Northwood School Laker
February 4, 2022
Masking Update
Northwood School will remain in Phase 4b next week. Masks will continue to be required indoors. Outside masking when engaged in close contact activities or when returning after isolation or quarantine continues to be recommended but is no longer required.
Upcoming Events
Northwood School will once again be hosting our own Olympics! Students will participate in fun activities throughout the week, culminating in a fun "closing ceremonies" event on Friday, February 18. Start planning your outfits for dress up days now!
The school's Wellness Committee encourages students to participate in a fun nutrition challenge over February vacation. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Langdon.
Title I News
One of the first mathematical games I play with young children is Uno. I began to wonder, what was the first math game ever created? My curiosity uncovered one of the first recorded math games was Mancala. It came from Africa around 700 A.D. The word “mancala” is derived from the Arabic word “naqala” which means “to move”. The game was created to represent sowing and harvesting seeds. It wasn't until 1940 when a man named Willie Julius Champion Jr. started manufacturing “Kalah” sets in the United States after educators came to believe that they had strong value in teaching mathematics and strategies for all ages. Much like chess, mancala has been a subject of interest for mathematicians and computer scientists. Stronger players are able to make calculations in their heads and predict what the board will look like several moves out. You can buy a Mancala board with polished gem stones for around $10 or you can make one at home from an egg carton for a fun snow day activity. Here is a link to the directions. Math is awesome!

~Ms. Scott, Title One Math
Meals Information
School & Community News
Deliberative Session
The School Deliberative Session will be held in the gymnasium on Thursday, February 10, beginning at 6:00PM. Free child care will be offered! Please sign up for childcare by clicking the image below. Click "complete enrollment" without paying. It will let you bypass the payment option.
The Rapid Response Access Point, more commonly referred to as mobile crisis response, began 1-1-22 with very little fanfare.
Now, for 24/7 crisis support, someone simply calls the statewide Rapid Response Access Point number. This line provides over the phone support and problem solving by clinicians to help resolve a behavioral health crisis!
If the crisis cannot be resolved over the phone, a Mobile Crisis Response Team may be dispatched to wherever the individual is.
UNH Observatory is OPEN for public sessions!

UNH Observatory public observing sessions:
Feb 5, 8:00pm - 10:00pm
Feb 19, 8:00pm - 10:00pm
March 5, 8:00pm - 10:00pm
March 19, 9:00pm - 11:00pm

Public sessions are free and open to everyone. If the sky is cloudy at sunset, the session is cancelled. Please  note there are no restroom facilities at the observatory and the dome is not heated so wear your boots and  dress warmly!
Important Dates
February 10 - School Board meeting, 5:30
February 10 - School Deliberative Session, 6:00
February 21 - 25 - February vacation
February 23 - School Board meeting, 6:30
March 8 - Remote Instruction Day
March 18 - Teacher Workshop Day, no school