Worship Each Week & Daily Prayer
Attending weekly gives you the opportunity to re-center your life,
give God honor and glory, and remember what is really important in life.
This Week's Prayer Calendar

Regional Church Council & Board (Pastor Jason is secretary)
Congregations: Sunnyland Christian Church, Washington; First Christian Church Lawrenceville

Global Ministries: Indonesia
Pray with Indonesia, March 20, 2022 - Global Ministries

Lectionary Selection: Luke 13:1-9 Prayers for Indonesia Gracious God, we pray today for the people of Indonesia. In the midst of pandemic, cyclones, floods, landslides, and earthquakes, they struggle with faith and dignity to affirm the gift of...

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Grow in Faith
through listening, paying attention, and reading 5 verses a day
Take a class, as you make friends and grow to know what learning, loving, and serving God and neighbor means in everyday life.
Morning Devotion
Each weekday (Monday - Friday), Pastor Jason shares a brief 4-7 minute scripture reading, reflection, response, and prayer. The associated devotion is posted to Prairie Avenue's Facebook page.
You may also access it on the church website: It is posted around 8:20 to 8:30 each morning.

Use Your Gifts by sharing five acts of love and kindness each week
Serve God and neighbor by using your gifts and talents both inside and outside the walls of the church. Each of us have spiritual gifts and natural abilities to use to serve others and glorify God.
Serve Saturday Activities
Our first official "Serve Saturday" is this Saturday!

Les Ruffner, our past board chair, is seeking individuals who will help sort, organize and clean many of the spaces that have sat unchanged within the education wing and sanctuary buildings. Our projects for Saturday morning include cleaning and sorting the sanctuary boiler room, choir room, and garage.

Your time commitment is only 8 am to Noon, Saturday, March 19. Let's start preparing for our upcoming Easter celebration!
Give Regularly through five acts of generosity each month
Giving regularly not only supports the work of the church,
but also is your way of giving God priority in your life.
What we love is where we will spend first.
When we are able to give, it always deepens our faith
in loving and serving God.
And now these three remain: faith, hope, and Love.  But the greatest of these is Love 1 Cor. 13:13

Thank you for your generosity in giving to the relief, refuge and development ministry of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)! Pastor Jason challenged regular contributors to make a special offering with a 90% participation rate. There are 16 regular contributors to Prairie Avenue, and we are thankful to 10 (59%) who have already responded! We need an additional 4 to join in participating in whatever amount and size of the gift. To date, we have received $304.27 Our Giving Goal is $600.

Week of Compassion is the relief, refugee, and development mission fund of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Your gifts to Week of Compassion bring hope out of despair, find blessings amid the devastation, and help transform loss into new life. Your contributions bring tangible relief and change the course of lives. When you give, you help rebuild communities recovering from disaster. You also empower farmers to grow new kinds of crops in a changing climate; you support refugees; you empower youth through education, and empower women through vocational opportunities. In so many different ways, your gifts of love have the power to transform lives. Love is shelter. Love is a listening ear. Love is community. Love is a hopeful future. Love is a path forward. When all else seems lost, Love remains. 
MOVE-IN STARTER KITS: Items are needed for those individuals and families transitioning from homelessness to housing. The Macon County Continuum of Care is accepting items at Northeast Community Fund (NECF) and distributing them to agencies serving those moving into housing.
  • cleaning supplies
  • paper products
  • bath towels
  • kitchen towels
  • sheets/blankets/pillows
  • plates/glasses/silverware
  • kitchen utensils
  • pots/pans
DOMESTIC VIOLENCE SHELTER NEEDS: Disposable 3 ply face masks for clients, washable face masks, vinyl gloves (medium, large, xl), Clorox wipes, aerosol disinfectant spray, paper towel rolls, baby wipes, disposable diapers, pull-ups, new bath towels, new nightshirts-women's, all sizes, new sweatsuits, unisex, all sizes, African-American hair care products, hair grease, hairbrushes-natural & nylon bristles, conditioner, body wash, deodorant (women), disposable cups, plates & eating utensils, plastic (not disposable) drinking cups
DOES YOUR BANK/FINANCIAL INSTITUTION PROVIDE BILL PAY SERVICES? If so, you can make sure your tithe/gift/offering arrives whether you are able to attend or not! Often when someone is absent, their offering is also. Or you left it on the table while coming to church! You can set up Prairie Avenue Christian Church as a "bill" (we are not, of course) and schedule timely checks to be mailed at no cost to our address. Many members have taken advantage of our online giving portal, but it also charges fees each time! Avoid the service charges and fees by setting us up as a regular payment through your bank/financial institution. Without fail, your support will arrive. Set your "payment" plan today.
Thank You for your generosity!
General Fund

Donations given to the Prairie Avenue Christian Church General Fund support the year-round ministries of the church. Your generous support keeps our building, staff, and operations working for the mission of the church. The mission of Prairie...

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Fundraising Project - reFresh Capital Campaign

Announced at the State of the Church address on June 30, 2015, the reFresh capital campaign has two improvement/update priorities: updating HVAC equipment and internet/network accessibility.

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For instructions in registering your Kroger Rewards Card, Click Here.

The Organization code for Prairie Avenue Christian Church is: BY235.
Kroger Community Rewards Program News
$29.12 was raised by 12 households who have linked their Kroger customer reward cards to support Prairie Avenue Christian Church. The quarterly contribution is for shopping at Kroger during October - December 2021

Joining to support the ministries of Prairie Avenue Christian Church is FREE. Any transactions moving forward using the Shopper’s Card number associated with your digital account will be applied to the program, at no added cost to you. Kroger donates annually to participating organizations based on your percentage of spending as it relates to the total spending associated with all participating Kroger Community Rewards organizations.
Get Your Disciples Apparel and Gear Here!

Get your Disciples polos, hats, and hoodies in a variety of colors. Order by the 15th to be included in this month's production! 10% of the proceeds benefits the Disciples Mission Fund!

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"When you shop for items or gifts at, AmazonSmile will donate a portion of your eligible purchases to Prairie Avenue Christian Church at no cost to you!"
Prairie Avenue Christian Church is a listed charity with the Smile.Amazon program. Please use, and choose Prairie Avenue Christian Church for your generous support. We received a $7.56 donation from the AmazonSmile Foundation as a result of AmazonSmile program activity between July 1 and September 30, 2021.
Share Your Faith by inviting 5 people to church this year
The God you worship is always revealed through your words and actions. Awkward conversations (i.e. "Are you saved?") are not necessary when your words and actions reveal the God you seek to learn, love, and serve.
In Other News
Partnering to Respond in Ukraine

For us, like for many others, every day Ukraine is on our hearts. So begins a letter from Pieter and Nora Kalkan, missionaries to the Czech Republic, writing to their church family in the (American Baptist) International Ministries.

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Imagine With Me
Mental Health & Ministry
March 11, 2022
In this episode of Imagine with Me, Rev. Terri Hord Owens speaks with Joselyn Spence Director of the National Benevolent Association’s Mental Health and Wellness Initiative about clergy mental health and resources for congregations.

“When I think about the ministry of Jesus and Jesus being a Healer, not only did he heal people, but he also made people aware of what they could do within their healing. Whether that was your faith has made you well. Take up your mat and walk. You know, I think about the people who witnessed that, I think about the people who were there, who helped people to get to their healing, the friends who brought their friend to the roof. But to also think about who else in the community was helping them get to the top of the roof. And so when we think about our work together as a church and mental health and wellness and how we support one another, it’s pausing to see ourselves in these narratives and to think through what is it that I can do today?” – Joselyn Spence