ECOEA ...the link between your local and the Ohio Education Association
As one of our 8,000 members of a local association within the six counties served by ECOEA (Carroll, Columbiana, Holmes, Stark, Tuscarawas or Wayne), you are automatically a member of the East Central OEA District. We provide professional development, conferences, and scholarships that are open to all members.


  • April 15, 2022-Application deadline for ECOEA scholarships to OEA Summer Leadership Academy
  • April 30, 2022-ECOEA Spring Representative Assembly, North Canton Hoover High School Library
  • May 7, 2022-OEA Spring Representative Assembly-Columbus
  • May 17, 2022-OEA-Retired Spring Conference
  • June 4, 2022-OEA 175th Anniversary Celebration, Columbus
  • June 15-17, 2022-OEA Summer Leadership Academy, Columbus
  • July 3-6, 2022-NEA Representative Assembly, Chicago, IL
  • July 14, 2022-Save the Date! ECOEA Summer Leadership Gathering for Local Leaders-OEA Treasurers' Training, OEA Local Presidents' Training, Location TBD

We encourage members to attend the OEA Summer Leadership Academy, June 15-17, which will be held in-person at the Sheraton Columbus Hotel at Capitol Square. ECOEA, in conjunction with OEA, offers several scholarships to attend. The scholarships cover conference fee ($100), meals, and two nights in the hotel. It does not cover transportation or parking. Interested members should apply at the button below before the April 15 deadline for consideration. Scholarship winners will be notified following the deadline. While any interested member should apply, scholarship consideration will be given to:
  • Prospective association leaders. 
  • Members with 10 or fewer years of experience. 
  • Members from locals that have not previously received a grant or scholarship to attend the Summer Leadership Academy. 
  • Locals who can send members in order to encourage building and growing strength within locals. 
Please contact the ECOEA office if you have any questions.
from Kathleen Purdy, OEA-R Rep to ECOEA

May 17, 2022-OEA-Retired Spring Conference-Dover
Program and tour at the Warther Museum and Gardens
Overnight accommodations available at the Carlisle Inn, Sugarcreek
  • Block Rate $134.00, includes breakfast
  • Group number RB879
  • (330) 852-2586
  • Block Rate good until April 16, 2022
  • Click HERE to go to the OEA-R Spring Conference website

June 4, 2022-OEA 175th Anniversary Celebration-Columbus

Congratulations to OEA-R members Kathleen Purdy (retired, Plain Local TA) and Carol Kinsey (retired, Canton Professional EA) for their election as retired delegates to the NEA Representative Assembly this summer.

Become a Pre-retired member at any time in your career. There is a new payment plan to make it easy, too! Click HERE for the application and information.

The nominations period closed on March 1, for the ECOEA elected positions. Positions with no declared candidates will be filled by nomination from the floor of the ECOEA Representative Assembly on April 30, 2022. Positions with no declared candidates are:
  • Stark County Rep #1
  • Stark County Rep #2
  • Tuscarawas County Rep
The ECOEA Representative Assembly will be held at a different location this year in order to allow for more distancing. The ECOEA RA will be held in the library of North Canton Hoover High School, 525 7th St. NE, North Canton. The library entrance is on the northwest corner of the building. Click HERE for a map to the RA.
JULY 14, 2022!
ECOEA will be hosting the OEA Presidents' and the Treasurers' Trainings on Thursday, July 14. A full day of information is being planned including internet security, elections training, sessions for both novice and experienced treasurers, and local presidents' training. The training will be held in-person as part of our Summer Leadership series. Other Summer Leadership Workshop sessions will be held throughout July. Look for registration and the schedule in our May newsletter!
What’s all this I hear about loan forgiveness? Am I eligible? What about student loan repayment; will I have to start paying again in May? Will I have to budget for student loan payments in retirement?
As winter gives way to spring and borrowers are preparing to resume making payments on their student loans, there may be new hope for some 550,000 borrowers. With a limited time waiver, Pubic Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) may be more accessible than before. Since January 2021, 675,000 borrowers have had $15 billion of loan debt forgiven but there’s still 43 million more borrowers who owe $1.75 trillion. Join us and learn more about the Temporary Expanded PSLF program and the life-changing opportunity it is creating for so many.
No pre-registration required; just click on the link below:
If prompted, use meeting ID 892 3385 7259 and passcode 290797
April 19  Session 1 starts at 4:00 p.m.
Session 2 starts at 6:00 p.m.
$10,000 Staycation Giveaway
California Casualty, the provider of the NEA Auto and Home insurance program, wants to help you escape the everyday with $10,000 to spend your way. Get that hot tub you’ve always wanted, create your dream kitchen, turn your backyard into an oasis, add a media room the whole family can enjoy – the possibilities are endless, but only if you enter to win. You give back every day…now it’s time to take care of yourself. 
The winner for the $10,000 prize will be randomly selected in October. No obligation, click here to enter:
The East Central Ohio Education Association officers and staff:
Julie Nelson, North Canton EA, President
Julie Holderbaum, Minerva Local EA, Vice President
Juliann Doerschuk, Alliance EA, Recording Secretary
Valerie Heban, OEA-Retired, retired, North Canton EA

Phone: (330) 499-8587
Office: 129 Easton St. NE, Canton, OH 44721
Per ECOEA Policy 3.6 Access to Financial Reports-the monthly Executive Committee financial report is available to any member upon request.

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