We are available Monday through Friday.
We encourage you to call or email us with any questions.
May is Mental Health
Awareness Month

Children and Mental Health: Is This Just a Stage?
Raising a child can be challenging. Even under the best circumstances, their behaviors and emotions can change frequently and rapidly. 

It can be tough to tell if troubling behavior in a child or teen is just part of growing up or a problem that should be discussed with a health professional. In this article from the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), families can learn more about when and how to seek help for their child.#shareNIMH
May is Better Speech and Hearing Month

10 Signs That Your Child May Have a Hearing Loss
A possible hearing loss is more difficult to identify in older children, whose speech skills are already developed.

Nevertheless, the following guidelines from the American Hearing Health Foundation can help parents detect a possible acquired hearing loss.
Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) / Response to Intervention (RTI) Process Cannot Be Used to Delay/Deny an Initial Evaluation
OSERS’ Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) recently emailed copies of two memoranda to IDEA Part B Directors and Section 619 Coordinators regarding the child find requirements in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
Transition Tuesday
Webinar Series

June 13, 2023 - 7:00 PM

Unexpected Journey of Obtaining a Driver's License

Andrew Arboe, an Autistic self-advocate, will talk about his driving journey and the challenges he faces on the road. His story relates to the needs of teens and young adults with executive functioning and sensory challenges as they contemplate becoming a licensed driver. This workshop will focus on the strategies Andrew uses when driving and how driving has opened his world to new experiences, both professionally and personally. He became a public speaker to present about his autism experiences to organizations nationwide with five years of professional autism experience.

Presenter: Andrew Arboe
Backpack Training
Webinar Series

June 14, 2023 - 12:30 PM

Social Skills

In this session, participants will learn how to use solution kit
cards as prompts to assist in problem-solving in social contexts.
Please join us to learn hands-on strategies to utilize with
your young child.

Presented By: Bethanne Vergean, Research Assistant, UConn Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities and Connecticut's Act Early Ambassador for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

en español en vivo

CPAC presenta
Martes de Transición

13 de junio de 2023
a las 7 PM

Viaje inesperado de obtener
una licencia de conducir

Este seminario web repasará una de las muchas experiencias que las personas pueden enfrentar en este camino. Andrew Arboe, un adulto con autismo y auto defensor repasará su viaje de conducción y su funcionamiento ejecutivo y desafíos sensoriales. Su historia relata las necesidades selectas de adolescentes y adultos jóvenes mientras contemplan convertirse en conductores con licencia. Andrew también se centrará en las estrategias que utiliza para conducir y cómo la conducción ha abierto su mundo a nuevas alturas en los últimos cinco años e iniciar un programa en línea durante un año debido a la conducción.

Presentado por: Andrew Arboe

Serie de seminarios web 2023 Conexión de Mochila

14 de junio de 2023

Habilidades Sociales

En esta sesión, los participantes aprenderán cómo usar las tarjetas del kit de soluciones como indicaciones para ayudar a resolver problemas en contextos sociales. Únase a nosotros para aprender estrategias prácticas para usar con su hijo pequeño

Presentado por: Bethanne Vergean, asistente de investigación, UConn Centro para la Excelencia en Discapacidades del Desarrollo y Embajadora de Aprenda los signos, reaccione pronto. Del Centro para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC).

For more events visit
our website!

Please visit our YouTube channel where you will find recordings of online workshops and Zoom sessions in English and Spanish.
5 Shaw's Cove, Suite 102
New London 06320

Phone: (860) 739-3089