Sharing news from February 2022

One Health Happenings
One Health Happenings News Notes is prepared and shared monthly by the

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COVID-19 and One Health
Related News

Don't forget to Check out and use
'See over 250 popular media OpEds, Commentaries, Podcasts and other media from around the world about the coronavirus pandemic that mention and/or call for One Health by name or theory ......... because popular media is read by the 'public'. Be sure to click on each year (2020, 2021, 2022) to fully appreciate the number of items that have been published.
Participation in One Health Networks and Involvement in the COVID-19 Pandemic Response: A Global Study, Streichert LC, Sepe Ludovico P, Jokelainen P, Stroud CM, Berezowski J, Del Rio Vilas VJ., Frontiers in Public Health, Vol. 10, 2022, DOI:10.3389/fpubh.2022.830893
"The proof of concept for the utility of One Health has been demonstrated repeatedly during previous outbreaks of zoonotic diseases. The key messages from One Health actions reported during COVID-19 include the importance of a supportive environment with shared resources, interdisciplinary engagement, and strategies for communication networks. To perform effectively, professionals need to be armed with the knowledge and skills from their own discipline, and also to be motivated and able to bridge with others. Proficiency in competencies required for understanding and applying One Health concepts requires breaking down disciplinary and professional siloes to find areas of overlap and complementarity."
Sellars L, Bernaotas K, Sebo J, (2021), Health and Human Rights, 23(2), 35–48.
Commentaries / Editorials / Opinions / Reports (about the pandemic and more)
Lopes, H. et al. BMJ. Published 18 February 2022
"Governments and health administrations need to invest more in primary healthcare. This has become increasingly apparent as the covid-19 pandemic has progressed and changed with the current omicron wave, but it is also an investment for a post-pandemic future..... [W]e must build approaches that are more sustainable, less wasteful, and which give due attention to the protection of local and global ecosystems and the environment, in accordance with the “One Health” philosophy."

Author: Olivia Box In: JSTOR Daily
One Health can demonstrate how human practices such as factory farming, deforestation, and trade in wildlife impact humans, animals, and the environment, and thereby illuminate the need for solutions to these problems.
Author: Ulrich Laaser In: Impakter
Global One Health and Welfare is the only way to save our future: Public and non-public voices must speak out and make the interface between the environment, human, animal, and plant health a priority.

Scientists are monitoring pets, livestock and wildlife to work out where SARS-CoV-2 could hide, and whether it could resurge. If this article were written today (a year later) it would include deer, hamsters, gorillas (and many others?).

Di Paolo, Tommaso, IOS Press, 1 Jan. 2022 : 1 – 8.
"It emerged that the One Health approach is a paradigm that has been advanced for more than 30 years, but due to the inadequacy of local and world health policies, this approach was never translated into concrete actions to protect health, feeding problems at the cause of the COVID-19 pandemic....Having ascertained that the adoption of a One Health approach can no longer be postponed, this must be insisted on several interconnected sectors that establish the new concept of healthcare which, in addition to being interdisciplinary, necessarily takes on a global perspective."
 See the Rome Declaration:
One Health in Action!

Author: Rick Bright In: The New York Times
Environmental sampling and using wastewater to detect the next COVID-19 variant and surg. 
Drawing on Environmental Health specialists, Virologists, Epidemiologists and more to follow and control a zoonotic disease that originated in animals.

