar Flowers for 2022

The Altar Flowers for February 6, 2022 are given by Diane and Bill Gustafson in memory of Flo Looney.

Our 2022 Altar Flower sign-up is available in the Narthex. If you are not able to sign up in person, please contact the office to see if your desired date is available. If you donate online, please contact Maria with your dedication:
Suggested donation is $40.00.
Sunday School
Sunday School is now available. Children ages 4 and up are welcome to come and learn about the Word of God with Heather Wallace.

Children must be masked in order to attend Sunday School. They will gather in the Sunday School Room before our service begins and return at the Sign of Peace.
Child Care

Child Care is available during our Sunday Services. Ana, the daughter of Alex Valdez-Beer, will be staffing our child care room.
Spiritual Gifts

Do you know what your spiritual gifts are? If you'd like to receive the assessment and information on how to get the results, please contact Diane Gustafson ( or 619-253-7298).
Commissioning of Lay Eucharistic Ministers

During our Worship Service on Sunday, January 31st, we commissioned four Lay Eucharistic Ministers who were licensed by the Bishop to administer Holy Communion to those who are unable to be present at the Celebration of the Eucharist.

We thank Celia Vasquez, Debbie Lothspeich, Norma Dunn and Iris Atkins for answering the call to serve in this special ministry.

If you are not able to join us for our celebration of Holy Eucharist, we will bring Holy Communion to you. You may call the parish office (619-422-4141) and request communion to be brought to you by one of our Eucharistic Visitors.
Celebrations of Life

In times of grief, we are comforted with assurance of our faith, that those who die have the promise of newness of life in the resurrection.

Please hold the following families in your prayers during this difficult time.
Dale Evans

The Celebration of Life for Dale Evans will be on
Saturday, February 19th at 1:00pm at
St. John's Episcopal Church, 760 First Ave. Chula Vista, CA 91910

Notes of Care and Sympathy may be sent to:
The Family of Dale Evans
3350 Watercrest Ct.
Bonita CA 91902

If you are not able to attend, please join our livestream services:
Facebook Link for Services: Saint John's Episcopal Church
St. John's website:
June Vasquez

The Celebration of Life for June Vasquez will be on
Saturday, March 5th at 11:00am at
St. John's Episcopal Church, 760 First Ave. Chula Vista, CA 91910

Notes of Care and Sympathy may be sent to:
Mike and Celia Vasquez
2950 Iris Ave Space 84
San Diego, CA 92154
Into your hands, O merciful Savior,
we commend you servants, Dale and June.
Acknowledge, we humbly beseech you, sheep of your own fold,
lambs of your own flock, sinners of your own redeeming.
Receive them into the arms of your mercy,
into the blessed rest of everlasting peace,
and into the glorious company of the saints in light. Amen.
Rest eternal grant to them, O Lord;
And let light perpetual shine upon them.

May their souls and the souls of all the departed,
through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
We Are Here For You!

As we carefully gather in person at St. John's, we would like to remind you that we are here for you!

If you, a family member, neighbor or a friend are interested in celebrating a significant event in your spiritual life, please know that you are welcome.
We would be honored to be a part of your Baptism, Holy Communion, Quinceañera Marriage, Renewal of Vows or Anointing of the Sick.

At St. John's, no matter who you are or where you are on your spiritual journey - you are welcome here
We Are Available in Your Time of Need

If you have a pastoral emergency when the parish offices are closed,
please call 619-301-0724 or email
Outreach Collections

St. John's Outreach Committee meets monthly to discuss our parish Outreach activities.
We will continue our ongoing collections for:
  • New Blankets - Domestic Violence Shelters (Denise Czer and Linda Dennehy)
  • Pill Bottles - Matthew 25 Ministries (Sally Elliott)  
  • Eyeglasses - (Norma Dunn)
  • Greeting Cards - ECS HeadStart (Judy McKay)
  • Clean, Gently Used Blankets - Dreams for Change (Norma Dunn)
  • Emergency Food Pantry - South Bay Community Services (Maria and Joe Love)

Items may be brought to Nale Hall on Sundays when we gather for worship.
You may also bring your items to church during our weekday office hours, Monday through Thursday from 9am to 3pm. Ring the doorbell, and you will be buzzed in to leave your items outside Nale Hall.
If you do not feel comfortable driving, please contact the parish office, and we will find a volunteer to pick up the items from your home.

