
Fenwick Features

March 1, 2024

"To reach the heights, aim high!"

Dear Fenwick Family,

We enter the third week of Lent with so many trials and tribulations occurring in our world. The war in the Middle East, political divisiveness, violence and tragic losses that result from all corners of our society. It can be sometimes difficult to find the hope that Christ promises us in our lives. But hope is the message of Christ, and it is hope that spurs us on to do what is loving, right and just for all concerned. Lent is a time for more prayerful reflection of how we are either a “help or a hindrance” to hope in our world. Let us prayerfully reflect on how we can choose to respond to injustice, conflict and destructive forces in our lives and in our world.

We can choose to react with rage, or respond with compassion.

We can choose to react with divisiveness, or respond with grace.

We can choose to react with apathy, or respond with empathy.

In the end, we are the choices we make. Our choices determine our world and also contribute to the world at large. May our Lenten prayers for conversion and transformation be inspired with the hope of Christ.

Lenten blessings to all.

Yours in Service,

Blane M. Collison


In This Issue:

News and Updates

  • Solar Eclipse
  • Substitute Teachers Needed
  • 2024-2025 School Calendar

Student Life

  • State Championships
  • Southwestern Ohio Catholic Honor Band
  • Fenwick Theater Presents...Grease!
  • Senior Tributes
  • Canned Food Drive
  • Community Easter Egg Hunt
  • Blood Drive

Admissions Information

  • Prospective Students
  • Shadowing at Fenwick
  • Junior High Mixer

Fenwick Faith Formation

  • Kairos
  • Adoration and Worship
  • Summer Mission Trip
  • Optional Summer Retreat

Counseling Connections

  • Scheduling
  • Flock Block with the Counselors
  • Class of 2027
  • Testing - March 12, 2024
  • Courtesy of LEAP
  • College
  • Contest
  • Mental Wellness Tip
  • Counselor Information

Career Exploration

  • Speakers Wanted

From Roots to Wings

Fenwick Parent Association


  • Go Falcons!

Upcoming Dates

News and Updates

Solar Eclipse

On Monday, April 8, our region will experience a total eclipse with the Miami Valley being at the heart of the viewing area. The total eclipse is expected to take place in the Dayton area starting just around 3:00; however, experts suggest taking precautions for eye safety throughout the partial eclipse phases which are expected to last from approximately 1:50-4:25 p.m. that day. Our first priority is the safety of our students. For this reason, Bishop Fenwick High School will dismiss at 12:50 p.m. on April 8, 2024. Lunch will NOT be served. This dismissal time will provide students approximately 1 hour to get home, or to a viewing area, safely.

Substitute Teachers Needed

Bishop Fenwick High School is in need of substitute teachers. Subs are called in as needed based on individual availability. In addition to last minute subbing opportunities when a teacher is sick, there are pre-planned events such as retreats where subs are needed in the building. We will work with you and your availability to set things up. Interested persons must obtain a substitute license through the State of Ohio (new updated information HERE) and must adhere to all state and Archdiocesan guidelines. Please contact Mr. Umberg if interested. 

2024-2025 School Calendar

The calendar for the 2024-2025 school year is now available. Click here for a printable copy.

Student Life

State Championships

Next week, we are sending three teams to the State Championships in their respective areas: our Robotics team, our Business Professionals of America team, and our Indoor Track team. Congratulations to all!

RoboKai will compete March 7-9 in Troy. RoboKai team members are: Jack Burr, Sam Callender, Liam Johnson, Burke Melzer, Lincoln Noe, Aiden Povse, Parker Povse, Molly Tierney, Griffin Weber, Evan Woods, Jake Yingling, and Eli Zink. Good luck, team!

We have 5 students who will compete at the BPA (Business Professionals of America) state competition. Good luck to Lauren Duba, Spencer Meiring, Ashlie Klinger, Emma Crawford, and Alison Webster. They will travel to Columbus on March 7-8. 

Three of our Falcons will be competing in the Indoor Track state competition this Saturday. Congratulations to Morgan Blair, Mackenzie Rohde, and Ashley Yontz! Good luck, team!

Southwestern Ohio Catholic Honor Band

Five of our students participated in the Southwestern Ohio Catholic Honor Band last weekend: Luke Boyd, Elena Adams, Mary Griffith, Mary Andorn, and Aidan Coleman. The Southwestern Ohio Catholic Honor Band began during the 2009-2010 school year, initiated by directors from Fenwick and LaSalle. Schools participating in the inaugural event included Fenwick, LaSalle, Elder, Moeller, Roger Bacon, McNicholas, Chaminade Julienne, Alter, and Carroll. It has evolved to include a high school choir and a junior high band component. Students are recommended for the group by their high school director based on musicianship and leadership. The groups have performed at a number of local Catholic Universities and Catholic High School auditoriums over the years. This year, the performance was held at St. Xavier.

Fenwick Theater Presents...Grease!

Join the Fenwick Theater Program for their production of "Grease: School Version" at the Sorg Opera House in Middletown!