February 17, 2022 Commentary
Author: Richard Seifman In: IMPAKTER. 
Prevention is a major lesson from the current pandemic and the Nipah virus vaccine now under development shows the way forward. While the world and much of the medical and scientific community focus on dealing with COVID using effective vaccines and medications, other virus killers lurk in hiding which can become epidemics or pandemics, many emerging from the interface of the human/animal/ecosystem, One Health.
Other News
February 11, 2022
Many governments, non-governmental and intergovernmental organizations have recognized the need for a One Health approach. Some have formally adopted National One Health Strategic Action Plans and One Health Antimicrobial Resistance Action Plans. Since 2019, the One Health Commission has been compiling these Action Plans to characterize this evolving policy landscape. These pages include links to: 
  • National One Health Strategic Action Plans
  • Global Organizations’ One Health Framework Documents
  • Regional One Health Frameworks
  • One Health Antimicrobial Resistance Strategic Plans
  • Countries/regions that have completed CDC One Health Zoonotic Disease Prioritization (OHZDP) workshops
These compilations are a global One Health community effort. Please help us make these webpages a tool for showing colleagues and policymakers how much One Health thinking and acting is being implemented globally. Please contact us ( ) with any suggestions for additions or modifications.
Gone too Soon
On February 21st the world lost a powerful force for good, Paul Farmer, who passed away in his sleep from a cardiac arrest in Butaro, Rwanda. Subject of the book Mountains Beyond Mountains, a narrative that inspired many young people to go into Global Public Health, founder of the non-profit organization, Partners in Health, and instigator/ founder of the University for Global Health Equity in Rwanda, it is impossible to overstate the impact Paul had on millions of lives as a physician, teacher, leader and humanitarian. He showed how compassion, talent and grit can be a powerful combination to change the world we live in for the better.
He Wanted to Make the World His Patient. See also - My First and Last memories of Dr. Paul Farmer
CARICOM, (The Caribbean Community) is an intergovernmental organisation of 15 member states throughout the Caribbean having primary objectives to promote economic integration and cooperation among its members, to ensure that the benefits of integration are equitably shared, and to coordinate foreign policy. The CARICOM Caucus in Washington DC is composed of Ambassadors from 14 Caribbean Island Nations. CARICOM continues a drive to fully adopt the One Health Policy ratified by COTED and COHSOD 2013-2014. On June 29, 2021 the CARICOM Caucus launched its Public Diplomacy Engagement Program (PDEG) that has elected to prioritize One Health in the Caribbean as one of its three main themes. The Caucus One Health Committee is working to integrate and highlight One Health players and initiatives across the Caribbean, Central and Latin America. A September 24, 2021 meeting of the CARICOM Caucus One Health Committee with the One Health Commission included presentations and introductions of One Health Leaders trained in the One Health, One Caribbean, One Love Project (2014-2017) and from the One Health Latin America, Ibero & Caribb Coalition (OHLAIC).
New report supplement released by the WHO calling for One Health to address neglected tropical diseases (NTDs). This companion document provides guidance on what actions are needed – by programme managers, countries, international organizations, and non-State actors – to take a One Health approach to achieve WHO’s Road map for neglected tropical disease 2021-2030 targets. Now is the time to act, together, to end the burden of NTDs for good.
See Launch webinar info below.
Job Opportunity
For a lawyer to work on development and implementation of One Health global policy insights 
Global Strategy Lab, York University in Toronto, Canada and online. Application deadline February 28, 2022. This is an exciting opportunity to deliver wider social impact on a global scale. Global Strategy Lab is looking to hire a creative legal professional who is enthusiastic about tackling big global health challenges.

OHEARP is a National Institutes of Health (NIH) supplemental award to support the parental D43 (One Health Eastern Africa Research Training) program. OHEARP researches ethical issues and addresses bioethical concerns in One Health research, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. Key outputs of the project will be policy recommendations, training materials and academic publications.
and launches new One Health website
USDA is working to implement a risk-based, comprehensive, integrated disease monitoring and surveillance system domestically, and to enhance collaborations with national, regional, and global partners to build additional capacity for zoonotic disease surveillance and prevention. The new One Health website will provide valuable data on testing and surveillance and, over time, will provide an important One Health link by sharing guidance based on the outcomes of APHIS ARP work and linking to valuable information from other One Health partners.
December 21, 2021, Over 5,000 plus participants of the Global Conference, who met virtually and in Geneva, Switzerland, agreed on a Geneva Charter for Well-being. The Charter builds on the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion and the legacy of nine global conferences on health promotion. It highlights the need for global commitments to achieve equitable health and social outcomes now and for future generations, without destroying the health of our planet. This charter will drive policy-makers and world leaders to adopt this approach and commit to concrete action.

Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institute, Washington, DC, USA. See a Virtual tour

You can bring this exhibit to your region!!! This Online platform makes it easy.

For those who can get to Washington, D.C., The National Museum of Natural History is open now for in-person visits!
Hot Off the Press! (see also Publications list at bottom)

Bernstein AS, Ando AW….. Dobson AP, Science Advances, 4 Feb 2022, Vol 8, Issue 5, DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abl4183
"Veterinarians have had a major role as sentinels for disease emergence. They have been the principal proponents of the One Health concept that integrates human and animal welfare broadly and infectious diseases in particular (42). A country with few veterinarians, many reservoir species, and many people who consume or trade wildlife will be at greater risk for zoonoses. Figure 4 shows the ratio of veterinarians to nonveterinarians against the geographical size of a nation."
Prepared by the IUCN Species Survival Commission, this report reveals that contact with and trade of domesticated animals and their products are by far the most frequent source of recurring human illness. While less evidence exists tracing zoonotic disease cases to direct interactions with wildlife, risks linked to poorly regulated trade remain a concern. This situation analysis presents a thorough, evidence-based examination of the relationship between wildlife and zoonosis, wildlife and emerging human pathogens and associated diseases, their origins, drivers, and risk factors……..the evidence of human diseases coming from wildlife is compared to diseases emerging from domestic animals and humans themselves, to provide context and proportions of the relative risk. The report highlights key knowledge, and provides perspective on where research, policy, interventions, and capacity building are needed to reduce risks of zoonoses and emergent animal-origin human diseases globally. See the Report itself: Situation analysis on the roles and risks of wildlife in the emergence of human infectious diseases
Addressing Inequalities Toward Inclusive Governance for Achieving One Health: A Rapid Review. Eliakimu ES, Mans L.,  Front Public Health. 2022;9:755285. Published 2022 Jan 20. DOI:10.3389/fpubh.2021.755285

A network approach for managing ecosystem services and improving food and nutrition security on smallholder farms. Timberlake, T. et al. (2022) People and Nature. Published 10 January 2022.

Culturally appropriate shifts in staple grain consumption can improve multiple sustainability outcomes, Wei, D and Frankel Davis, K. Environmental Research Letters, Published 24 November 2021.

Poetry provokes questions and motivates positive change
Created by the ‘One Chance Left’ Core Team at University of Exeter in a writing workshop to create twelve poems by scientists and medical practitioners, one for each of the twelve days of the 2021 COP26 Summit. Powerful poetry connects disciplines, research, communities, and emotions in diverse and challenging ways; poetry provokes questions, motivates positive change, and reveals what is most valuable. The poems connect a mix of voices from climate science and healthcare, using words to halt and heal a fast-escalating climate emergency.
News from the One Health Social Sciences (OHSS) Initiative

Social sciences are essential to understanding and addressing the root causes of disease and determinants of community health. Without an understanding of how sociological, cultural, economic, demographic, historical, linguistic, geographic, political, and other social dimensions contribute to health, society will be limited in achieving it for all. Social science disciplines are critical to making One Health the default way of doing business at all levels of research, academia, policy, and government. Be sure to check out the OHSS Webinars Library for recordings of past webinars.
Recent OHSS Webinar

February 22, 2022
  • Dr. Helena Chapman - GEO Health Community of Practice: Using Earth Observation Data to Inform Health Decision-making
  • Transdisciplinarity in the Belgium One Health Network 
  • The Added Value of Social Sciences for One Health Network Coordination from her GREASE experience
Click Register to start the recording (audio starts 2.5 min in)
Next OHSS Webinar

March 8, 2022
2:00 pm Eastern

Free but participants must Register to receive their unique login link.

