See what is happening at Grace Lutheran!
January 20, 2022
This is a quick weekly reminder of what is happening at Grace
in worship and in ways to connect and serve.
Pastor's Message
Generous Love and Outrageous Hospitality

Pastor Maria and I went to see "Come from Away" last night at the Orpheum. We stumbled into these tickets because I had bought them for my parents back in 2019 for their Christmas gift, hoping they would see it over the summer in 2020. Clearly, that didn't happen. It's hard to believe, but they didn't want to leave Arizona in the middle of January even to see a play. Who doesn't love the fridge temperatures and the ice?

If you don't know the story, Come from Away tells the story of the "plane people" who get trapped in Gander, Newfoundland on September 11th and the following days. This tiny town of approximately 9,000 people, ends up having to feed and house 7,000 unhappy travelers during a time of crisis. What the plane people experience is outrageous hospitality and incredible generosity.

One of my favorite characters in the play is black man from New York City (all of the actors play multiple roles and hardly anyone has a name). At the beginning of his journey he is worried about things like his wallet, and all of these people being around him. But slowly, transformation starts to happen. He is invited into the home of one of the mayors to shower and to stay overnight in the guest room. He continues to wonder what trick is being pulled over his eyes (People can't be this nice. Can they?). When he is told to go door to door and collect grills from people's backyards, he is convinced that the people of Gander are out of their minds. But he goes anyhow and at each house he is invited for tea, conversation and into relationship. Watching this man's transformation is amazing. He goes from a man worried, and skeptical of others, to one who admits that healing has happened within him. He is the first to suggest passing a hat to start a scholarship to say thank you to the people of Gander. Love, hospitality, unconditional welcome and care does indeed equal transformation.

I believe this is what God does for us. We might feel like our life has somehow gotten off course, but God invites us to come one in, find a place to rest, to be ourselves and to experience welcome and care. This is what I want people to experience when they come to Grace: radical love, abundant generosity and care, and outrageous hospitality. I am so grateful for the ways that you all show up to be the hands and the feet, and the hearts of God here in this place.

Pastor Joanna 
-Wednesdays at 7:30pm Intergenerational
-Saturdays at 5:00pm Contemporary
-Sundays at 8:45am Traditional
-Sundays at 10:30am Contemporary
We do not require masks but we strongly encouraged masks for all attending in-person worship. If you are unvaccinated we strongly recommend masks. We do ask if you are not feeling well or ill please stay home. We will continue to live stream worship services for those who do not feel comfortable coming to worship or those who are out of the area.

Fellowship after Worship on Sundays is on hold due to rising COVID-19 numbers.
Wednesday Nights at Grace
6:00-6:30pm Family Pizza-ON HOLD due to high COVID-19 numbers
6:30-7:30pm-Children, Catechism, High School, Adult Large and Small Groups
7:30-8:00pm-Intergenerational Worship
8:00-9:00pm-High School Fellowship
(Please note that there will not be Children activities, Adult Large and Small Groups, and Worship on Wed., Feb. 2nd. There will be Catechism.)
Ministries News
Egg Roll Fundraiser

The Youth will be taking orders for homemade egg rolls (made and rolled by our youth and adult volunteers) on Sunday, January 16th and 23rd. The egg rolls come frozen, fully cooked and ready to be warmed up in the oven or air fryer. They $10 for a pack of 10 and will be distributed on Sunday February 6th after worship, just in time for all your snacking needs during the Super Bowl the following Sunday! Don’t need them right away? They can be in the freezer for a year so stock up! Egg Roll Ingredients: Egg roll shell, ground pork, onion, carrot, bean thread noodle, garlic, pepper and fish sauce.

Not able to order on Sunday? You can place an online order through Realm HERE or, email Kristi at You also can call the front office at 763.421.6520.

All proceeds will go towards youth summer trips and activities. Thank you for supporting our youth!
Projection/Streaming Training!

Are you interested in running our projections, or helping with the live stream? We would WELCOME your presence in the sound booth! David Phelps will be offering short training sessions after Saturday worship, and between services on Sunday. If you have any questions you can email David at, or just show up on Saturday or Sunday.  
The Expanding role of AP Hopper

When AP came to Grace mid-summer, I was immediately aware that God had gifted us with a tremendous individual who would enhance our ministry together. She told me in our first conversation that not only is she a fabulous musician (she didn’t say that- I heard it for myself), but she is also a Deacon (in the Catholic church), I wondered what God might be inviting us to consider. I asked AP where her passions lie. She told me as a Deacon her call is to do outreach, to help people live out their faith beyond the walls of the church.

We have been in conversation for a while now, about how she might expand her role at Grace and as of this week, it is finally official. AP will be serving as a part-time Director of Outreach. She will be connecting with our outreach leaders, serving as a liaison for the staff, helping with pastoral care and forming community relationships. I am so grateful to have AP share more of her time and energy with us. She is a woman of incredible faith with so many wonderful gifts to share.

