Grace Episcopal Church

Seeking and Serving Christ in all Persons

Parish News For the week of January 23, 2022

Worship Services

3rd Sunday after the Epiphany

Sunday, January 23

Holy Eucharist I

8 am

In-Person & ZOOM

Holy Eucharist Rite II

10:30 am

In-Person & YouTube

Evensong, 5 pm

Celebrating the Feast of Phillips Brooks. Works by Praetorius, Britten, Bedford, and Roberts will be accompanied and conducted by Ted Bickish and Martha Burford.

Morning Prayer

Monday - Friday

8:30 am, Wells Room (Library)

In-Person and ZOOM

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Visit Grace's Google Calendar for events and ZOOM link information!

Mark your Calendars

January 22 (Saturday) - Organ Recital featuring Ted Bickish, 4 pm

January 23 - Russia and Ukraine: Issues and Prospects, presented by Doug Ayer Parish Hall, 9:15 am

January 23 - Evensong, 5 pm

February 5 - Doctrine and Discipline of the Episcopal Church with David Cox, Parish Hall , 9:15 am

February 11 &12 - Vestry Retreat

February 12 (Saturday) - Organ Recital featuring Daniel Brinson and friends, 4 pm

February 13 - Learning About the Psalms with Joanne Robblee

Parish Hall, 9:15 am

February 13 - Taizé Eucharist, 5 pm

Christianity and Culture

January 23, Parish Hall, 9:15 am

Russia and Ukraine: Issues and Prospects, presented by Doug Ayer

No Christianity and Culture January 30.

Faith@Home for the week of February 23 -

Read: Luke 4:14-21

Reflect: Last week we read about Jesus’ first act of public ministry as recorded by John. This Sunday we hear Jesus’ first acts of public ministry recorded by Luke. In Luke’s Gospel, Jesus begins by teaching and preaching in area synagogues. Things were going pretty well until he showed up in his hometown. When it is Jesus’ turn as reader, he chooses to read only one portion of the assigned text– the part where Isaiah is writing in the voice of the savior for whom God’s people had been waiting. Then he announces that the text is about him. Take a close look at what the text says about who the savior will be-the one who “brings good news to the poor, proclaims release to the captives, recovery of sight to the blind, lets the oppressed go free, and proclaims the year of the Lord’s favor.” (Luke 4:18-19, NRSV) Not exactly what you might expect in a world where might = right.

Respond: The most startling feature of the Bible’s depiction of the savior who will come to bring redemption to people and planet, in Jesus’ time and our own, is not really the miracles– magicians have existed since the beginning of time. It’s not really even that he says he’s God– a stroll down any busy street in virtually any large city will find us at least one person who believes the same. The most startling thing about the promised savior is how he flips power dynamics on God’s behalf. The kingdom of God we will inhabit with God in death and that Jesus came to enact here on earth is one where power and social capital are outpoured onto those that society says deserve it least. Journal your answers to these questions: who in your community and church family have the least power? How might you advocate on their behalf to make sure their voice gets heard?

Jessica Davis, FORMA

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Music Notes

  • On Saturday, Jan. 22 at 4 pm, Ted Bickish will present a recital of works by Bach, Boëly, Thalben-Ball, Vierne, Shearing, and others on the Casavant Freres Opus 3941 at Grace Episcopal Church. Bickish, former Music Director at Grace, studied Organ and Organ Performance at Johns Hopkins and Westminster Choir College, and currently is Music Director at Fourth Presbyterian Church, Bethesda, Maryland. The recital is open to the public, free will donations accepted. Audience masking is requested.

  • On Sunday, Jan. 23 at 5 pm, the Choir of Grace Church will offer Evensong celebrating the Feast of Phillips Brooks. Works by Praetorius, Britten, Bedford, and Roberts will be accompanied and conducted by Ted Bickish and Martha Burford, Director of Music at Grace. The Choral Evensong, an Anglican musical offering of the Office of Evening Prayer, includes the choir's singing of psalms, anthems, and canticles, and sung prayers. It also offers scripture, congregational singing of two hymns.

  • Feb. 12, 4 pm, former Grace Episcopal Director of Music, Daniel Brinson will present Opus 3941's 3rd recital, which will include some choral music and congregational singing.
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Diocese of Southwestern Virginia

103rd Annual Convention

January 28 - 30

Out of an abundance of caution only Clergy and Delegates are invited in-person to the DIOSWVA 103rd Annual Convention.

The business session on Saturday January 29 and the worship on Sunday January 30 will be live streamed on the Diocesan YouTube channel 

Saturday morning will include the Bishop’s address, first ballots for Standing Committee and Disciplinary Board and other reports. Saturday afternoon will be very brief including approval of the budget, courtesy resolutions and a second ballot if necessary.

Note: Grace Lexington will be open for 8 am and 10:30 am Sunday worship in person and virtually. Holt Merchant will lead Morning Prayer at 8 am. The Reverend Paul Weber will celebrate Holy Eucharist at 10:30 am.

Lanford Mission Emergency Fund (LMEF)

Thank You, Thank You!! The Christian Outreach Committee on behalf of the

Lanford Mission Emergency Fund (LMEF) expresses its grateful appreciation

for parishioners’ generous Christmas 2021 offerings. The impact of Covid-19 continues as many workers’ hours have been reduced or the job has ceased to exist due to business closures. Your gifts have already enabled the LMEF to assist with several

rent requests in January to keep Rockbridge County residents in their homes.

Grace continues to work collaboratively with RARA, Lex Pres, and St. Patrick's to meet emergency requests. In 2021, the LMEF responded to 138 requests in the amount of $16,301.13. The LMEF pays for these requests through COC grant money; your Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter offerings; quarterly draws from the Lanford Mission Emergency Fund Investment Account; and special gifts. 

Thank you again for your generosity and continued support of this vital Grace outreach ministry in Rockbridge County! 

Vestry Minutes

Vestry Minutes are available on our website under the vestry tab.

Acolytes, Chalice Ministers, Greeters, Readers, and Ushers Needed!

Please contact Lisa ( or Sharon ( if you are able to acolyte, chalice, greet, read or usher once or twice a month.

Happy Birthday

Colin Murphy (1/4), Elizabeth Branner (1/5), Martha Burford (1/5), Laurent Boetsch (1/8), Debbie Arnn (1/8), Helen Moore (1/8),Janet Lemmer (1/10), Peter Grover (1/10) Signe Lewis (1/11), Carol Muir (1/12), Bonnie Gates (1/14), Liz Moss (1/14),

Farris Hotchkiss (1/15), Gabrielle Frascati (1/16), Elizabeth Boetsch (1/19), Paul Strickland (1/20), Sarah Edgar (1/21), Virginia Cooke (1/23), Maille Carrington (1/26), Molly Hellwig (1/27), Sean Carrington (1/27), Jane Brooke (1/29), Melissa Gladwell-Sayre (1/30), Tom Gosse (1/31)

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