Please click on the following link or visit the St. John's website ( for more information on our Outreach Ministries:

Super Bowl Sunday Bake Sale
For many years, the Women of St. John’s held a bake sale on Super Bowl Sunday. Not last year, of course, because of the pandemic. We are ready to try again to help the parish regain a sense of normalcy. The date will be February 13.

We are seeking donations of baked goods such as brownies, cupcakes, cookies, cakes, pies.  And we hope you will buy as well. Everything will be pre-wrapped and handled by persons masked and wearing gloves.

If you have questions, please contact Diane Gustafson or 619-253-7298.
A Different Kind of Book Club

We'd like to try a different kind of Book Club and see if there is enough interest to continue it on perhaps a monthly basis.

We wouldn't all read the same book. Instead we would each talk about a book we have read recently, why we liked it, and giving enough of the plot to entice others. It would take no more than one hour.

If you are interested, please send an email to Diane Gustafson ( and tell whether you would like an in person session, Skype, FaceTime, or Zoom. It's possible we can do more than one format.
Coffee/Tea with Rev. Roger

For almost the entire time that Rev. Roger has been at St. John's we have been in a pandemic with part of that time being shut down.

Rev. Roger would like to provide an opportunity for any members of the parish to "get to know him".

On Wednesday mornings from 10:30-11:30, following Morning Prayer and Bible Study,
Rev. Roger will be available in the Rev. Jack and Sarah Tolley Memorial Library for a visit. This is time to get to know him, ask him questions, and learn about his vision and dreams for the church.
Hospitality Hosts Needed!

Please join us for hospitality after the Sunday morning worship service. 
If you would like to host a Sunday, you may sign up on the poster in Nale Hall or by calling or emailing Maria at 619-422-4141 or

Refreshments should be individually portioned or wrapped, or served by a server who is the only one touching the serving implements. Coffee and Clean-up are done by our Sexton, Ryan Attaway.

Current Available Dates:

February 20
February 27
March 6
March 27
Centennial Celebration
2022 will be our Centennial Year!

Our Centennial Liturgy will be on September 18, 2022.
In 1922, we were founded as a mission of St. James Episcopal Church and two years later chose the name St. John's.
In planning for our celebration, we will need your help on the following committees:
  • Communications and Publicity
  • Gala and Fundraiser
  • Liturgy
  • History and Archives 

Lynn Young, Diane Gustafson and John Will have been sorting through many documents and photos on the history of St. John's. If you know some of our history please let them know.
Would you be interested in helping with any of these committees?
Do you have ideas of how we can celebrate this important milestone?
Please contact Maria Love in the parish office by calling 1-619-422-4141 or emailing
Wednesday Morning Prayer and Bible Study
Join us for Wednesday Morning Prayer and Bible Study
on Wednesdays at 9:30 am as a Zoom meeting.

Please contact Rev. Roger (
to be included in the Zoom meeting.

The Morning Prayer guide can be found here:
Prayer Quilt Ministry

The leaders of the Prayer Quilt Ministry would like to remind
you that there are many quilts available for anyone in need
of prayer and support. This important ministry brings comfort and healing to many people who are suffering with illness.
Please contact Diane Gustafson directly (
or through the office (
Daughters of the King Prayers

All the women of the parish are invited to discern becoming a member of the Daughters of the King. If you have any questions, please contact Lynn Young (208-695-7735) or Linda Dennehy (619-429-4747).

If you have a special prayer request for Daughters of the King, you are invited to fill out a prayer card, found in the narthex. Drop your prayer request in the church-shaped box or in the offering plate. These requests are confidential and are separate from our printed parish prayer lists.
Parish Prayer Lists

Birthday and Anniversary Prayers

We would like to acknowledge and pray for anyone celebrating a birthday and/or anniversary in the coming week. Please let us know by Thursday of the prior week so that we can get it in the Sunday liturgy. If you have a picture of you that we could post for your birthday and/or a wedding photo or current photo for those celebrating an anniversary, please email it to us - it would be great to allow everyone to see you.

Our Parish Prayer Intentions

Today and every day include some time for prayer, for yourself,
for your church family, and for those in need.

