January 21, 2022

Dear Faculty and Staff:
Welcome to the Spring 2022 semester. It is hard to imagine that we have been in this pandemic for almost two years. However, with your help we will continue to keep each other safe by following the policies and procedures that have been established at our University. The WP COVID-19 Response Team has been updating the guidance and protocols in response to the highly transmissible Omicron variant. Please read this letter carefully for the latest guidance and mitigation strategies. Since the semester is beginning remotely, these procedures will be in place beginning January 31.

One of the best measures proven to work against this variant is wearing a good-fitting mask. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is now recommending that you wear an N95 or KN95 mask, or at least a 3-ply disposable surgical mask CDC Mask Guidance. A letter from the Director of Purchasing on how to obtain masks or supplies on campus will be sent out soon. Masks will be required on campus for all while we are in a high transmission rate for our area. Please continue to follow the guidance of our Masking Policy. If you come to campus and have forgotten your mask, you can obtain one at one of our designated distribution places Mask Distribution Locations.

On-Campus Testing
For the Spring 2022 semester we have contracted with FastMed LLC for on-campus COVID-19 testing, with no out-of-pocket cost to students, employees, or the University. However, if you have insurance you are required to provide that information.

All unvaccinated/exempt individuals are required to participate in regular COVID-19 PCR testing. They will be contacted directly via email by Human Resources with more information about testing. FastMed will be on site every Tuesday from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. in White Hall Lounge for nasal PCR testing starting February 1, 2022. Our on-site testing clinic will also permit walk-ins, while volume permits, including any faculty, staff, or student (unvaccinated or vaccinated). We ask that individuals who are having symptoms do not attend the testing clinic in order to prevent exposing other community members. If you are having symptoms, please obtain a test off site or an at-home test and provide the results in the COVID-19 Testing Portal. Individuals who are required to participate in weekly testing will receive an email with more information including options to obtain off-campus testing.

Off-Campus Testing
WP has also partnered with St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center for off-site testing for our community members at their drive-in testing center at St. Joseph’s Wayne located adjacent to the campus and accessible via University Drive. Any WP community member can obtain a PCR test at their site Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Please bring the referral form to identify you as a member of our community St. Joseph's Referral Form. For more information about their testing center visit St. Joseph's COVID Testing

The federal government has just announced that families can order at-home COVID-19 tests (four per residential address) starting on January 19, 2022. For more information, please visit Free COVID Tests

To find a free COVID-19 test closer to you home, you may visit NJ Testing Information.  

Starting this semester, there is a new WP COVID Testing Portal. Having one centralized portal for COVID tests will help to streamline contact tracing and notifications. All individuals will have access to their own portal and can upload their results.

One of the best strategies to prevent serious complications from COVID-19, including hospitalization and death, is the COVID-19 vaccine. Even though, at this time, WP has not required boosters, we strongly recommend that you receive a booster if you are eligible. For more information about eligibility visit CDC Booster Information. If you have received a booster, please check your WP COVID-19 Vaccination Portal to see if we have that information from NJIIS; if not, please upload your updated vaccine card to the portal. This will allow us to track the community’s boosted status. 

We have partnered with the Passaic County Office of Emergency Management to provide COVID-19 boosters to our community. We will be hosting on-site booster clinics throughout the spring semester. The first booster clinic is scheduled for Friday, January 28 from 12:00 to 4:00 p.m. in White Hall Lounge. No appointments are necessary. More information about future clinics can be found in the daily announcements.

William Paterson University continues to work closely with our local, county, and state Departments of Health regarding isolation and quarantine guidelines for our campus. We have been instructed by the Passaic County epidemiologist that we are required to follow the guidance below. If the guidance subsequently changes, the community will be notified.

Anyone who tests positive (vaccinated or unvaccinated) will still be required to isolate for 10 days from the day they test positive (if no symptoms) or from when symptoms began. You cannot test out of this requirement; you are also not required to provide a negative test to return. Also, in order to return to campus for work or attend in-person classes or activities, you must isolate for 10 days and be symptom-free for at least 24 hours.

Fully vaccinated individuals are not required to quarantine after being exposed by a close contact. However, you are required to remain masked in the presence of others and to monitor for symptoms for at least 10 days from exposure. It is recommended that you get tested between day 5 to day 7 after exposure.

Unvaccinated/exempt individuals are required to quarantine for 7 days following an exposure to/close contact with someone that tested positive and must submit a negative PCR test (completed between day 5 to 7) to return to campus. Unvaccinated individuals who previously tested positive within 90 days are not required to quarantine as long as they provide documentation of a positive lab result. If you develop symptoms at this time, you must stay home and reach out to your medical provider. You must remain masked and practice social distancing for 10 days after exposure.
The health of our community continues to depend on the cooperation of students, faculty, and staff in identifying and reporting cases of COVID-19 in order to properly identify any exposures. It becomes even more challenging when there are high rates of transmission in our local communities. We ask that our community members be responsible and stay home if they are sick, exposed and unvaccinated, or if they think they have COVID 19. It is true, especially with the Omicron variant, that symptoms can also mirror a cold, allergies, flu, and other illnesses. 

If you are having any symptoms, we ask that you test for COVID-19 and do not return to campus until you have obtained the results of your test. You also must report symptoms on the WP Symptom and Exposure Form. If you receive a positive result, you must submit results on the WP COVID Testing Portal to ensure proper tracking and follow up. 

It is imperative that you continue to cooperate with contact tracing and any protocols. We will be contacting individuals through their WP email account, which you must check daily. 

Due to the demands of contact tracing, notification and communication with students, faculty, and staff will be conducted electronically via email. 
Employees should notify Human Resources via Payroll@wpunj.edu if they test positive for COVID-19. They can upload their positive test result to the WP COVID Testing Portal. Employees who test positive must follow the isolation guidelines and can only return after 10 days since testing positive or when symptoms began. They must also be symptom-free for at least 24 hours before returning. Employees do not need to be cleared by their medical provider to return after having COVID-19. However, if symptoms are prolonged and they are out for an extended period, this may be required. Also, if symptoms worsen, please reach out to your medical provider or go to your local urgent care center. For more information about COVID 19 symptoms visit CDC Covid-19 Symptoms.

We also want to keep you informed about specific protocols that are in place for students:

All resident students are required to participate in rapid testing provided by FastMed at move-in to the residence halls. If students test positive, they will be moved immediately to isolation spaces. More information has been provided to all resident students by the Office of Residence Life.

If a student tests positive for COVID-19, they will be provided with an excuse note for in-person classes by the Counseling, Health and Wellness Center. This excuse note will contain the date when the student is permitted to return. We will no longer be sending clearance notes. It has been communicated to our students that they are responsible for providing notes to their professors and to work with them to obtain missed classwork. During this time, CHWC will continue to monitor the patient’s progress or symptoms via the WP Symptom and Exposure Reporting Form.

Resident students who are having symptoms or identify being exposed will be offered an at-home test delivered to their room after filling out the WP Symptom and Exposure Reporting Form.
Thank you for your cooperation in following all the University’s COVID-19 protocols. We wish you all a healthy semester.
Dr. Jill Guzman, DNP
Director, Counseling, Health
and Wellness Center
Allison Boucher-Jarvis, JD
Vice President for
Human Resources