“Time is the brush of God as he paints His masterpiece on the heart of humanity.
 Ravi Zacharias
“When you can't put your prayers into words,
God hears your heart.
In his social encyclical Fratelli Tutti, Pope Francis draws upon the words of St. Francis of Assisi and urges us to unite “as a single human family” in which we are “brothers and sisters all.” Through ministerial outreach, our Sisters extend their hearts and hands to God’s diverse people, doing their small part to achieve social justice for all.
Sister Adelina (standing) leads a bilingual scripture class in San Angelo, Texas.
Graced By God
Sister's ministry work helps to fulfill a common hunger for faith
Sister Adelina Garcia has learned firsthand that, no matter how diverse their heritage, economics or circumstances, people remain united by their common search for faith. In the Office of Evangelization & Catechesis in the Diocese of San Angelo, Texas., she and Sister Hilda Marotta coordinate adult faith formation, lead retreats and teach theology and spirituality — oftentimes in bilingual format.

“Meeting people who are seeking the holy and want meaning in their lives excites me,” Sister Adelina says. “I accompany the marginalized and grow in my faith as I witness their faith. Together, we form the Body of Christ.”

In addition to leading workshops and retreats nationally, Sister Adelina has been involved in such national initiatives as Journeying Together, which ministers to refugees, migrants, seafarers and even circus travelers.

“Sometimes my work takes me outside of the Catholic community. Sometimes it takes me beyond the diocese and beyond Texas,” Sister says. “But, always, I am amazed by people’s openness and hunger for God.”

Sisters Adelina and Hilda also run our Franciscan Resource Center in San Antonio, coordinating bilingual classes, spiritual direction and mornings of reflection. The Center has finally reopened after a year lost to the pandemic, just in time to mark the Feast of St. Francis earlier this fall.

Eighteen years into her ministry, Sister continues to grow and says she gets just as much as she gives. “I recognize God in those I encounter. My relationships with those I serve help me to grow in my faith. I feel truly blessed and graced by God.”
2022 Spring Raffle Tickets
Our 2022 Spring Raffle tickets are ready! Available for a $5 donation, each ticket includes two four-digit numbers and 62 chances to win cash through May 2022, including $1,000 each Sunday! Winners are based on the evening Pick 4 drawing of the Pennsylvania Lottery. You need not live in Pennsylvania to participate. Check your mailbox for your official order form. Didn't receive one? Get details and your form here!
Cursive Cupid
I remember when I taught first grade for the first time and I asked all the kids to put their Valentines in a nice, big beautifully-decorated box. But when Valentine’s Day came, I had to read all the names on the cards. Their mothers had written the names in cursive, and the children did not yet know cursive. It took me a week to read all those names!
 Sister Lois Jean DiFalco
Celebrating the ‘Other’ February 14
Less secularly, February 14 also is the Feast of Saints Cyril and Methodius, co-patrons of Europe. “Back in the day” in Texas, two of our Sisters — one a Croatian-American and one an Italian-American — decided that it was “right and just” to celebrate these great missionaries to the Slavic people. They decided to throw a Slovak dinner, doing some of the cooking themselves and enlisting some of the other Sisters to make their homemade specialties.

The Sisters from our other community were invited, and it became an annual event for many years, complete with singing Slovak songs, and a few people buying inexpensive fabric to make their own version of traditional “peasant dress.” Maybe it was the beginning of our realizing that we are truly an international congregation.
— Sister Nancy Celaschi