Connecting the UCSF cancer community with education, mentoring, and career development across all trainee levels.
Featured Career Development Opportunities
LEAP mentoring program
Leveraging Expertise to Advance our Professionals/Professors (LEAP) Faculty Mentoring Program

The goal of LEAP is to provide career mentoring to early career faculty who do not receive it elsewhere. Open to HDFCCC members who are assistant or associate professors. Click here for more information and to apply.
CARE Grant Review Program
Cancer Application REview (CARE) Program

The goal of the CARE Program is to provide R01 grant review for HDFCCC faculty who do not have access to it in their department or program. For more information and to apply, click here.
Career Development Funding Opportunities
Prostate Cancer Program 2022 Pilot Research Awards - Due May 2
The UCSF Prostate Cancer Program seeks to fund pilot projects in prostate cancer research. All areas of prostate cancer research, including computational, laboratory, translational, clinical, and population science, are eligible. Open to faculty and learners/trainees. For more information and to apply, click here.
prostate cancer pilot award
BMSF logo
Bristol Myers Squibb Foundation - Diversity in Clinical Trials Career Development Program - Due May 13
Eligible candidates will be new investigators who have completed their terminal research degrees or medical residencies and have not yet competed successfully for substantial NIH research grants. For more information and to apply, click here.
Fellows, Postdocs, Grad Students
Beyond Academia Series
Beyond Academia Seminar Series
Funding Agencies
March 11, 10am - 11am PST
New seminar series that explores careers available to PhDs. The series is hosted by a collaboration of NCI Cancer Centers across the country and hopes to help cancer research trainees network with individuals and potential employers across the country. Click here for more information and to register. Open to all

Applications open for 22/23 cohort. Creates a community of clinical research fellows and provides career development and research project feedback. Must be in fellowship research phase. To apply, email Jennifer Seuferer by March 18. Open to all oncology fellows.

Career exploration is a hands-on activity. Learn how to find, secure, and succeed in an experiential learning opportunity that's right for you. Runs March - June. Open to all postdocs and PhD candidates. Apply here.

Learn about the types of mentorship you need, how to find potential mentors, and what it looks like to initiate and participate in those relationships. For students and postdocs in every stage. Register for the Zoom link or view the slides.
raised hands
Upcoming Trainings and Seminars

Examines new developments in community outreach and care-delivery models addressing pre- and post-pandemic health disparities. Hear UCSF experts and health care practitioners on the course forward for community mental health, improving access to care for the homeless, the health implications of food insecurity, and much more. Register.

April 12, 4pm-5pm
Atul Butte, MD/PhD, Professor of Pediatrics and Karen Gehrman, Assoc. Director of Communications, UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center.
Dr. Cox's lab studies the molecular mechanisms of cancer biology, particularly Ras signaling. These seminars are now introducing an opportunity for the trainees to meet with the speakers informally following their presentation, to discuss science and careers. Seminar from 8am - 9am, meeting with speaker 9am - 10am. Open to all trainees and faculty. Contact Kurt Giles if you are interested in attending.
Click here for more career development resources and training
Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center - Office of Education and Training | Website