Faith Lutheran eNews
April 5, 2024
This Weekend in Worship
The Easter season is a week of weeks, seven Sundays when we play in the mystery of Christ’s presence, mostly through the Gospel of John. This weekend we gather with the disciples on the first Easter, and Jesus breathes the Spirit on us. With Thomas we ask for a sign, and Jesus offers us his wounded self in the broken bread. From frightened individuals we are transformed into a community of open doors, peace, forgiveness, and material sharing such that no one among us is in need.
Scripture Readings for Sunday
Acts 4:32-35; Psalm 133; 1 John 1:1--2:2; John 20:19-31
Click here for the lectionary commentaries.
Worship Schedule
Saturday at 5:00 and Sunday at 8:15 and 10:30. The Sunday 10:30 service will be livestreamed on the church website and will be available during the week.
The nursery is located in Room 201 and is open Sunday morning.
Prayers of the People
Joyce Coon, Becca Feeken, Maggie Larson, Pam McMahon, Dick Neils, Rick Olsen, Mel Peterson, Jeanie Snyder, Nate Stone, George Trumbull, Travis Viles
Worship Helpers
Are you interested in helping with communion, greeting, or other tasks, please click here to sign up to help with upcoming worship services. Contact the church office if you have any questions: / 515-225-8334.
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5:30 - 6:15
Faith Feast Meal
Menu at
6:15 - 7:15
Nursery, Giggles & Grace,
Kids Club, Children's Choir, Confirmation (Gr. 7-8),
Adult Faith Formation
7:00 - 8:30
Chancel Choir
7:15 - 8:30
Sr. High Youth Group (Gr. 9-12)
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Children's Classes (PreK-Gr. 5)
Opening in Room 106
Classes in Rooms 102-105
Pointed Questions (Gr. 6 - 12)
Meet in The Point
Adult Faith Formation
St. Michael's Hall
Click here for upcoming topics
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Guest Preacher: Dan Kuckuck
April 6 & 7
Pastor Dan Kuckuck will be the guest preacher this weekend and will lead the Adult Faith Formation class on Sunday at 9:30 in St. Michael’s Hall. The topic of the presentation is “Adaptive Faithfulness.” Pastor Kuckuck will share how the synod and Churchwide organizations of the ELCA are working to adapt to the changing nature of the church.
Pastor Kuckuck has served as an assistant to Bishop Amy Current in the Southeastern Iowa Synod since 2021. He manages areas of mobility and call process; rostered minister leadership, wellness, and support; provides leadership and support for synod youth ministries; and clergy coaching. He is married to Minda, a communications professional in Des Moines. They have two children, Olivia and Zoe. The Kuckucks joined Faith Lutheran in October 2021.
Immerse Yourself in Mark's Gospel
Join Pastor Megan on Wednesday nights in April at 6:15 in St. Michael's Hall to learn about the Gospel of Mark--the oldest gospel. Participants will explore what makes Mark's gospel unique.
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Discover Faith Event
April 7
Discover Faith is a one-time event where attendees learn what it means to be part of Faith Lutheran Church. The next event is Sunday, April 7 at 11:30 in St. Michael’s Hall. Click here to register. Your registration helps in our meal planning.
New members will be received the weekend of April 20 & 21. Contact Pastor Carlson at with any questions.
CFUM Supper Club
April 7
Help serve our neighbors by preparing casseroles for the Children & Family Urban Movement Supper Club on Sunday, April 7 from 11:45 - 1:00. Silver Cord hours for high school students are available. Click here to sign up.
Mission & Core Values Discussions
April 13
All are invited to participate in a final conversation about the proposed Mission & Core Values statement on April 13 from 3:30-4:45 in Room 203.
More information about this statement is available at The proposed draft will be considered for a vote of affirmation at the congregational annual meeting on April 28, 2024.
Family Dance Party
April 13
All Dancing Queens and Kings are invited to the Family Dance Party Disco on April 13 from 6:00 - 8:00. There will be games, fun activities, and (of course) dancing. Come dressed in your best disco outfit and show off your moves. Cost is $10 per child in advance, or $15 per child at the door. All adults are free--and kids must be accompanied by an adult. Click here to register.
Digging Deeper into the Gaza Crisis
April 14
The current Gaza crisis has gripped the headlines for months, but the seeds for it have been sown over decades. Join Pastor Jack Mithelman on Sunday, April 14 at 9:30 for a discussion which will help participants gain a fuller picture of the conflict to guide their thinking and advocacy concerning the ongoing war. Pastor Mithelman is a member of the Southeastern Iowa Synod Sumud Working Group (formerly the Peace Not Walls Working Group).
