Welcome to Summer!
With July's warm weather and sunny days, we are excited for our outdoor gathering on Wednesday morning, July 20, in Garfield. We will have breakfast and plenty of coffee, along with in-person networking and some fun giveaways. Please remember to RSVP to Althea (, if you haven't already, for this opportunity to connect with each other in person.

Additionally, we are pleased to share that we now have archived eNewsletters and video recordings of AFNJ alliance meetings on our website. Access this new page here:
Let's Check Out New Developments:
AFNJ Leaders Speak at Annual NJAAW Conference
Age-Friendly North Jersey leaders helped lead several of the panel discussions at the annual New Jersey Advocates for Aging Well conference on June 13. One session offered a primer on developing an age-friendly community initiative, another demonstrated the value of gathering and mapping data about community assets, and a third looked at successful models for pairing housing with supportive services.

With thanks to Colleen Diskin and Althea Pestine-Stevens
Let's Celebrate!
Congratulations to Elizabeth Davis from Age-Friendly Teaneck for receiving the Carl F. West Award for Everyday Excellence at the NJAAW conference.

From NJAAW: "We were honored to recognized Elizabeth's tireless devotion to serving older adults...Carl would have been very proud. We are as well."
Pictured left to right: Cathy Rowe (Executive Director, New Jersey Advocates for Aging Well; former Coordinator for SOMA: Two Towns for All Ages) speaks about the honor being bestowed upon Elizabeth Davis (Age-Friendly Teaneck; Geriatric Services, Inc.)
Let's Recap
Our June 8, 2022 alliance meeting on “Engaging Historically Marginalized Older Adults in Age-Friendly Communities” had two enlightening presentations by Drs. Laurent Reyes and Melanie Plasencia, followed by a lively Q & A session. Some key takeaways included:
• The importance of recruiting people with historically marginalized identities as leaders;
• Designing events that include elements of cultural importance; and
• Recognizing the leadership already occurring in communities.
View the presentation and Q&A recording by clicking the video thumbnail above or here.
Thank you to Dr. Melanie Plasencia and Dr. Laurent Reyes, and all who participated to make this an insightful - and hopefully impactful - session.
Let's Meet
Wednesday, July 20,
Whole Alliance Meeting
In-person get-together in Garfield! Light breakfast will be provided.
Save the Date! Thursday, September 15, 9:30am-12pm
NJ Age-Friendly Virtual Fair
Share our flyer and sign up for updates here.
If you haven't received a calendar invite, please contact Althea.
Let's Grow
Here are some upcoming opportunities:
Proposals for the American Society on Aging's 2023 Conference "On Aging" are due August 1. The conference will be held in Atlanta on March 27-30, 2023. ASA seeks "conversations, debates, insights and best practices" on many interesting topics, and appreciate collaborative, interactive proposals.

The Community Heart & Soul Seed Grant Program is accepting applications on a rolling basis for $10,000 start-up funding "for resident-driven groups in small cities and towns across the United States to implement the Community Heart & Soul model."
Community Care Corps has released a Request for Proposals "for innovative local models in which volunteers assist family caregivers or directly assist older residents or adults with disabilities." Applications are due July 8.
Grant funding available from the New Jersey Arts and Culture Renewal Fund for non-profits focused on arts, education, and history. Proposals are due July 19 to the Princeton Area Community Foundation.
Let's Learn Together
Upcoming webinars, workshops, and other learning opportunities:

Check out our Padlet to view more articles, discussion posts, upcoming events, job opportunities, and other curated resources.
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More on Age-Friendly North Jersey

An alliance of leaders strengthening
communities for all ages
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