This webinar will showcase the current three OHSS Small Work Groups

  • Food Systems and Food Security
  • Pandemic Control
  • Infectious Diseases

Did you Know About?
A rose by any other still a rose...... #OneHealth
Report by The Urban Health and Wellbeing programme (UHWB) "The systems approach to urban health and wellbeing jointly developed at the Institute of Urban Environment, puts health to its center, however, extends the notion of human health to the health of other living systems on which human health and prosperity depend….. Ten years after its establishment, the Urban Health and Wellbeing programme (UHWB) publishes a second Science Action Plan, for the years 2021 to 2025. The International Science Council (ISC) and the International Society for Urban Health (ISUH) welcome the work by the UHWB community in producing a programmatic document and a roadmap for the programme.”
February 3, 2022
The European Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance (JPIAMR) was formed in 2011 and now has 29 member states worldwide. Within Horizon Europe, the European Commission in collaboration with member states, is planning the European One Health AMR Co-funded partnership to continue coordinated funding of AMR research on a global scale. This online conference ignited the inclusion of the AMR research community in the design process of the OH AMR Partnership bringing together stakeholders from various sectors. The recording of the plenary session has now been published.  Read more about the conference.
Student News
International Student
One Health Alliance

Your one-stop-shop for links to student group re-sources, educational opportunities, advocacy information, and communication platforms.

Student Educational Opportunities Map 
If you have an event coming up in your student club which is open to other One Health enthusiasts, fill out this form. Submissions will be added to the ISOHA Events Calendar available at
Traveling?? - Look for ISOHA students all over the world. Students are spreading the message of One Health all around the world!
Neglected One Health Issues
One Health and Snakebite in humans and livestock: The dual health and economic burden that exacerbates poverty 
The impact of Snakebites is highly underestimated, even if we only look at its direct impact in humans. But it is even more underestimated because we have never really measured the impact of snakebite through its impact on livestock animals and loss of livelihood. One Health gives us the whole picture, with a systemic view of the impact of snakebite in humans and animals and the interdependence of human and animal health. The impact of snakebite is actually much greater than what we thought. See two new publications:

Snakebite epidemiology in humans and domestic animals across the Terai region in Nepal: a multicluster random survey. Gabriel Alcoba G, Sharma SK, Bolon I, Ochoa C, Martins SB, Subedi M, et. al., The Lancet Global Health, Volume 10, Issue 3, 2022, Pages e398-e408

Amazon Smile has donated over $200 million to charities worldwide! You can help increase AmazonSmile donations to One Health Commission by shopping at or with AmazonSmile 'ON' in the Amazon Shopping app.
Upcoming Events
Spring 2022
Biomedical One Health (Virtual) Seminar Series
Center for One Health Research, University of Alaska, Fairbanks
Seminars are free, but you must register to attend. See archived recordings.

  • February 21, 2022 – Dr. David Churchill, Molecular probes for reactive oxygen species studied in animal inflammation models, Recording available:

  • March 21, - Dr. Adelaide Johnson, Sustaining Wood and Bark for Culture:Fostering Community Resilience, Register

  • April 4, 2022 - Dr. Douglas Causey, The disease ecology of bat-borne viruses in Alaska: Predicting the role of rapid climate change in the Arctic, Register for workshop: 

February 28-March 4, 2021 Workshop

AQUACULTURE 2022 Conference, San Diego, California, USA.
Hosted by the California Aquaculture Association.
See the conference brochure. 