Art & Faith Event
April 18
Join Pastor Megan on Thursday, April 18 from 6:30—7:30 pm to create a butterfly collage to celebrate this Easter season. Participants, ages 5 and up, will get to choose the colors of their butterflies. The finished piece will be 12 x 12”. Cost is $20 per piece of art. Register at If cost is prohibitive, please email Pastor Megan at
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Women's Retreat
April 20
The 2024 Women’s Retreat will be Saturday, April 20 from 8:30—2:30 in St. Michael’s Hall. Guest speaker Kathy Taggart will guide participants through a day of Bible study, reflection, creativity, and relaxation. Berenice Liborio from the Young Women’s Resource Center will also speak about how YWRC helps women in our community. Suggested fee is $35. The event is free for people under the age of 21. All are welcome!
Click here to register or sign up in the church commons the weekends of April 6-7 and April 13-14. Attendees are encouraged to bring items to donate to the Young Women’s Resource Center. Click here to review the list of needed items.
Wartburg College Wind Ensemble
April 21
The Warburg College Wind Ensemble will be part of worship services on Sunday, April 21. The ensemble will begin Prelude music ten minutes prior to the worship service.
The college’s top wind and percussion players perform under the direction of Dr. Lia Snead. The Wind Ensemble became the first Wartburg music group to perform in Japan and China. Its European tours have included performances at St. George’s Church in Eisenach, Germany, home of the Wartburg Castle and birthplace of Johann Sebastian Bach. The Wind Ensemble also has performed in Austria, the Czech Republic, England, and at New York City’s Carnegie Hall.
A full concert will be performed on Saturday, April 20th at 7:00 pm at Capitol Hill Lutheran Church, 511 Des Moines St., Des Moines.
Annual Meeting of the Congregation
April 28
The Annual Meeting of the Congregation will be Sunday, April 28 at 9:30 am in the sanctuary. Annual reports will be available in the Commons and on the church website by April 14.
Baccalaureate Sunday
May 5
Attention all high school seniors and families! You are cordially invited to a Baccalaureate worship service and luncheon at Faith on Sunday, May 5 at 10:30 am. Click here to RSVP even if you’re unable to attend.
Graduates - please complete the questions on the RSVP form pertaining to you and your future plans no later than April 22. Please click here to upload your senior photo. Again, please do this even if you’re unable to attend Baccalaureate.
Please contact Pastor Megan ASAP if you did receive an email with all the details for May 5 (megan@faithlc,org or 641-831-9499).
Vacation Bible School
June 9 - 12
Children from Faith Lutheran and St. John's Lutheran are teaming up for the week of VBS. Visit to learn more and sign up today!
Almost There!
Memory Garden & Columbarium
The Memory Garden and Columbarium Project is close to completion. Spring planting will soon begin in the newly renovated Memory Garden and the first phase of the Columbarium installation has begun.
The total cost of the Columbarium and Memory Garden Project is $257,725. Twenty-seven niches have been reserved totaling $94,500. An additional $141,950 has been given towards the Memory Garden Renovation for a total of $236,450. That means we are $21,275 away from our goal!
Please consider making a contribution to help reach the fundraising goal. You can give online at or by check made out to Faith Lutheran Church with “Memory Garden” in the memo line. If you would like to reserve a niche, contact the church office at or 515-225-8334.
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Maintenance Specialist
Faith Lutheran Church seeks a Maintenance Specialist which performs routine work involving the repair and general maintenance of facilities, buildings, and equipment (non-custodial).
This is an in-person, part-time, hourly position with compensation commensurate with skill and experience. Flexible hours are negotiable. The position will be open until filled. Interested persons are invited to fill out the Application for Employment. Go to for more information and the application.
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Pastoral Visit and At-Home Communion
If you or someone you know wishes to have a visit by one of the pastors and/or receive Holy Communion, call the church office at 515-225-8334 or email Pastor Eric Carlson at
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Ways to Give
You can make financial contributions to the church in the following ways:
- Place a check or cash in the offering container in worship
- Mail a personal check to Faith at 10395 University Ave., Clive, IA 50325
Visit the Online Giving page to make a gift online
Thanks for your ongoing support of Faith Lutheran Church's ministries.
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Altar Flowers
You can honor a loved one or commemorate a special occasion by sponsoring altar flowers. Click here to sign up for a specific date. Cost is $50 per bouquet. Payments can be made online.
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Please provide information for the eNews or bulletin announcements to by Tuesday at 12:00 noon.
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