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March Calendar

March 1st - Tuition due

March 4-8 - Scholastic Coin Drive

March 5th - NO SCHOOL

(Student Holiday)

March 11-15th - Scholastic Book Fair

March 18th - Spirit Night at Yum Yum Hibachi (4-9pm)

March 19th - POPS Meeting, 7:30PM

March 25-29th - NO SCHOOL - Spring Break

March 31 - Happy Easter

We are excited to gear up for our Scholastic Book Fair, running March 11th through March 15th. In preparation for the book fair, we will run a coin drive next week.

Monday, students are asked to bring in pennies. Nickels will come on Wednesday, dimes on Thursday, and we will end the week with quarters and we'll end the week with quarters.

The classes will take a "field trip" to the book fair and have the option of purchasing books for the classroom or donating them to a classroom in need. This will also give students a chance to count, sort, graph, and identify types of money. We are looking forward to this fun precursor to the Scholastic Book Fair!

"Reading should not be presented to children as a chore or duty. It should be offered as a precious gift."  ~Kate Dicamillo

Looking ahead - School Picture Days are coming up at the end of April

Auction Basket -

Class collections

The End of Year Celebration and Silent Auction is coming up and as part of that each class is creating a themed basket to be auctioned off during the event. Room parents should have been in contact to fill you in on all of the details.

Collection bins will be placed outside of each classroom door for the month of March. All items donated must be new (unused), and everything is due by March 22nd.

Let’s help fill those baskets!


Music Minutes

Hi Preschool families! Last month in music, we learned a lot about love! We learned the importance of loving yourself and your neighbors. We've been starting every class with the song, "I'm Gonna Make This an Awesome Day" (an abbreviated/revamped version of this song). We learned about the Fruits of the Spirit, and about how everyone's Light shines differently, but equally bright. This month, we're expanding on some new musical concepts! We'll be exploring visualization and expression in music, and the tradition of storytelling through song.

We've been having so much fun in music class and I'm seeing so much growth and engagement from your amazing kids! 


Children's Chapel Recap

This [past] month in children's chapel is all about love. Our scripture this month was

"We love because he loved us first." 1 John 4:19. The focus was on how much Jesus loves us and wants us to love one another. We talked about ways each child can do this. They had alot of answers! We also had a lot of fun with our yoga prayer of L.O.V.E. I am observing a lot of growth this month. The children are interacting with one another and with me while making the connect to chapel and God. They retaught me both "Here's the church, Here's the steeple....and the song "Skinnamirinky Dinky Dink I love you". Children's Chapel is a beautiful time of learning and sharing the love of Jesus. 

News from

the Director

"Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud."

~ Maya Angelou

As we head into March, we are reminded that we each have some stormy days and some sunny days. This is true for adults and children alike. We strive as a staff at St. David's to be a reflection of Jesus' light and love and lift those up who may be experiencing some darker days. It is our hope that we lead by example and the children will learn how to do that for others around them as well.


We have a busy month ahead of us. We hope that you are able to take part in our Scholastic Book Fair and enjoy a Spirit Night with us. We will be preparing for Easter towards the end of the month and will share the Easter Story with our students. This is the time of year that we look forward to spring and all of God's creation!



Meg Antwi


The End of Year Celebration and Silent Auction will be coming up in May. Mark your calendars for the evening of May 3rd! More information to follow in the April Newsletter.

The Scholastic Book Fair is back! We are excited to have the Scholastic Book Fair back at our preschool!

What: Scholastic Book Fair

Where: in the preschool

When: March 11-15

(8:45-9:15 in the mornings, and one 2:00-2:30 session)

Save the Date - Summer Camp

(for current preschool students)

May 28th-Msy 31st

Be on the lookout for info coming home in the kids' backpacks


We are now in Open Enrollment - if you have any friends or family who would like to attend St. David's next year, please spread the word. We have a couple spots open in a few of classes.


The next POPS (Parents of Preschools) meeting is March 19th at 7:30pm, in the preschool. If you're interested in volunteering or helping out with the upcoming End of Year Celebration and Auction then this would be a great time to attend!

April Bible Verse

“I am the light of the world.”

~John 8:12

Spirit Night

We hope you can join us for our March Spirit Night at Yum Yum Hibachi, on March 18th, 4-9pm

Church Events and Activities

Easter Egg Hunt Sunday &

Visit from the Easter Bunny

Join us for fun... for ALL ages after the 10am service on Sunday, March 24th

Please drop off filled plastic eggs to the office by Wednesday, March 20th.

The church has a fun new series for Spring 2024, called Baking with the Bible

Join us for Baking with the Bible on Facebook Live and Instagram at 4pm on the 4th Wednesday of each month. Explore faith and scripture as we bake together. There is always extra to share with your neighbor! Contact for recipes and supply list.

February 28th  – “Love one another as I love you”: Heart cookies

March 27th – The Easter Story: Resurrection Rolls

April 24th - Manna from Heaven: Baking Bread

May 29th - Fruit of the Spirit: Strawberry/Chocolate Lady Bugs and Apple Lady Bugs

Things Worth Mentioning in March

  • The seasons are changing and temperatures are rising. Please make sure the spare clothes in your child(ren)'s backpack are appropriate for the warmer weather.

  • Reminder: your next tuition payment (April) will be your last payment for this school year. If you are making payments through your bank, please make sure you notify your bank to stop payment prior to May so that you aren't paying extra.

  • We have a few items that have been in our Lost & Found basket for a while now. If your child is missing anything, feel free to stop by the front desk to look in Lost & Found.

  • As always, if your child is going to be absent please let us know by emailing the front desk, or call 703.729.0286. Thank you!

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St. David's Episcopal Preschool