March 2, 2022 Virtual Public Meeting
10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. ET
The 20th Presidential Advisory Council on Combating Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria (PACCARB) public meeting will be held virtually on Wednesday, March 2, 2022. The meeting will be a One Health retrospective on past novel viral outbreaks and how they impacted antimicrobial use, resistance, and stewardship. 
March 16, 2022 Webinar
14:00 – 15:15 CET
One Health approaches are key to sustainably prevent neglected tropical diseases (NTDs), because they recognise the links between human, animal and environmental health; and take a ‘whole of system’ approach to action. One Health: approach for action against neglected tropical diseases 2021-2030 is a companion document to the road map for neglected tropical diseases 2021-2030. It aims to support a range of stakeholders - including countries in which NTDs are endemic, international organizations and non-State actors - to achieve the road map targets through a transdisciplinary, cross-cutting One Health approach. This webinar will launch the companion document, highlight key concepts, and share experiences of One Health in action.
Free but you must Register
March 21, 2022 Webinar
Hosted by Center for One Health Research (COHR) at University of Alaska, Fairbanks . Presentation by: Adelaide Johnson, USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. Register to attend.
March 23-24, 2022 JPIAMR Online Workshop 
(See JPIAMP February 3, 2022 Conference Recording noted above in 'Did You Know?), Organised by the Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance (JPIAMR) in collaboration with the Italian Ministry of Health. JPIAMR is a global collaborative organisation and platform, engaging 29 nations to curb antimicrobial resistance (AMR) with a One Health approach. This interactive workshop with key stakeholders will focus on the main challenges, opportunities and goals for AMR surveillance research. It also seeks to inspire innovative or alternative approaches in surveillance, to address both the AMR challenges of today and tomorrow. Read more and register to the workshop.
March 28-April 1, 2022 Virtual Conference
Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH) 2022 Conference (online). Virtual Satellite Sessions: March 21-25, 2022 - free and open to all.
April 11-14, 2022
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) will hold its next Africa regional conference in Malabo, hosted by the Government of Equatorial Guinea. The regional conference is FAO’s highest governing body in Africa. The agenda includes pressing issues in the region such as the prevention of future pandemics through the One Health approach among others. More information:
April 27-28, 2022 Hybrid Conference
One Health Conference -  Celebrating the launching of the new Helmholtz Institute for One Health
Greifswald, Germany, co-organized by The Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut, Federal Research Institute for Animal Health, Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology, University Greifswald and Universitätsmedizin Greifswald. Sessions include: Pathogen-host-environment interactions; Past, present, and future of zoonotic events; Antimicrobial resistance, vaccinology, and prevention. Free but you must Register.
June 21-24, 2022  Hybrid Conference
Brussels, Belgium and online. Organized by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). This conference will focus on putting food safety into the broader perspective of sustainable food systems, discussing opportunities and challenges of implementing a One Health approach and exploring new developments in risk assessment science. See the programme and register.
July 23-29, 2022 Conference
70th Annual Wildlife Disease Association Conference, Madison, Wisconsin. Hosted by U Wisconsin-Madison, USGS, International Crane Foundation, and the Wisconsin Dept of Natural Resources. Scientific themes for sessions include:
  • Wildlife health and climate change
  • Human dimensions and wildlife health 
  • Systems thinking and approaches to One Health and wildlife health
  • Lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic and the role of wildlife scientists in the response
  • Zoonosis and wildlife
  • Innovations in diagnostics and surveillance
  • And much more
Abstract submission deadline: March 18, 2022
November 7-11, 2022  Hybrid Event
Singapore. Hosted by the SingHealth Duke-NUS Global Health Institute. The WOHC is the world’s premier conference to advance the One Health agenda. Taking place biennially, it advances trans-disciplinary efforts that further our collective understanding of animal-human disease transmission alongside their social and environmental determinants. The WOHC attracts professionals from academic institutions, civil society, national governments, the private sector and multi-lateral organisations all coming together to share learning across diverse disciplines including epidemiology and disease surveillance, animal production and trade, food safety, animal science, human health, environmental science/ecology and global health security. See conference Tracts. Follow on social media using #WOHC2022
Recent (and not so recent) PAST EVENTS (You might have missed)
These events have passed but we would like for the world to be aware of them!
Track the progress of One Health since 2001
Check out more past One Health Events on the Commission's
Select a year and click 'VIEW'
February 25, 2022 Virtual Conference