Please join me in welcoming AP to this new role.
Pastor Joanna Mitchell
Self-Care for the Caregiver

Monthly virtual sessions: begins January 27th at 6pm; offered the last Thursday of each month. A virtual monthly drop in group, Care/Support for the Caregiver. Each of these groups would provide community, support and an education topic. There will be a MHC Navigator, a therapist and our educator (Drew Brooks) at the meeting each month. Many of you are searching for help for a loved one, but you also need support too.
Boy Scout Pancake Breakfast
Sunday, Feb. 6th

Sunday, February 6th in the Grace Fellowship Hall after all Worship Services, 9:30am-12:30pm. Enjoy delicious pancakes, sausage, juice and coffee while supporting our local Boy Scouts. Freewill offering is greatly appreciated.
Empty Nesters/Parents of
Independent Children Group
Monday, Feb. 14th @ 6:30pm
Love & Money
Our next event will be on Monday, February 14th from 6:30 pm to 7:45 pm in the Seeds of Grace preschool classroom. We will socialize, have dinner, and discuss a lighthearted topic.
This group is still searching for a better, more accurate name, but we know our purpose: we are a welcoming group that gathers together for dinner, conversations, volunteering, and fun events. As our kids become more independent and reach milestones such as being confirmed, getting their driver’s license, or graduating from high school, we often sense a loss of connection with our kids and also with other parents at church. This group is for you if:
  • You no longer have kids living under your roof
  • If you have an adult “child” (18-30 years old) still living at home
  • You have teenagers who can drive and you sense the changes that are approaching as they will someday graduate from high school
  • You wonder whether anyone has good ideas on how to “parent” teenagers and adult “children” who live at home.
Since we will be serving dinner, we ask that you please register on Realm or contact Nancy Jenkins ( or Sandy Schmoll ( Please email us if you have any questions. We look forward to seeing you!
President’s Day Snow Tubing Trip to Elm Creek!
Monday, Feb. 21st

Middle and High School Youth are invited to an afternoon of snow tubing on Monday, February 21st. Meet at church at 1:00pm to carpool to Elm Creek in Maple Grove and then back to church for hot cocoa and a snack. Pick up from church at 5:00pm. Warming houses are available, please bring warm clothes  appropriate for tubing. Cost is $15. Friends are always welcome! Sign up on Realm! 
Wild Mountain Ski Trip 
Tues., Feb. 22nd
9:00am to 5:00pm

In December, a group from Grace went skiing at Wild Mountain and we had a BLAST! Anoka-Hennepin has Tuesday, February 22nd off and we are planning another Wild Mountain Youth and Family Ski Day! Open to all: adults, families, children, youth and friends. New skiers and old pros are invited to sign up.  Students under 6th grade must have an adult join them. We will carpool from church at 9:00am. Youth without an adult will be supervised and driven by an adult leader. Cost is: $30 for adults, $26 for students plus $24 for anyone needing ski or snowboard rentals. Sign up on Realm by February 16th. 
Grace's Opportunities for Giving
Noisy Offerings

Noisy Offerings support outreach in our community and in our world. Noisy Offering collected from Jan. 16th to Jan. 31st will be going to Family Promise in Anoka.
Give Electronically through GraceRealm
Consider electronic giving on GraceRealm. It’s a convenient way to give consistently throughout the year. If you have any questions, contact Frances or Marie in the Church Office or Click on the GraceRealm link below.

If you are wondering where your giving is for the year, please log in to GraceRealm. Find Giving on the tool bar. Then select My Giving History.  
Grace's Resources
Prayers of the Church

We pray especially for: John Cairl, Tanya Blue & Family, Scott Christensen, Betty Thompson, Eric Nelson, Gayle Pacholl, Cathy Stoll, Jan Quick, Jim, Sandy, Harland Johnson, Jason Beckman, Amber Turner, Baby Dylan Salfer, Lu Henning, Jeffrey Kintzler, Alison Husak, Juleen Klawiter, Carroll Potter, Clint Trousil, Luke Galland, Margret Olson, John Malecha, Stephanie and Samantha Fernandez, Christopher Sluis, Julie Swedberg, LaDonna Lilyquist, Charlotte Montei, Lynn Zirkle, Elsie Weisenberger, Linda Christiansen, Judi Wold, Ralph & Colleen Wernimont. And we also pray for those who have experienced the death of a loved one, especially John & Lavonne Hite upon the death of their son, Dennis Hite.
New Member Class
Jan. 23rd at 10:00am

Pastor Joanna will be having a New Member Class on Sunday, January 23rd at 10:00am in the Fellowship Hall. This class is for anyone wishing to join our family here at Grace Lutheran. Please sign up on the link below.
Congregational Meeting
Sunday, January 30th at 9:45am-10:20am

Every year, Grace takes a day to review what we've done in the last year and discuss what we will do in the next. This year, the annual meeting for Grace Lutheran Church will be held on Sunday, January 30, 2022, at 9:45am to 10:20am in the Worship Center. We will review the 2021 Annual Report, voting on the 2022 budget and also hearing from the Vision Board regarding the distribution of the tithe. Please mark your calendars and join us for this important morning in our life together.