Increased Hours and Services at Eastside Library
The major construction project at Central Library is officially underway. Due to the renovations, the Eastside Library will increase their hours of operation and all Library services. Additionally, SBPL Works! service will continue to be available to the public by appointment Tuesday through Saturday.

Police Chief Bernard Melekian Announces Retirement

After 50 years of distinguished public service, Chief Barney Melekian will step down as the Police Department Interim Chief on Friday, July 15. Chief Melekian was appointed as the Interim Police Chief on March 1, 2021. He helped guide the department through the COVID-19 masking and vaccination issues, the development of the police oversight ordinance and responding to staffing and budgetary challenges.

Desal Link Night Work Update

In preparation for the continued Desal Link pipeline installation that will start in August on North Salsipuedes Street, there will be a dewatering project to drain shallow groundwater for upcoming trenching. Work will occur nightly, Monday through Thursday, July 11 – 14, on North Salsipuedes Street between Ortega and Cota streets.

Real Time Translation and Audio Assistance at City Council Meetings

Now it's easier than ever to get involved with your City Council, with real time English or Spanish translation or audio assistance at Council meetings, with the Listen Everywhere App. It's as easy as scan, connect, open, and listen. Scan the QR code and download the free Listen Everywhere App. Connect to the City Hall Wi-Fi. Open the app and select your preferred language. Plug in your headphones and follow the meeting. Give it a try at the next City Council Meeting on July 19.

Don't Miss the Last Summer Nights

Make sure the teens in your family come out for the last few nights of Summer Nights at La Cumbre Junior High. The Parks and Recreation Department partnered with the Santa Barbara Unified School District to offer young adults a fun and safe place to hang out Wednesday through Friday. As the six-week program wraps up, there is still plenty of engaging activities in store including roller skating, dance, a live DJ, bounce houses, sports, and food.

Need to Know
A roundup of City news, important dates and latest happenings
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City of Santa Barbara
City Hall
735 Anacapa Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101