Challenges in Management of Future Pandemics- a way forward. 
8th National Millenium India Education Foundation (MIEF) Conference, New Delhi, India. Hosted by MIEF, Seth G S Medical College & KEMH, and LIC Mumbai. MIEF is a not-for-profit organization headquartered in Delhi, India. Since its establishment in 2003, the organization has worked on community development through the promotion of science, art, culture, and language, especially for marginalized communities. MIEF has followed a One health approach since 2010 and has organized 2 online and 14 in-person annual conferences in Delhi/Mumbai. Thousands of medical professionals have benefited from this programming. Contact Recording Available.
February 24, 2022 Virtual Panel
One Health Panel / Forum
Hosted by student groups at Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. The purpose of this panel discussion was to bring together key stakeholders that influence policy-making to discuss the importance of One Health from from the perspective of World Health Organization (WHO), Oriental Medicine, the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE), and the World Wildlife Organization (WWF). See social media Instagram postings:
February 24, 2022 Webinar Series
The Garrison Institute has partnered with the Planetary Health Alliance and the Wellbeing Economy Alliance to bring together in monthly forums leading experts and practitioners in ecology, new economics, sustainable business, contemplative practice and the arts. These curated dialogues seek to elucidate the pathways to cross-sector planetary health solutions. These events are free and open to the public and all past sessions are available to stream, freely, on their website.
Register here:
February 21, 2022 Virtual Seminar
One Health Arena: Comparative Medicine/Translational Research
Hosted by the Center for One Health Research, University of Alaska, Fairbanks. Presenter: Dr. David G. Churchill, Professor of the Department of Chemistry, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST).
Recording available: 
February 21, 2022 Virtual Meeting
This meeting showcased cross-cutting themes and lessons learned from eradication campaigns for both animal and human diseases, in order to better advocate for disease eradication programmes, including PPR GEP, and to inform the formulation of the second phase of PPR GEP. Recording available:
February 17, 2022 Webinar
This second webinar on great Apes tourism raises awareness about a new policy brief that has been developed in resistible tours to the great apes. The policy brief raised additional awareness ahead of the official launch of the policy brief in July 2022 at the Africa Protected Areas Conference in Kigali where the high-level government officials are expected to attend and officially sign the policy brief. Recording available:
February 9-10, 2022 Workshop
Hosted by the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine. Research to advance understanding of the ecology and biology of wildlife species is more important than ever as the world confronts issues ranging from biodiversity loss to the emergence of zoonotic diseases. This workshop focused on issues associated with the unique welfare challenges of conducting research with biologically diverse vertebrates living in varied habitats, for which guidance resources on wildlife research sometimes conflict and recommendations outlined in the current version of the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (8th edition) can present challenges. Discussion topics included perspectives on animal welfare considerations; laws, regulations, and permits associated with fish and wildlife; wild animal population concerns; the role of veterinarians in wildlife research; restraint and handling of animals in the field; and transition of wild animals to captive settings.
February 8, 2022 LIve Virtual Interactive Session
Hosted by the One Sustainable Health Forum, Lyon, France. Prior to the joint meeting of the European Ministers of Health and the Ministers of Foreign Affairs in Lyon, on February 9, this satellite EU session brought together European non-governmental organizations (foundations, associations, universities etc.) They met to discuss recommendations for building a European Health Union. Recordings available:  
February 2, 2022 Colloquium
Speakers included Frederick J. Stoddard Jr, MD, Caroline Hickman, MS, and Ashlee Cunsolo, PhD, with discussant Lise Van Susteren, MD. Planetary Health Colloquium Series replays here: 
January 22, 2022 Webinar
Hosted by One Health Brasil and Ecosistemas Aquaticos: Saude animal, humana e ambiental (ECOHA). Dr. Luciano Martins Verdade is an Associate Professor at the Center of Nuclear Energy in Agriculture (CENA) at São Paulo University (USP), Brazil. Panel moderated by Dr. Andreey Teles, Regional Council of Veterinary Medicine of Paraíba and Instituto SOS Caatinga - Alagoas, Brazil. The event featured Dr. Carla Gheler Costa (Chamber of Deputies) and Dr. Gilberto Sabino Santos (Tulane University). Recording available: See also: 
January 20, 2022 Webinar
Zoonotic pandemics remain a global public health risk. The only way forward to control these pandemics is a One Health surveillance and response (OHSR) system. However, the human and animal health and the environmental sectors continue to operate in silos. In this webinar, Yahya Osman, veterinarian working at Jigjiga University, shared operationalization of OHSR in Adadle district of Ethiopia’s Somali region. Recording available: 

