Staff Updates from Rev'd. Emily
June 13, 2023

Dear Siblings in Christ,

In response to the departures of our Parish Administrator and Front Desk Administrative Assistant, and the health concerns of our facilities crew, I have redesigned St. Thomas’ staff structure with the help of our wardens. I am writing to update you on these changes.

  • Melissa Lynch, is now our Operations Manager. Along with her communications work, Melissa will oversee the administrative functions of the office. She will also support Rob MacNamara in the management of our property.
  • Michele Foley, who has been working as our part-time bookkeeper for four years, is now our Finance Manager. She will oversee all the financial affairs of the church. Her hours will increase to reflect her new responsibilities.  
  • Maureen Sullivan and Sharon Werner, two familiar faces, will serve as Interim Front Desk Administrative Assistants over the summer. (Lorie Hershey has recently left this position for a full-time position as Parish Administrator at St. Martin in the Fields. In her short time with us, she became a great asset to our administrative team. We will miss her but know she will thrive in this new vocational opportunity.) 
  • Rob MacNamara will serve as our Interim Facilities Manager. We have welcomed Carolyn O’Donnell and Juan Raxon as our temporary facilities crew members. Under Rob’s steady leadership, they are overseeing the daily work and upkeep of our campus. I appreciate your outpouring of care and support for Felix Suarez Torres and Paul Deck, both of whom remain on medical leave. They are not only our employees, but a valuable part of our STW community. It is important to give them this much needed time to focus on the healing of their bodies.
I believe that this collaborative staff structure creates the stability we need to operate the parish effectively while also reflecting the changing needs of our parish. This new organizational structure will be in place through 2023 and will be evaluated at the end of the year. Our three wardens, Jane Hamilton, Tom Morgan, and Phil Anspach will remain a part of our administrative team to offer their help and expertise. 

Finally, I want to thank all of you for your support as I undergo my treatment. I feel upheld in great care by this community. With your love and with God’s help, I am confident that I will find my way towards healing and wholeness.

Grace abides,

Maureen Sullivan & Sharon Werner:
Rob MacNamara:

A Prayer for our Staff and Vestry
Almighty and everlasting God, you have given the gifts of leadership and service to those in your Church who guide the care and keeping of our parish. Be present with those who serve on our staff and vestry, that their committed hearts may be fixed upon you. Grant them wisdom to notice the cares and concerns of this community, trust to follow your guidance, and the knowledge and love of you to be ever-present in their work; through Christ our Lord we offer our prayers to you. Amen.