Updates in Pediatrics
Editor: Jack Wolfsdorf, MD, FAAP
header with photos of various children
January 26, 2022 | Volume 13 | Issue 4
Vaccine effectiveness against life-threatening Influenza illness in US children
“Influenza can cause severe and life threatening illness in children”. World-wide influenza infection results in 870,000 hospitalizations and 34,800 children’s deaths (estimated) Though the US Advisory Committee on Immunization Practice (ACIP) recommends annual vaccination for all persons aged >6 months, only 38-62% of children (<18 years of age) are vaccinated yearly against influenza.

While previous studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of influenza vaccination in reducing influenza-associated hospitalizations, information regarding its ability to reduce the risk of life-threatening illness or death is scarce.

A study (at the start of the 2019-2020 influenza season) assessed vaccine effectiveness (VE) against critical acute respiratory life-threatening illness outcomes in 329 children infected with 2 mismatched antigenic and changing influenza viruses.

Flu vaccine effectiveness (overall) against critical illness from any influenza virus is 63%, and protection does not differ by age group or full vs. partial vaccination.
Flu vaccination of all children would “lead to appreciable reductions” in critical illness and death worldwide.

Read the full article at Clinical Infectious Diseases
"Disparities in Pediatric Surgical Care"

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