For our Military

Matt Jensen, Drew Shorkey, Cody Crossland, Cameron Ronie, Chariti Paden, Mark Stanfield, Sean Robinson, Jonathan Martinez, TK Nguyen, Christopher Lindshield, Timothy Lindshield, Jeremy Colton, David Sanchez, Jonathan Baldera, Nick Wyatt, Daniel Getreu, Jamal Warner, Matt Hernandez, Devon Strunk, Taylor Harrold, Jorge Zuazua, Katherine Milam, Sebastian Morales, Richie Lebron, Andrew C. Dugger, Roberto Johnson and the crew of USS Essex.

Almighty God, we commend to your gracious care and keeping 
all the men and women of our armed forces at home and abroad.
Defend them day by day with your heavenly grace; 
strengthen them in their trials and temptations; 
give them courage to face the perils which beset them; 
and grant them a sense of your abiding presence 
wherever they may be; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

For Strength in Time of Need

Scott Hunter, Steve Magill, Gary & Shirley McCarren, Ann Lindshield, the McClure family,
Bob Smalley, Sheila Kennedy, Barbara Duncan, Anna Jones, Craig Nightingale and Donald Starr.

O God of heavenly powers, 
by the might of your command you drive away from our bodies 
all sickness and all infirmity: 
Be present in your goodness with your servants, 
that their weakness may be banished and their strength restored; 
and that, their health being renewed, they may bless your holy Name; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Cycle of Prayers for the Church

In the Diocesan Cycle of Prayer, we pray for all congregations of the diocese in transition.

In the Anglican Cycle of Prayer, we pray for the Church of Ireland.

In the Military Cycle of Prayer, we pray for Sailors serving aboard USS Cowpens (CG 63), USS Decatur (DDG 73) and USS Dewey (DDG 105).
The Vestry

Lynn Young, Senior Warden
Bill Cheney, Treasurer
Terry Farrelly, Assistant Treasurer
Diane Gustafson, Clerk
Pamela Brittain
Tom Brzeczek
Alice Burnham
David Dennehy
Jane Ferguson
Alejandra Valdez-Beer
Upcoming Events at St. John's

  • February 13, 2022: Super Bowl Bake Sale following our Worship Service

  • March 2, 2022: Ash Wednesday

Parish Office Hours and Contacts

As our staff are now fully vaccinated, we are permitted to open our parish office.

Masking and social distance should be maintained when visitors are present.

The Parish Office will be open 9:00 am to 3:00 pm, Monday through Thursday.
Please call the parish office if you have any questions or concerns
Rev. Roger's Office Hours

Rev. Roger will be working half-days in the office on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday; and all day on Wednesday and Friday. He will be available by appointment. Please call the office (619-422-4141) to schedule an appointment.

In case of a pastoral emergency, Rev. Roger may be reached on his cell phone at
Beware of Scam Emails & Phishing Attempts

If you receive a suspicious email from an address that seems to be Rev. Roger or another parishioner asking for a favor, it may be a phishing attempt. Scam emails mimic addresses we are familiar with and are very often full of grammatical errors.

Rev. Roger will never email you asking for funds or financial support by way of gift cards. If you receive an email that seems suspicious, do not open it or respond to it. Delete it immediately.
Phishing is a cyber attack that uses disguised email as a weapon. The goal is to trick the email recipient into believing that the message is something they want or need - a request from their bank, for instance, or a note from someone in their company - and to click a link or download an attachment.
Your weekly newsletter highlights important events at St. John's Episcopal Church. You can also find news about St. John's at

We welcome your feedback, photos, and news items. Contact Maria Love at 619-422-4141 or

Please submit your announcements by Tuesday of each week for inclusion in the Enews.
Sacred Ground
A Film-based Dialogue Series on Race and Faith

Sacred Ground is part of Becoming Beloved Community, The Episcopal Church’s long-term commitment to racial healing, reconciliation, and justice in our personal lives, ministries, and society. This film-based dialogue is a 10-part series on Race & Faith, produced by The Episcopal Church. Dialogue Circles will meet every two weeks to discuss the films and readings. The Dialogue Circles will self-select a day and time that works for the group once the registration is closed. The discussion circles will meet on Zoom.
Email the Rev. Regan Schutz for more information.
RefugeeNet Gala
March 19, 2022

RefugeeNet invites you to register for its annual fundraising gala on the evening of Saturday, March 19. Guests will have the option of attending the event, which will be held at St. Luke's in North Park, either in-person or virtually via live stream. In-person tickets of $60 will cover a delightful array of east African foods enjoyed in a beautiful outdoor setting with plenty of space for you to choose the level of social distancing you prefer. There is no cost to participating in the online live stream, though virtual attendees can also order food to be delivered if they would like. Help us raise the crucial operating funds necessary to provide for the thriving of San Diego's refugee families!

