Vol. 80 Issue 5 | Week of January 31-February 6, 2022
Worship on Sunday, February 6, 2022
This Sunday, February 6, 2022, we will conclude our Epiphany sermon series with a message from Dr. Foust called, "The Day Jesus Silenced a Mob on Behalf of a Victimized Woman," based on John 8:2-11. During worship, we will celebrate communion together. We hope to see you in person or welcome you virtually this Sunday morning at 10:30am!
We stream our worship services online via Facebook Live and YouTube at 10:30am each Sunday morning. The links are sent out to subscribers to our newsletter and emails via Constant Contact at approximately 8:00am each Sunday morning.
From the Heritage Room:
Celebrating and Envisioning
Beginning in 1947, St. John's began designating a week (later changed to a month and then a Sunday) known as Youth Week (Youth Month/Youth Sunday).
Youth Week and Youth Month were periods of time in which the young people of the church "took over" all church offices, including all ministerial staff, deacons, ushers, and Sunday School teachers. In doing so, the youth were engaged in learning about church leadership.
On Youth Sunday, those designated as Senior Minister(s), Minister of Music, and Minister to Children were responsible for the planning and conducting of the Sunday morning service. The Youth Choir led the music portion of the service.
At one time, the Youth also taught the Sunday School lesson that morning (from Adults to Children). The Youth Choir led the music portion of the service.
It became traditional for the youth designated as Senior Minister to sign a Bible, initially called the Jerusalem Bible because Dr. Claude Broach (1942 -1974) bought it in Jerusalem. When Dr. Broach retired in 1974, a new Bible was acquired. There was only one person named as Senior Minister until 1990 even though there were others who, in addition, to the Senior Minister, took part in the Youth Sunday service in preaching the sermon. The Jerusalem Bible is on display in the credenza located in the Chapel Building hallway.
When will we be celebrating Youth Sunday this year?
This year, we will have Youth Sunday on February 13 during morning worship as our teenagers lead each aspect of worship. These students inspire us as they reveal their commitments to God’s vision for the world.
Please join us for worship on this special Sunday!
36th Annual Elizabeth 8K Road Race
Register TODAY to run in this year's Elizabeth 8K Road Race through the beautiful Elizabeth neighborhood that surrounds St. John's!
Welcoming Rev. Jonathan Lee Walton, PhD
February 20 During Worship
We are a founding church for Wake Forest University School of Divinity and are privileged to welcome the Dean of the School of Divinity, Rev. Jonathan Lee Walton, PhD, into the St. John’s Pulpit on Sunday, February 20.
We look forward to welcoming Dean Walton to St. John's on February 20!
Our COVID-19 Task Force has updated our congregational guidelines.
Click below to read the updates!
To St. John’s Current and Prospective College Students
The Martha Miller and J.P. Hackney Trust Fund was created through the will of Mildred Hackney Smith and provides grant money for St. John’s members (or children of St. John’s members) who plan to attend Furman University, Wake Forest University or Wingate University.
If your plans for college next year include one of these three schools, you may wish to apply for one of the Hackney grants. The deadline is March 31.
Can you volunteer with the Backpack Ministry?
Volunteer for 1 hour each month and help relieve a child’s hunger!
We need someone to pack food backpacks on the 4th week each month. You can pack anytime between Saturday and Wednesday afternoon (at the church).
Prayer Concerns, Thanks, Sympathy
Shirley Ballard, Katherine Barr, Tamara Edwards, Caroline Godsey, Tish Philemon, Carole Ann Simpson, Don Swofford, Elma Thomas, Dee Turner
Financial Ministry Plan Report
Week of January 25-31: $23,720
Income through January 31: $107,629
You can make contributions, view your giving history and pledge status, as well as update your pledge and giving information anytime by accessing your personal Realm profile online or via the Connect App.
Ministers On-Call Schedule
Jan. 31-Feb. 6: Kevin Gray
Feb. 7-13- Lee Gray
Feb. 14-20- Allison Benfield
Feb. 21-27- Dennis Foust
Staff Contact Information
Dennis Foust, Senior Minister - 704-359-7234 (cell); 704-333-5428, ext. 12
Lee Gray, Minister for Congregational Care - 704-451-1309 (cell); 704-333-5428, ext. 15
Allison Benfield, Minister for Spiritual Growth - 828-448-8412 (cell); 704-333-5428, ext. 18
Kevin Gray, Minister for Music and Worship - 803-524-0287 (cell); 704-333-5428, ext. 14
Jacquelyn McAbee, Church Administrator - 434-579-1177 (cell); 704-333-5428, ext. 20