January 20, 2022 Webinar
Part of a discussion Series on One Health Biorisk Management, hosted by Vietnam One Health University Network (VOHUN), ongoing since May 2020. Recording Available.

Don’t forget!! 
You can view and you, 'yourself', can also post your One Health-related Opportunities directly to the One Health Commission’s

Summer Courses and Programs
(Application deadline March 8, 2022)
June 5 – June 17, 2022
(US Citizens and Green card holders)
This training is designed to provide introductory BSL-3/BSL-3 Ag training to research personnel, either current federal staff; research fellows; recent graduates from U.S. universities (BS, MS) and current enrolled students (BS, MS and PhD) who want to attain additional training and knowledge in the area of high-containment research and as potential career choice. The two-week program consists of one week of intensive, hands-on and classroom training at the Biosecurity Research Institute (BRI; at Kansas State University and the second week with in-person and/or virtual presentations (hybrid system) from area industry partners and seminars/lectures from national and international subject matter experts in high containment research and transboundary animal diseases. For more information and to apply:
April 6 - June 8, 2022
Hosted by The Global Consortium on Climate and Health Education, Earth Medicine/Nurse, and The Caribbean Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology, this 10-week, free, online certificate course provides health care professionals with the knowledge and tools to effectively respond to the climate and health crisis in their local communities throughout the Caribbean region. Sessions will be recorded for those unable to attend live. More information:

June 19th - July 22nd, 2022, 
UC Davis, California.

Open Access Online Course
Created by Michael Van Vleet, this course is an informative resource on the topics of Planetary and One Health, Indigenous & Traditional Knowledge, environmental changes, ethical considerations, and calls to action surrounding environmental and social well-being. More information. 
Online Course
Many Faiths - One Planet
Yale University Coursera Online Course offered by the Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology, this course explores the ecological dimensions of the world’s religions. It draws on a rich variety of lectures, videos, readings, and interviews with scholars, religious leaders, and environmental practitioners from around the world. It highlights religious ideas and practices inspiring eco-justice movements in response to the challenges of the climate emergency, biodiversity loss, and pollution. More information:
Free, open educational resources from the world’s leading experts on sustainable development. The SDG Academy creates and curates free massive open online courses (MOOCS) and educational materials on sustainable development and the Sustainable Development Goals.
New Course
Hosted by the University of Exeter’s College of Medicine and Health, this new course will explore how natural environments can benefit the physical and mental health of people in a variety of different ways. It will address the relationship between nature and health, how the relationship works, why this matters for the environment, public health and sustainability, as well as how you can apply these learnings in your own practice. This course investigates the potential for the natural environment to be harnessed as a resource to improve human health and wellbeing. Potential mechanisms, moderators, and applications for these health benefits will be explored, considering large data sets and key studies linking nature and exposure and health, both within the UK and around the world. More information:
See many more summer opportunities

The Department of Production Animal Health, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, in partnership with One Health at UCalgary, University of Calgary, invites applications for a tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor level in Antimicrobial Resistance with a One Health approach. The selected candidate will be nominated for a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Tier II Canada Research Chair (CRC) in Antimicrobial Resistance with a One Health approach. Closing date for applications is March 21, 2022.

