Thursday, February 24, 2022
TODAY: Coffee with Kevin
Today at 3 p.m., President Kevin Satterlee will host a virtual Coffee with Kevin event on Zoom and livestreamed on YouTube. Join Kevin for an informal question and answer session. The first 500 people in the Zoom meeting can ask questions via the chat feature, and anyone can ask questions on the YouTube live stream in the comments section. 
Meeting ID: 838 1567 9910
Passcode: 1901
A University Paleontologist's Take on the "Jurassic World: Dominion" Trailer
Join Idaho State Paleontologist Brandon Peecook for a scientist/dinosaur aficionado’s take on the new "Jurassic World: Dominion" trailer. Find out what he thinks about Mosasaurus, one of the biggest (and scariest) lizards of all time, and how closely the movie monsters follow the science of today. 
University Inducts Six Alumni into Sports Hall of Fame
In recognition of their professional achievements, support of the University, and efforts to advance varsity sports, Idaho State inducted six alumni into the Sports Hall of Fame at a moving ceremony last Saturday. The six inductees shared what it means to be part of the Bengal community and how the campus community bettered their lives.
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Idaho State Today is a twice-weekly employee newsletter that shares University successes, campus updates, and recognizes faculty and staff. All past editions of the newsletter are archived online.

To submit an update or story for Idaho State Today, fill out the online form by Friday at noon for Monday's edition, and Wednesday at noon for Thursday's edition. A separate newsletter called ROAR Weekly is sent to students on Wednesdays.
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