ECS Gala: Moonlight Magic
May 14, 2022

Be a part of the exciting event to benefit the programs at Episcopal Community Services that address child development, mental health, and substance use disorders in San Diego. You are invited for an elegant evening of fundraising, fine dining, live music, dancing, and more!
For sponsorship and ticketing contact Andrea Muir at
Thank You, Health Care Workers

The Diocese wishes to thank all healthcare workers during this challenging time. “With this most recent COVID surge, those of
us with healthcare workers in our own parishes have noticed
they are overworked and overtired as the weight of their vocational burdens continues to multiply,” writes Executive Council and St. Matthew’s member Rachel Ambasing.

“These are essential workers,” writes The Rev. Regan Schutz, Rector of Christ Church, Coronado and Public Health Task Force member, “Now is the time for us to engage a weary world who desperately needs Jesus right now.”

Please join us in praying for all healthcare workers across the Diocese:
“Sanctify, O Lord, those whom you have called to the study and practice of the arts of healing, and to the prevention of disease and pain. Strengthen them by your life-giving Spirit, that by their ministries the health of the community may be promoted and your creation glorified; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”
(BCP, p. 460)
A Message from the Public Health Task Force

As the Covid pandemic continues, the members of our diocesan Public Health Task Force continue to meet and discuss ways to keep our communities safe, and pursue our mission in the name of Jesus Christ. We are grateful that our congregations have worked so hard on public health and safety issues for the nearly two years of the pandemic so far, and most churches have figured out best practices for keeping our people safe.
During the pandemic, the transformations in our communities have been inspiring, in many ways. You have worked hard to make online worship, formation, and fellowship opportunities available to help people stay safe, and you have made special efforts to stay in touch with your members and offer support and pastoral care. Although many people are still joining worship from home, some congregations are seeing growth as new folks are joining who have discovered our churches online. I am glad to see the dedication to Christ’s mission that continues throughout our diocese. As your bishop, I am deeply grateful to all of you for your inspired witness to the God who brings healing and reconciliation to our world.
We are now at a point where Omicron cases are surging and the pandemic may be in the process of turning into an endemic disease: one which sees periodic surges in infections, but our society learns how to deal with it. We are not yet to that point, and it is still important to maintain safety precautions, particularly for unvaccinated people, who comprise the overwhelming majority of hospitalized patients.
Our Public Health Task Force has some suggestions to help maintain safety:

  • GET VACCINATED AND BOOSTED. There is no better way to protect yourself and those you love from a still-deadly disease.
  • In our diocese, we are still requiring masks for indoor worship, except while someone is speaking to read, pray, preach, or celebrate.
  • We have still not restored drinking from the common cup, or letting each worshiper intinct. It is fine to offer intinction from the common cup if the intinction is done by a clergy member who has washed his/her hands and who places the intincted wafer in people’s hands (not on their lips). Some congregations have worked out other safe ways to offer communion in both kinds, which I encourage.
  • The Task Force suggests that congregations ask your members to avoid passing a physical sign of the Peace; encourage distancing; limit in-person attendance to 75% of capacity, and hold coffee hour outdoors.
  • Please encourage staff and worshipers to stay home at any sign of sickness or exposure to Covid in the household. For clergy, please contact the diocese if you need assistance with finding supply clergy.
  • Several of our congregations have made a temporary decision to go to online-only worship. This is not the right decision for every congregation, but we give thanks that it is an option for some.

