Happy Easter and happy spring! What a beautiful time of year. Our students are looking for signs of God's glorious spring everywhere- birds are chirping, flowers are out, buds are on trees, and we are being warmed by the sun. We are celebrating nature's rebirth while we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. Joy, love, and laughter abound here at the preschool.
This is such a busy time of year, and we hope that you are able to join us for several special events coming up. We will be meeting with you individually for conferences in mid-April. Soon after that, we will have picture days. We are also preparing for our End of Year Celebration and Auction already! Registration is in full swing with a few spots open in 3s, 4s, and PreK classes. We do hope you'll share information about St. David's with your friends and neighbors.
Enjoy your Spring Break and Easter Sunday. We are grateful for each of you and for the opportunity to be a part of your child's life!
Meg Antwi