Amanda Littleton
District Manager
Cheshire County Conservation District
11 Industrial Park Dr. Walpole, NH 03608
(401) 578-1608

CCCD, NCAT ATTRA Northeast, The Community Greenhouse at Mill Hollow Works, NOFA-NH, and TOPP Host Seedling Workshop in Keene for Local Growers

Walpole, NH (March 1, 2024) – The Cheshire County Conservation District (CCCD) in partnership the National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT) ATTRA Northeast, The Community Greenhouse at Mill Hollow Works, The Northeast Organic Farming Association of New Hampshire (NOFA-NH), and The Northeast/Mid-Atlantic Transition to Organic Partnership Program will host a comprehensive seedling workshop to learn the processes that organic growers can use to produce seedling transplants from start to finish.

The workshop will take place on Wednesday, March 27th at 4:00PM at The Community Greenhouse at Mill Hollow Works located at 149 Hurricane Rd. in Keene, NH.

The workshop will start with crop planning and seed purchases and will move through systems of seedling production.

Attending growers will learn about seedling tray sizes, soil mixes, germination, and seedling care, including pest and disease controls and fertilization. Transplanting methods will be covered for when seedlings are ready to plant. Alternative methods for seedling production, such as using soil blocks and DIY vacuum seeders will also be discussed, as well as intensive planting methods that can improve efficiencies.

Funding for this program is provided by the Transition to Organic Partnership Program (TOPP) with NOFA-NH.

Registration is required:

For questions or assistance in registration contact:

email or call (802) 518-0993

The Cheshire County Conservation District promotes the conservation and responsible use of our natural and agricultural resources for the people of Cheshire County by providing technical, financial, and educational assistance. Our goal is to encourage the stewardship of healthy soils, productive ecologically sound farms, diverse wildlife, productive sustainable forests, healthy watersheds, and clean water to ensure those resources are available for future generations. Established in 1945, the Conservation District operates out of Walpole, NH where we work alongside the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service and other conservation partners. For more information, contact Amanda Littleton at 603-756-2988 ext.4 or email at


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