
The Rupert Report

From the Desk of AIANTA's CEO |December 5, 2022

Available in the Holiday Silent Auction - Lakota Youth Development Tipi Stay. This is a 2-night stay in tipi with storytelling and a traditional meal. Reconnect with Grandmother Earth on the prairies of Sicangu Lakota Land as you stay in one of our canvas tipis on our 10-acre cultural campus. Our elders, knowledge keepers, instructors, and youth apprentices show you the Lakota experience on our ancestral homelands. Certificate good for up to 4 people. Our Tipi Stays season is May 15th-September 30th, 2023.

AIANTA Highlights for the Coming Week

2023 Visitor Outreach Program Opportunities

Visitor Outreach Program 2023 Upcoming Events

Are you ready for the international market? Do you want to expand your current operations to include international visitors?

International travelers seek authentic and unique cultural experiences which creates ample opportunities for AIANTA members to welcome the international market to their communities. The Visitor Outreach Program provides technical assistance and training through webinars, Go International, and experiential tradeshow opportunities.

Check out our upcoming events at

More Information

OIED and AIANTA Fundamentals of Grant Writing Keys to Funding Success Webinar

AIANTA, in collaboration with the Office of Indian Economic Development(OIED), is hosting a webinar to review the grant process from application, planning and preparation, grant writing mechanics, common pitfalls and best practices and where to find further resources.

The webinar is comprised of two series:

December 8, 2022 from 2:00-3:30 pm EST; Part 1 - Planning & Mechanics December 15, 2022 from 2:00-3:30 pm EST; Part 2 - Reading a Notice of Funding Opportunity & Request for Proposal

Register Now

Holiday Silent Auction

December 5-15, 2022

AIANTA is having a Holiday Silent Auction on December 5-15, 2022.

The AITC Silent Auction raises funding for AIANTA’s Hospitality and Tourism Scholarship Program, which benefits American Indian, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian scholars pursuing post-secondary degrees in Hospitality and Tourism Management and other tourism-related fields. 

The ongoing success of the Scholarship Program is due in large part to the generosity of our AIANTA member communities, partners, and donors.  

To bid on items you will need to click on the register button and input your credit card information. Once you register click on the Browse Items tab. In this tab, you are able to view all items. When viewing an item you can place a Bid, Watch an Item or Buy Now. Confirm your bid and set a Max Bid amount to allow the system to automatically place bids on your behalf up to your Max Bid. Access your Activity from the Menu or Profile icon to see items you've bid on, won or are watching. Keep an eye on the color-coded icons indicating your current bidding status. At the end of the event, check Your Activity to see what you've won! Check your receipt to see all purchases & payments for the event.


Town Hall Webinar: Sharing Stories: Native American Artists and the Creative Economy

December 13, 2022; 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. (Mountain)

Join us as we explore the diversity and the promise of the role the arts play in tourism and cultural and economic development. Hear from arts leaders representing some of the best tribal and Native arts programs led by American Indian, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian communities.

Native American arts, including visual arts, music, theatre, dance, literature and beyond, are among the most promising ways to expand tourism and the economic success of rural and urban Native communities. Historically underestimated, Native Artists play a pivotal role in building economies, generating tourism assets and simultaneously preserving cultural heritage.

Poeh Art Center Pottery Classes

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15 Scholarships Available for the ASU/AIANTA Sustainable Tourism for Native Nations and Communities

Application Deadline: Monday, January 31, 2023

AIANTA, in collaboration with the School of Community Resources & Development, in the Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions at Arizona State University (ASU), Downtown Phoenix, has designed a Professional Certificate Program in Sustainable Tourism for Native Nations and Communities Certificate. The online program brings together industry experts who help students explore the importance of sustainable tourism with a specific emphasis on American Indian, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian cultural tourism efforts.

The program is comprised of seven online modules over seven weeks. One module is scheduled per week, with a final project for participants seeking ASU credit and others who would like to do the project.

Upon successful completion of the seven online modules, students will receive a Professional Certificate in Sustainable Tourism from the Arizona State University's School of Community Resources & Development, in the Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions. This certificate program is offered both as a professional development option and a university credit option.

The 15 scholarships for the course are funded by NATIVE Act funds through a collaboration with the Office of Indian Economic Development.

Apply Now
(See you later, Northern Paiute)

Sherry L. Rupert, Chief Executive Officer
American Indian Alaska Native Tourism Association
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Funding Opportunities
AIANTA collects funding opportunities that may be of interest to Indigenous or Native American tourism & hospitality enterprises looking to grow their tourism, culture, heritage, arts, agritourism or other culture and heritage programming.

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