Performances are:

  • March 15 at 7:30 p.m.
  • March 16 at 7:30 p.m.
  • March 17 at 2:00 p.m.

Advanced General Admission tickets: $17.00 | 65 years and older: $15.00

You can purchase tickets here.

Senior Tributes

A tribute page in the yearbook provides parents with the opportunity to honor their senior. We are delighted to create a memorable page for you and your senior.

Here are a few friendly reminders:

  • Professionally designed layouts must be uploaded in JPEG format.
  • Files are labeled with the student's last name and first name. Please refrain from using nicknames.
  • The Senior Tribute Flyer contains submission requirements and links to upload.
  • Order forms, letters, and photos must be submitted by March 10, 2024.
  • Tributes are billed to your FACTS Account in March 2024.

To complete the form, click here.

To upload photos to Dropbox, click here.

Canned Food Drive

Student Council is sponsoring a Canned Food Drive to help support the Franklin Food Pantry. We are collecting any kind of canned foods, boxed foods, etc., to donate to the Franklin Food Pantry to help them throughout the Easter holiday season.

When: March 4-18

Goal: The goal of the Canned Food Drive is to bring in a minimum of 800 food items (a minimum of 200 items per grade level.) Examples of items are canned goods, boxed items, broth, jars of different foods, such as salsa, etc.

Drop Off: Please drop off all non-perishable food items in the Media Center each morning from 8:00-8:25 a.m. There will be a Student Council representative there to collect the items.

If a grade level reaches their goal, they will receive ONE day out of uniform and an ice cream party during lunch.


Let's help out our local community by sending in those canned food items!

Community Easter Egg Hunt

Spread the word! Fenwick's Student Council is hosting a community Easter Egg Hunt on Sunday, March 10, for children 12 and under. Hop on over to Fenwick and bring a basket or bag to collect your eggs!

Blood Drive

The Spring Blood Drive is scheduled for Friday, March 22 and is open to the entire Fenwick community.


Students 16 and older are eligible to donate. All Fenwick students must have a signed permission form. Forms are available in the Main Office or from Mrs. Ebding.


Parents are also welcome to donate blood. Please contact Mrs. Ebding to schedule an appointment.


All donors will receive a free t-shirt.


If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Ebding.

Admissions Information

Prospective Students

We continue to welcome prospective students to campus for different events. If you know a family interested in learning more about Fenwick, please encourage them to contact Director of Admissions Chris Kemper via phone at 513-428-0525 or email at

Shadowing at Fenwick

If you know of a student who is interested in shadowing at Fenwick, please contact Director of Enrollment Chris Kemper at or 513-428-0525.

Junior High Mixer

On Friday, March 22, we will welcome junior high students (7th and 8th grade) to Fenwick for a Junior High Mixer. Help spread the word and invite the junior high students in your life!

Fenwick Faith Formation


Please keep all the retreatants in your prayers in the coming week as the first round of students embark on their Kairos journey. Students attending the retreat will leave at 3:45 from the chapel via parent carpool. Please reach out to Campus Ministry if there are any questions or concerns. 

Adoration and Worship

Fenwick is co-hosting an evening of Adoration and Worship with St. Susanna in Mason on Thursday, March 14 at 7:00 p.m. All are welcome!

Summer Mission Trip 

Join us for a Service-Learning Trip from June 1–5 to Campton, Kentucky. This trip will be full of outdoor adventure and learning! It is designed to provide students with a deeper understanding of how the dignity of the individual aligns with our call to care for creation and be responsible stewards of what we have been given. While reading excerpts of Pope Francis’ Laudato Si’, we will learn about the impact coal mining has had on the environment, the economy, and the health of the people in the Appalachian region. We will be hosted by the Catholic Church of the Good Shepherd and will be serving and learning from their community along the way. The trip is estimated to cost about $275 per student. This price includes all lodging, food, transportation, and activities. Students are encouraged to apply here. Ten students will be selected. Have questions? Please reach out to Ally Laake in Campus Ministry.

Optional Summer Retreat Available! 

This summer, Campus Ministry hopes to bring a group of Fenwick students to the Steubenville Youth Conference from June 21-23, 2024. This is a unique opportunity for students who are seeking to know more and grow in their faith! Both Ms. Laake and Ms. Richardson attended a Steubenville Youth Conference when they were in high school and had transformative experiences. The cost per participant for the weekend would be $265, not including transportation. Please use this link and fill out the form to indicate your interest. Please reach out with any questions!  

Counseling Connections


A reminder to all Falcons in grades 9-11: Course Requests are due on Portals by 11:59 p.m. on Friday, March 8. Freshmen will meet with their counselors this coming Monday and Tuesday to review the process. All reference materials are loaded into Class Notebooks.

Flock Block with The Counselors

Counselors met with their current sophomores to review the course selection process.

Class of 2027

This week, NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) volunteers visited Mobile Computing class during Collaboration Time. NAMI’s Ending the Silence presentation is designed for middle and high school students, school staff, and parents or guardians of middle or high school aged youth. Audiences learn about the signs and symptoms of mental health conditions, how to recognize the early warning signs, and the importance of acknowledging those warning signs.

