Weekday Devotions For Lent
Tuesday, March 21, 2023
Week Four, March 20 - March 24
"Lux Aeterna"
The final piece of a requiem brings us back to remembering the eternal promises of God. As Jesus gets closer to Jerusalem, John’s Gospel gives us a hint of what is to come in the story of Lazarus’s death and resurrection. But before Lazarus emerges from his tomb, Jesus weeps.  

Worship Scripture: John 11:1-35  

Guiding Questions:
As you long for the eternal light, what brings you to tears in the meanwhile? How do you, like Jesus, sit with others in their grief? And how do you help to wipe the tears away from the cheeks of those around you? What might be a ‘tear-wiping’ activity for you this week?  
Music to Accompany your Devotional
(March 20th - 21st)
Music is an important part of our faith: it comforts us, connects us to others as we join them in song,
and is a means of praising God. Many hymns draw on texts from the Bible, connecting us with other believers across time and space as we learn and repeat words that have been precious to prior generations and to our kin across the globe.
Lenten Drawing Prompts for Kids
These prompts are meant to keep children engaged and help children connect with the gospel in your family’s Lenten devotional practices.

March 21: Draw a picture of your parents. 
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