March 22, 2022
3 days left to register!
Register Now! Clergy & Lay!
Annual Chrism Mass & Spring Training 2022
10 days left until Chrism Mass & Spring Training! Join us IN PERSON for the Diocese's annual Chrism Mass & Spring Training event being held at The Cathedral of St. Andrew in Honolulu. This event is open to all clergy and lay*. The theme for Spring Training 2022 is from our Diocesan “Anthem” commissioned from Joe Camacho: "Pili Pa’a - We stand as one"

The day will begin at 9:00 AM with a Chrism Mass and Eucharist that will include the Renewal of Clergy Vows and Renewal of Baptismal Vows. Immediately following the mass will be Spring Training 2022 sponsored by the Racial Reconciliation Task Force, and will include a variety of workshops. For more information and to register, visit the event webpage HERE.

*Note: REGISTRATION IS OPEN TO EVERYONE! Due to budget realities, we can only cover the inter-island airfare for clergy and one lay person per neighbor island congregation. However, if any neighbor island congregation currently has no clergy, or the priest is unable to attend, please contact the Rev. Cn. Sandy Graham HERE and the Diocese will cover the cost for two interested lay people to attend.
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Contact Information
Sybil Nishioka, Editor & Multimedia Consultant
Madison Franks, Communications Coordinator
The Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i
229 Queen Emma Square, Honolulu, HI 96813
(808) 536-7776