Issue 2| March 2024

CORE Voice Newsletter, Issue 2,

March 2024

In This Issue

  • DEIA reverses God's Scriptural stance
  • Recommendations will push the ELCA to the extreme left
  • New reform group responds
  • If the ELCA cannot be trusted ...
  • Lutheran CORE has resources
  • Miles of devastation
  • Lukewarm relationship with Christ?
  • Life Definition
  • Seven last words of Jesus
  • Vision for a gathering to bless marriage and families
  • Pro Ecclesia (CCET) Conference

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An Incoming DEIA Disaster?

by Pr. Kevin Haug, ELCA Pastor in Texas

Recently, the ELCA posted the results of a DEIA (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility) Audit1 which was authorized by the Churchwide Assembly. The audit laid out its findings and made numerous recommendations for the church to implement practically and constitutionally.

It would seem as though a move towards DEIA would be uncontroversial. If you take the traditional meaning of each of those words, arguably every congregation would seek to be: diverse as the Gospel is for all people; equitable as God is just and fair; inclusive as, again, the Gospel is for all people; and accessible as we are called to be hospitable and welcoming. However, one of the great tricks of the postmodern world is to take common words and redefine them to mean something different. DEIA in the current secular fashion is less about [...]


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A Warning of What is Coming

by Pastor Dennis D. Nelson, Lutheran CORE Executive Director

Many thanks to Kevin Haug for his very insightful article about the DEIA audit which the ELCA recently commissioned a law firm to do of its governing documents. I hate to think of how many of your benevolence dollars the ELCA spent on this effort. You will find Kevin’s article in this issue of CORE Voice. It is a word of warning to all in the ELCA. You do not need to take my word for it that these recommendations actually are being given as part of this audit. You can check it out for yourself at DEIA_Report_Part_2.pdf (


I am an ELCA pastor who has been retired for nearly ten years. When I read these recommendations, my first thought was, “I am glad to be retired.”  […]

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Operation Reconquista: Responses to Critical Questions

by Pr. Kevin Haug, ELCA Pastor in Texas

Last newsletter I hinted that I would write a follow up article about Operation Reconquista and offer some critical thoughts about the movement. However, after publication, I was introduced to two leaders in the movement; Richard Ackerman (AKA Redeemed Zoomer), the official leader of Operation Reconquista, and Benjamin Ruff, leader of the Society of Lutheran Advocates (SOLA). SOLA is the Lutheran Component of Operation Reconquista. Rather than simply offer critique, I offered these two gentlemen a chance to respond to my critical questions. What follows is their responses in an interview format which allows CORE readers to hear from them directly. [...]

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Thankful for the Opportunity to Share

by Pastor Dennis D. Nelson, Lutheran CORE Executive Director

I am very grateful for the recent invitation to have a zoom conversation with the director and associate director of the ELCA’s Reconsiderations process. This is the task force that has been appointed by the ELCA Church Council to review the 2009 human sexuality social statement and reconsider the provision for “bound conscience.” I am glad that I was able to share very openly and that they listened respectfully. 

I appreciate the fact that they had read quite a number of articles on our website. One of their initial questions was what hopes I had for the process. I told them that I have no hopes for the process. My understanding is that [...]

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Hope for De-churched Lutherans

by Pr. David Charlton, Lutheran CORE Board President

In my previous two articles, I talked about the dilemma facing De-churched Lutherans. Some cannot find an orthodox Lutheran parish in their area. Some have been made to feel unwelcome in their former congregation. Others belong to a congregation that cannot find a pastor. […]

This month, however, I want to discuss resources that are available for you from Lutheran CORE. First of all, there are Daily Devotions available for personal use. Dr. Jeffrey Greene writes Daily Devotions for Lutheran CORE. Dr. Douglas Schoelles hosts a podcast called The Daily Plunge Bible Study

For adult education, Lutheran CORE has [...]

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Reflections on Mission

by Mr. Jacob Moorman, River’s Edge Ministries (REM), Mt. Airy, MD

Editor’s Note: Jacob Moorman is a member of River’s Edge Ministries, which regularly hosts and leads mission work locally in Maryland, through City Mission, and annually in other states through Cross Country Mission (CCM).


I am certainly no theologian, so I am merely sharing my reflections from our most recent venture to the mission field. I had the privilege of serving on a CCM trip this year after an F3 tornado left a miles long path of destruction through Clarksville, Tennessee, just a few weeks before Christmas 2023. [...]

It can be easy to enter another person’s “mess” of life and assume you (I) can fix it. I think this is especially true in disaster zones. I am learning, but sometimes it is hard to admit that I [...]

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Contented Faith

by Pr. Douglas Schoelles, Member of the Board of Lutheran CORE

When I was dating my wife Debra, I was so excited about being with her. I was eager to talk with her, be with her, and go off on adventures with her. I am still delighted that she is my wife. But I sometimes worry my beautiful wife may think I am too contented with her. I am surely tiptoeing on danger if I take her for granted. Does my contentment give me an excuse for being lackadaisical about our relationship?

As Christians, are we excited to belong to Jesus? Or are we just contented to be church goers?

Of course, excitement is a feeling or an emotion. We know emotions come and go, often because of circumstances. Where do we turn when our excitement has drained away and we are left with the day-to-day patterns? [...]

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When Does Life Begin?

by M. Roy Schwarz, M.D.

The American Heritage Dictionary, 2nd College Edition defines "life" as "the property or quality that distinguishes living organisms from the dead or inanimate matter manifested in functions such as metabolism, growth, reproduction, and response to stimuli." These four criteria can be used to judge whether some object is alive or dead.