The National Collaborating Centre for Infectious Diseases (NCCID) is looking to contract a bilingual (English & French) research assistant to help inform and grow a collaborative, awareness-building initiative on the growing public health concern of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR). Estimation of work: 400 hours, completion by end of June.

The Resident/Graduate Associate can expect to gain skills and experience in One Health competency areas, such as infectious disease epidemiology, food protection, environmental health, emergency response and preparedness, multi-disciplinary communication and coordination, and project management. Additional questions can be addressed to Ms. Casey Hofmann by email: or phone 614-292-1206.
Scholarships / Fellowships / Residencies / Postdocs

Pennsylvania State U, University Park, Pennsylvania, USA, Based in Dept of Geography beginning in July, 2022. Under direction of Brian King. Develop proposals, implement research projects, organize events and conferences. Contact,  See Information and application.

Apply for the Alan J. Magill Fellowship: $50,000 – Available Only to ASTMH Members from Low/Low-Middle Income Countries Who Wish to Broaden Their Leadership Skills. Deadline March 16, 2022.
The competitive grants program will once again fund up to four $5,000-$10,000 pilot projects that support incorporation of DEI in One Health activities, as well as pilots that propose the use of the One Health approach to address structural racism and reduce biases and inequities at whatever level the submitters might propose. More information:
Journal Articles and Reports
A Survey on One Health Approach in Colombia and Some Latin American Countries: From a Fragmented Health Organization to an Integrated Health Response to Global Challenges.  Cediel Becerra NM, Olaya Medellin AM, Tomassone L, Chiesa F, De Meneghi D, Front Public Health. 2021 Oct 25;9:649240. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.649240.

Attention to the Tripartite's one health measures in national action plans on antimicrobial resistance. Munkholm L, Rubin O, Bækkeskov E, Humboldt-Dachroeden S, Public Health Policy. 2021 Jun;42(2):236-248. doi: 10.1057/s41271-021-00277-y.

Climate Solutions Double as Health Interventions. Mailloux NA, Henegan CP, Lsoto D, Patterson KP, West PC, Foley JA, Patz JA, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021; 18(24):13339.

From the Approach to the Concept: One Health in Latin America-Experiences and Perspectives in Brazil, Chile, and Colombia. Pettan-Brewer C, Martins AF, de Abreu DPB, et al., Front Public Health. 2021;9:687110. Published 2021 Sep 14. doi:10.3389/fpubh.2021.687110

Mitigating Future Respiratory Virus Pandemics: New Threats and Approaches to Consider. Gray GC, Robie ER, Studstill CJ, Nunn CL, Viruses. 2021; 13(4):637. 

Tropical deforestation accelerates local warming and loss of safe outdoor working hours. Parsons, L. et al., One Earth. Published 17 December 2021

Worth Revisiting

The One Health Approach-Why Is It So Important? Mackenzie JS, Jeggo M., Trop Med Infect Dis. 2019;4(2):88. Published 2019 May 31. doi:10.3390/tropicalmed4020088
January 2022
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  • They are talking about One Health

May 28, 2021 Webinar
Hosted by the SEAOHUN One Health Students
January 31, 2022
"In this podcast, I talk with Dr. Gladys Kalema Zikusoka, Founder and C.E.O, Conservation Through Public Health. We talk through her conservation journey, CTPH and the programs they run to ensure both people and animals coexist. We also dig into how the Village health conservation teams operate on the ground and the value of ecotourism plus so much more."
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 'connect, create, and educate' for One Health.
Prepared by Bailey Archey, Blair Budd, Caitlin Holly and Cheryl Stroud
The news reported in One Health Happenings does not necessarily reflect the official position of the One Health Commission.
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