A group of folks in our diocese is planning for ways to thank our healthcare workers for their heroic and exhausting work over the course of the pandemic. If you are interested in helping with this project, please contact Canon Jason Evans at As
The Rev. Regan Schutz, rector of Christ Church Coronado and a member of the Public Health Task Force, says, “It’s time we notice the people whom society is not serving. These are the essential workers paid hourly who cannot stay home and still feed their families—instead they have to choose one or another. This societal shortfall is one of the reasons we are still doing pandemic today. Now is the time that we engage in working for justice, in loving our neighbors, in being the church for a weary world who desperately needs Jesus right now.”
I am so grateful for all of you, and so inspired by your witness to the love of Christ in such
a difficult time. I give special thanks for the work of our Public Health Task Force:
David Ostrander, M.D., chair
Cheryl Anderson, Ph.D., Dean of the School of Public Health, UC San Diego
Judy Burton, R.N., member of St. Margaret’s Palm Desert
The Rev. Cindy Campos, Deacon at St. Dunstan’s San Diego
Jamal Gwathney, M.D., member of St. Peter’s Del Mar
The Rev. Roger Haenke, R.N., Rector of St. John’s Chula Vista
The Rev. Brian Johnson, N.P., Vicar of St. John’s Indio
The Rev. Regan Schutz, Rector of Christ Church Coronado
Cheryl Wilson, R.N., CEO of St. Paul’s Senior Services
In Christ,
The Rt. Rev. Dr. Susan Brown Snook
Bishop Diocesan, Episcopal Diocese of San Diego
Transformation Academy Returns

Faith To Go
Envisioning Digital Formation in the 21st Century

Transformation Academy returns on Thursday, February 17 from
6-7:00 pm! The Academy is a virtual learning and enrichment series where we are able to dive deeper into our diocesan priorities.
This month we will be highlighting a diocesan resource for discipleship. Faith To Go formation team members Charlette Preslar and David Tremaine will share about this revamped digital formation offering from the diocese and explore the many possibilities present in online formation for individuals, families, and congregations. We hope that you will join us. Register Here
Did You Know?

Did you know…

…that Jesus is referencing two stories from two different parts of Hebrew scripture when he talks to the crowd in this week's gospel? The first is the story about the widow of Zeraphath from the 1 Kings 17:8-24. In this story Elijah is sent out of Israel to a town called Zeraphath in the region of Sidon to live with a widow there. While he is there she tends to him and offers him food, and in return her food supply is seemingly made infinite, so that her "jar of meal was not emptied, neither did the jug of oil fail." Also, during his visit there, her son takes ill and dies, and Elijah prays to God to bring life back to the boy and he is raised from the dead! A pretty amazing visit, really.

The second story is about Namaan the Aramean from 2 Kings 5:1-27. In this story Namaan, who is a high ranking official in the Aramean army, is sent by the king of Aram to Israel to seek out Elisha so that he might be cured of his leprosy. Though Namaan is skeptical of Elisha's directions to wash in the Jordan seven times he follows his instructions and is healed. Not only that, but when Elisha's helper, Gehazi, gathers payment from Namaan against Elisha's wishes, Namaan's leprosy is transferred to him and all of his ancestors after him.

What do these stories have in common? Why do you think the crowd gets so mad when Jesus refers to these stories? What is Jesus saying to the crowd in using these commonly known stories from Hebrew scripture?
Resources for Emotional Support

The coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak is changing life for all of us. You may feel anxious, stressed, worried, sad, bored, depressed, lonely or frustrated in these circumstances.

You're not alone!

Find resources to connect with real people that can help, here.
EDSD Statement of Commitment
As part of the Jesus Movement and the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego, we pledge to love our neighbors and protect the most vulnerable among us, remembering our baptismal vows to "strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being." We live these pledges out by actively engaging in dismantling racism. For many of us, this will mean learning more about our racial identity, listening to those who have experienced racial prejudice, speaking out against racism, and showing up alongside those in our community working to change unjust systems in our society. We also live out this pledge at worship during this pandemic, by wearing face-coverings, respecting distancing guidelines, and foregoing the common cup.
Episcopal Relief and Development
What Would Love Do: 1000 Days of Love

Love calls us to care for our neighbors and for our enemies. Love calls us to attend to those in prison, to those who are homeless, to those in poverty, to children, immigrants and refugees.

What would love do? To you, who so generously support the transformative work of Episcopal Relief & Development, love calls you to continue to sow seeds of lasting change

Visit Episcopal Relief and Development: One Thousand Days of Love to see how you can help.
Reporting Misconduct
As part of our ongoing commitment to creating a safe haven for everyone, our diocese trains people in the prevention of misconduct and encourages all to report misconduct. All reported incidences are taken seriously and investigated thoroughly and confidentially. If you believe you have experienced misconduct of any kind, please contact Mr. John Seitman, (, 858-793-4555 or Ms. Equilla Luke, (, 760-583-0485.