Science has taught us that the process of human development begins when the male sperm penetrates the female egg. This triggers a series of events leading to division of the fertilized egg. Hence, a single cell divides into two cells, these cells divide [...] By seven days, or when implantation begins, a significant cell mass has developed. [...] By six weeks, brain waves appear and, by eight weeks, the human form has appeared and organs are developing. By fifteen weeks, fetal movement is evident and, by twenty-four weeks, the fetus is a viable person. By thirty-six weeks, we have a full term infant. THIS PROCESS, FROM FERTILIZATION THROUGH DELIVERY OF THE INFANT, IS CONTINUOUS WITHOUT INTERRUPTIONS. There are no stops and no pauses in the process. Once fertilization occurs, bio-chemical events are initiated that continue until a mature human being is formed. [...]

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… and Now Many of Them Are Just Lost

by Pr. Brian Hughes, Lutheran CORE Board Vice-President and gifted storyteller


Just over a year ago Christine and I found ourselves in Florence, South Carolina. Nice place just off I-95, we found a fixer-upper on the little lake in town. Pro tip: don’t buy a fixer-upper in your 60s. You know you can do the work, but you don’t want to [...]. But I digress.

 When people ask where Florence is, I mention South of the Border as you head to Florida.  We’re about 45 minutes south of there. Or we’re 25 minutes south of the new Buc-ee’s travel center. Wasn’t looking to retire and move to SC, but then our daughter-in-law announced that our first grandchild was on the way. Christine made clear: “I’ve followed you all over the country for your callings. I have a calling to be a grandmother and that calling is in South Carolina.” No way I was going to win that one, so I uttered the only Norwegian I’ve learned from her family, “Yes dear.”

Never moved before without a clear sense of call and certainly not to a place where the person cutting your hair asks if you’ve found a church [...]

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"From the Cross: The Crucified Speaks"

by Pastor Dennis D. Nelson, Lutheran CORE Executive Director

Retired ELCA pastor and friend of Lutheran CORE Henrik Engebretson has recently published a Lenten devotional book based upon the Seven Last Words of Jesus from the cross. Pastor Engebretson writes, “The purpose of these meditations and also this book is to listen intently to what our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is saying to us. In Jesus’ words from the cross we hear His amazing love and His eagerness to forgive.” Stirring pictures and beloved hymns further communicate the message and meaning of what Jesus said. Copies can be ordered for $10 each (plus $10 shipping and handling per order) from –

Speedwell Press

P. O. Box 131327

Roseville, Minnesota 55113

Editors Note: This information has been taken from an email that we have been asked to share widely. Bolding is mine.

Hello Friends,

As you know, we have been working hard on “Following the Footsteps,” our new feature-length documentary film and I am thrilled to announce that you can now watch this one-minute trailer which gives a taste of what this film is all about. Here’s the link to watch, download, and share this trailer as widely as possible:

This film is designed to give viewers a taste of the “real Jesus” and stir up in them a hunger to know him more fully and follow him more closely. For this reason we want as many people as possible to see the film and have a chance to respond by exploring a deeper relationship and daily walk with Jesus. Tomorrow, Andrew Chalmers and I begin a five-week US Tour in which we will be hosting Pre-Release Screenings of the film in eight different cities around the country. If you are within driving distance of any of these cities, please come and join us! And then on Palm Sunday Weekend, the film will Premiere for free in over 80 churches and theaters across North America and around the world! After Easter, the film will be available for anyone to stream on television and watch with family, friends, and neighbors in the comfort of their own living room.

Bob and Pam Rognlien

Announcing CCET Conference 2024 Plenary Sessions

We are excited to see registrations coming in for our conference this summer! We hope you will join us in Birmingham, Alabama on June 10-12 for three special days as we think about how we can champion the marks of the church in an age of polarization and ecclesial confusion. Get a sense of what to expect by checking out our plenary session titles below!
Remember that you can save now by taking advantage of our early bird discount by March 15! If you are a student, be sure to check out our discounted student ticket!
Session 1 | Dr. Paul Gavrilyuk "One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church of the Third Millenium: The Fruits and Frustrations of the Ecumenical Movement"
Session 2 | Dr. Angela Franks “The Marks of the Body”
Session 3 | Dr. David Luy "Yet Saints Their Watch Are Keeping: The Marks of the Church and the Psalms of Lament"
Session 4 | Dr. Matt O’Reilly "Is Separation Warranted? The Catholic Spirit and the Question of Sexuality"
Banquet Speech | Dr. Russell Levenson “The High Price of Unity: The Path to Reconciliation in a Broken World”
Session 5 | Dr. Francesca Murphy “The Drama of the Church”

Register Now
Coming Events
  • Following the Steps Premiere - 22-24 March, 2024. Click here.
  • Pro Ecclesia (CCET) Conference - Beeson Divinity School, Birmingham, AL. June 10-12, 2024. Click here.
  • NEXUS 2024 - Grand View University, Des Moines, IA. July 21-27, 2024. Click here.
  • NALC Online Convocation. August 9, 2024. Click here.
  • LCMC 24th Annual Gathering & Convention - Marion, IA. September 29 - October 2, 2024. Click here.
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© 2023 Lutheran Coalition for Renewal

Email Editor (Kim Smith)

PO Box 1741 Wausau, WI 54402-1741


Lutheran CORE's mission:

  • A Network for Confessing Lutherans
  • A Voice for Biblical Truth

Our purpose can be summed up in two words– Network  and  Voice. As  Network  for confessing Lutherans, we support and connect Lutheran individuals and congregations who seek to live in accord with Biblical and confessional teachings and practices. As a  Prophetic Voice, we advocate for Biblical authority and confessional fidelity among churches of the Lutheran community.

We communicate Biblical truth through our newsletter, mailings, and various forms of social media.

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