March 2022 E-Newsletter - Week 4
Explore. Enter.
Pitcher Plants by Susan Brubaker Knapp, part of her solo exhibition Native Beauties in Fabric and Thread, through 4/24, Chapel Hill, NC,
Around the Region

Find more regional textile events on our Bulletin Board calendar!
SEFAA Highlights
Above, are three new upcoming events, you don't want to miss! (Visit the SEFAA website for much, much more!)

  1. Passionate for Paper: My Personal Practice with Claudia Lee on 4/8 (in-person or virtual): Claudia will use images and stories to share her life as a working papermaker, artist, and teacher – an exciting and ever-evolving journey that began over 35 years ago. This will be a hybrid presentation, so you can choose to join us in person at the SEFAA Center or online via Zoom from the comfort of your home.
  2. Fabulous Wet Felted Bird House! with Katrina Stone on 4/23 (in-person): Learn how to use a gourd-shaped resist to magically create dimension from a flat pattern and welcome feathered friends into your garden.
  3. A Natural-Dyed Color Wheel with Paula Vester on 6/11: Working collaboratively, you’ll start indigo, cochineal, and Osage orange dye pots and then use mordants, additives, and mixing to create up to nine additional colors. You’ll go home with beautiful yarns and fibers to play with and, hopefully, the excitement to continue your natural dyeing adventure! 

Below, are images from last weekend's Batik and Ice Dyeing classes with Jess Kaufman. (Images from Katrina Stone, Leslie Bronson, and Susan Spratt.)
Volunteer Corner
If you're free this Saturday afternoon, come join the party! A little cleaning, a little painting, and a lot of fun, and we'll have the SEFAA Center ready for another year of fabulous programming in no time at all. Everyone is welcome and there are jobs for everyone – from dusting the bookshelves to defrosting the freezer, to patching and painting the exhibition wall, to sweeping. With your help, the tasks will be done quickly and, together, we can celebrate spring and community with a sparkling clean SEFAA Center. Just register so we know you’re coming and let’s get ‘er done!

PS We’ll provide all of the supplies! - 678.235.4328