An Update from the CMS Building Committee 

Dear Cromwell Community Members, 

Cromwell voters passed a referendum 693 to 387 on May 18 for additional funding for a new Cromwell Middle School. The Building Committee has now resumed its work to move the project through design and construction. The project is currently in the Construction Document phase.

Earlier this week the committee was notified by the Connecticut Office of School Construction Grants that the town has been granted the additional 10% on the school’s reimbursement rate increasing the rate from 39.64% to 49.64%. This is a significant increase and could represent approximately an additional $7 million returned to the town to fund the project. This would not have been possible without the support of the Cromwell state delegation with Representative Carpino and State Senator Lesser’s tireless efforts for Cromwell. This additional 10% was awarded to Cromwell due the new build design concept design estimates being less than the renovation options. 

The committee is actively reviewing value management options for the school to manage the total project costs. 

Upcoming Meetings

Wednesday, June 21, 7:00 pm at Cromwell High School

Wednesday, July 5, 7:00 pm at Cromwell High School

Stay up to date with the project! All meeting videos, agendas and minutes are included on the committee’s website. 

See Meeting Information>
Cromwell Middle School Building Committee
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