Jump In The Lake
I am writing you today from beautiful Lake Tahoe. The mountains and the lake burst with signs of God's goodness. I am here as faculty for the Art of Transitional Ministry. Pastors from across the country have gathered to learn how to lead the Church amid the COVID realities. Additionally, some are learning the basics for working as intentional interims. On your behalf, I have invited some pastors to consider calls within our region. Through my various denominational associations, I am always looking for leaders who are in tune with the Spirit and thinking with heart and mind about the Church today.
The second set of pastors attending the event are looking to retool and sharpen their skills in change management and congregational development. The two groups of pastors are honest about their struggles over the last two years. Some have agreed with the study Navigating the Pandemic: A First Look at Congregational Responses by the Harford Institute. The multi-year analysis of COVID's effect on worshiping communities shows that 67 percent of clergy said 2020 was the hardest year of their ministry. However, only eight percent have considered leaving ministry. According to the Hartford Study, the Great Resignation experienced by many industries is not impacting the institutional Church in the same way.