Testing – March 12, 2024

This is a reminder that Fenwick’s 9th, 10th, and 11th graders will be taking some form of the ACT on Tuesday, March 12. All should report to school in uniform BY 8:20 a.m. after eating a healthy breakfast. Room assignments will be posted throughout the building.

ALL JUNIORS will take the state mandated and state-funded ACT test. Students will report to assigned rooms by 8:20 a.m. to begin testing. This is an official administration of the ACT, so all rules apply regarding being on time, test time allotments, accommodations, etc. Cell phones and smart watches are strictly prohibited once the test begins, including the break. Juniors may wish to leave phones in their lockers or cars.

ALL SOPHOMORES students will take a full-length practice ACT test. This is an opportunity we are providing our students to help them become more familiar with the ACT test that they will take during their junior year. Accommodations will NOT apply for this practice test.

ALL FRESHMAN students will take an abbreviated version of the ACT test. This is their first exposure to questions that they will see on the ACT during their junior year. Accommodations will NOT apply for this practice test.

  • Students should dress in regular school uniform. They will be dismissed by 12:30.
  • SENIORS have the day off to visit colleges and apply for scholarships.
  • Please reach out to your student’s counselor with specific questions.

Courtesy of LEAP

Listen to this week's podcast episode... Mythbusting In-State v. Out-of-State Universities.


  • Private or out-of-state schools may have better financial aid opportunities than in-state public universities.
  • In many regions of the country, tuition discounts are available in neighboring states.
  • Some college majors require your student to attend school out of state or in a different region.
  • Admitting more out-of-state students brings diversity that might not be there otherwise.

Upcoming Free Opportunities:


BEST of U Consortium – Study in the UK Info Session & College Fair on Wednesday March 6 at St Xavier High School from 7:00-8:30 p.m. Register here.  

We are a group of 4 top-ranked UK and world universities (Bristol UniversityDurham UniversityNewcastle University, and the University of York) who travel together throughout the USA informing students of the opportunities and benefits of studying in the UK. We are all members of the Russell Group – often referred to as the UK’s Ivy League.

Courtesy of SOFI - Preparing for College Webinar Series 


  • What Merit Scholarships Are and How to Find Them - Wednesday, March 06, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. PT / 8:00 p.m. ET
  • Evaluating College Acceptances and Appealing Financial Aid and Merit Scholarships - Tuesday, April 16, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. PT / 8:00 p.m. ET
  • Financing Your Student's Education - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. PT / 8:00 p.m. ET

Register here.


College Fair - Saint Ursula Academy and St. Xavier High School are hosting an OACAC Cincinnati Spring College Fair on March 4 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. at St. Xavier High School. All Archdiocesan High School students are welcome and invited to attend the fair. The list of registered colleges/universities can be found here. Students may pre-register to attend or register on site.

Mental Wellness Tip

It’s National Say Something Week! Say Something Week reinforces the power young people have to prevent tragedies and protect a friend from hurting them self or others. This is a constant theme in our teachings. We are our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers, and when they need support or protection, any one of us can reach out to a trusted or trained adult. Our challenge to your family this week is to verbalize 2-3 people you can rely on and trust in a time of need. Check out this incredible resource for reference - MY FAVE 5

Counselor Information

As a reminder, our counselor breakdown is:

Career Exploration

Speakers Wanted

The Counseling Department is looking for volunteers who are willing to speak to students about their career field. They are looking for speakers in the following areas:

  • Pilot
  • Professional/College Sports
  • Data Scientist
  • Environmental Science
  • Forestry

The Career Exploration sessions take place during Friday Flock Block, which runs from 11:08-11:48 a.m. We are hosting speakers on the following dates: March 15, April 5, April 12, April 19, April 26, and May 3.


If you or someone you know are interested, please complete the form and Mrs. Snyder will reach out.

From Roots to Wings

The next episode in our Roots to Wings series, created by our Journalism students, features Carol Enright Fedders '55 and her love for Fenwick. We have included links to both the trailer and the full-length version.

If you’d like to nominate someone to be interviewed, please don’t hesitate to contact Journalism teacher Mr. Herber.


Full-Length Version

Fenwick Parent Association

The next meeting of the Fenwick Parent Association will be Tuesday, March 5, at 6:00 p.m. in the Media Center. Student leaders from Sources of Strength will be talking about the program. We hope you can join us!


Go Falcons!

Be sure to visit the GCLC website for updates and standings for all of our programs.

Come out to support all of our programs! To see team schedules, purchase tickets, read announcements, and more information for our department, please visit!

You can follow us on Twitter @FenwickSports for daily results and updates!

Upcoming Dates

Looking Ahead


4-18 - Canned Food Drive

5 - Fenwick Parent Association Meeting

8 - End of Quarter 3

10 - Easter Egg Hunt

11 - Faculty In-Service - No School

12 - ACT Testing

15-17 - "Grease: School Version" at the Sorg Opera House

21 - Stations of the Cross

22 - Spring Blood Drive

22 - Junior High Mixer

25-4/1 - Easter Break

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